One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 214 New Base

What surprised Akainu was that when he was communicating with Neptune and Princess Otohime, Neptune actually gave him hundreds of fear points. On the contrary, as a weak woman, Princess Otohime has a little fear value. Did not provide him, from this point, we can see that Neptune is actually not as courageous as his wife.

It is not an easy task to build a new Marine branch. Although Sengoku left this to him, it does not mean that he can come around at will. He still has to report to Naval Headquarters.

The order of Naval Headquarters was quickly issued and agreed to Akainu's suggestion to establish a new Marine branch in The fish men island, and everything in this branch was arranged by Akainu himself. This branch will be equivalent to directly belonging to Akainu in the future.

GX1 branch!

Because the Marine branch of the Grand Line always starts with G, but each branch has its own number, so Akainu re-established a branch. Naturally, it cannot occupy the code of other branch, so it can only be renumbered. GX1 is the code of this Marine branch. .

The fish men island is located in the first half of New World and Grand Line. It needs to deal with pirates who want to enter New World. Pirates who can enter New World from the first half of Grand Line will naturally not be weak, so Marine of this branch The strength must not be weak, otherwise it will not be able to deter the pirates.

Akainu thought for a long time and didn't think of a suitable candidate. The ghost spider was a good choice, but he still needs the ghost spider to help him with his affairs, making it impossible for the ghost spider to transfer outside.

He thought of the Marine Rear Admiral of West Blue. At that time, he promised to transfer him to his subordinates. This was a good opportunity. However, although the Rear Admiral had some strength, it was not enough to take on the big responsibility. To be the deputy of a base, the chief of the base still has to choose a stronger person.

After thinking about it for a long time, in the end Akainu still did not find a suitable candidate. After all, this belonged to the Marine branch under his command. If it were not someone who absolutely obeyed him, he would really not worry about giving this place to the other party.

In the end, Akainu decided to let the ghost spider serve as the commander of the base for a period of time. After all, the newly built base must be led by strong enough people. He cannot stay here forever. As his most trusted subordinate, the ghost spider, whether it is seniority or The ability is enough to serve as the chief officer of this base.

After Akainu made the decision, he immediately began to issue orders. First, he transferred the Rear Admiral from West Blue to Naval Headquarters, and then transferred him to this base. Now he only needs to take the post. All preparations are done by Akainu. Help him get it done.

He is such a person, and he will never be mean to his subordinates. Lopez has met his requirements and is willing to help him with things, relying on him wholeheartedly. He will naturally not ignore this person.

One month later, the establishment of the Marine branch has begun. Akainu has been staying in The fish men island for this period of time. He has not done anything. He is mainly responsible for the construction of the base. This busy day until the ghost spiders came, he Just relax.

Because the movement of The fish men island and Naval Headquarters is so big and obvious, this matter can't be kept from others. Soon, news of the establishment of a Marine branch base on The fish men island spread.

The uninterested people didn't care when they heard the news, but the interested people, especially the pirates, were all shocked after hearing the news.

For most pirates, The fish men island is a very important hub. It is the hub between the first half of the Grand Line and the New World. Once it is occupied by Naval Headquarters, it is absolutely heavy for them. Blow.

Of course, the pirates of New World are waiting to see the jokes, because The fish men island is the site of Whitebeard, the head of the Four Emperors of the pirates. Now Naval Headquarters is building a branch in The fish men island, which is simply hitting Whitebeard in the face. Many people are waiting to see how Whitebeard will react.

The last Whitebeard Pirates' war with Marine was only a few years ago, so many people hope that that kind of war can be repeated again, so that the Whitebeard Pirates and Marine will suffer another huge loss.

In fact, the Whitebeard Pirates did receive this information, and it was the first time, because at that time, Neptune had called Whitebeard before making a decision. With Whitebeard's permission, Neptune would agree to Akainu. .

The reason why Whitebeard did not object is because he also knows the special nature of The fish men island. If Marine is really ready to take action on The fish men island, he can't protect him at all. So out of concern for his old friends, he decided to remain indifferent. Let Marine build a branch base on The fish men island, anyway, for him, even if Marine establishes a branch on The fish men island, it is not a big deal.

The branch base continues to be built in an orderly manner. Because it is responsible for guarding the entrance to New World, the unit's specifications for this branch are also quite high, with a total of 10,000 troops.

Another two months have passed, and the construction of the Marine branch base is finally completed. This is the Marine Base that relies on The fish men island. The scope is not very large, but the geographical location is very important. Just two months. , The Marine soldiers of this branch base captured several waves of pirate groups who wanted to enter the New World from here, and they made some contributions.

For The fish men island, the stationing of the Marine branch is indeed not a bad thing for the moment, because the Marine soldiers did not pose a threat to The fish men island, as Akainu said. On the contrary, the two sides also proceeded. A certain degree of transaction.

After all, The fish men island is a kingdom, and the Marine branch base is just a base. More than 10,000 Marine soldiers eat and drink Lazard. It is impossible to transport them on land. In this way, they can only be with the fish men island. Murlocs trade, so it is natural for both parties to come into contact with each other.

At the beginning, the murlocs were still reluctant to trade with Marine, but then they discovered that the human Marine soldiers did not have malicious intent on them, and did not look down on them, but rather a fair deal, which gradually opened their hearts. Started a deal with Marine.

Of course, there is naturally the credit of Akainu and Princess Otohime. Akainu ordered his soldiers not to look down on murlocs or threaten them, so no one dared to disobey. Princess Otohime took the lead in trading with humans and led other fish. People trading has gradually evolved into this good phenomenon now.

In short, things on The fish men island are developing in a good direction. Both the Dragon Palace Kingdoms of Marine and The fish men island are relatively satisfied. The only dissatisfaction is the pirates.

Originally, there were not many roads leading to New World, most of them were still blocked by Marine. Finally, there was a The fish men island, which came here at all odds, but now there are more Marine branches. They are really angry and want to kill.

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