One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 254 A New Round of Lottery

Because he spent 50,000 fear points to purchase the initial state of Ryūjin Jakka, Akainu now only has 20,000 points of fear points left. He is not going to continue to exchange Observation Haki fruits, but chooses to draw.

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Thank you for participation!


The luck of the lottery this time was not so good. At the beginning, I didn't draw eight consecutive times. It was not until the ninth time that I won a donut.

If it was before, Akainu would have been very upset if he had drawn a donut, but now it is different. After he saw the donut drawn, he was very happy, because he has food, he can use it only after he draws the enchantment scroll.

There are still a lot of fear points, so he continues to draw, drawing continuously.

"Congratulations on winning a loyalty card, which has been deposited in the backpack!"

Thank you for participation!

Thank you for participation!

Thank you for participation!

"Congratulations on winning a senbei, which has been deposited in the backpack!"


"Congratulations on drawing a bursting charm, which has been deposited in the backpack!"


"Congratulations on winning a donut, which has been deposited in the backpack!"


He has drawn more than 200 times in a row, which is the most one-time draw so far. Naturally, the harvest is much greater than before.

3 donuts, 4 senbei, 5 loyalty cards, 5 bursting charms, 3 double fear cards, 2 cleaning cards, and 5 enchanting scrolls.

So all his current collections are: 3 donuts, 4 senbei, 5 loyalty cards, 9 blasting charms, 7 double fear cards, 7 cleaning cards, and 5 enchanting scrolls.

A total of twenty-seven fears in the early 20,000ths were drawn. The probability is not very high, but it’s okay, especially when five enchanted scrolls were drawn. This is what Akainu wants to see most, but it’s double fear. There are a lot of cards and cleaning cards, and he hasn't had a chance to use them up to now.

After the fear value was used up, Akainu took a breath and was about to start using the enchanting scroll.

"Food: Senbei (enchanting); Attribute: non-stop diarrhea; Duration: one day; Note: Only the first bite eaten is effective, and the rest has no attributes; after taking it, the diarrhea will not stop and it will take effect immediately."

"Food: Senbei (enchanted); Attribute: Swimming under the sea; Duration: one hour; Note: Only the first bite eaten is valid, and the rest has no attributes; anyone who can’t swim (including those with abilities) eat After going down, you can swim for the duration without any discomfort."

"Food: senbei (enchanted); attribute: golden gun not falling; duration: one hour; note: only the first bite eaten is valid, the rest has no attributes; within one hour of serving, if there is no vent, Weak for three days!"

"Food: donuts (enchant); attributes: swim under the sea; duration: one hour; note: only the first bite eaten is valid, the rest has no attributes; anyone who can't swim (including those with abilities), After eating, you can swim for the duration without any discomfort."

"Food: donut (enchant); attribute: golden gun will not fall; duration: one hour; note: only the first bite eaten is valid, the rest has no attributes; within one hour of serving, if there is no vent , Three days of weakness!"

All five enchanting scrolls were used up, and he got five enchanting foods in total. What satisfies him the most is two enchantments for swimming under the sea. This is the attribute he wants most.

He used up his fear points for a few years. When he earned fear points before, he was not so urgent. Most of them did what he wanted. But after seeing the fear points that Ryūjin Jakka’s Shikai needs, let him feel It is under tremendous pressure.

The power of the system no longer needs to be explained. Even weapons of the Ryūjin Jakka level are coming out. It’s not certain that there will be better products in the future. Therefore, the fear value is very important. Only enough fear value can be purchased. More and better products.

During the operation, Akainu kept in touch with Claude because he needed Claude to provide him with information.

In fact, although Claude has been in New World for so many years, in fact his intelligence ability can only be said to be average, but that was before. Since the last time he took away the treasure of Golden Lion, he immediately became rich. With money, other things are naturally easy to handle, so now his intelligence personnel have greatly increased, and his ability to gather intelligence has naturally also been greatly improved.

But even so, it took him a long time to find Jack's specific location.

"Boss Jack, this time we have not only completed the task, eliminated the bastards who dared to disobey Master Kaido's orders, but also solved a lot of Marine. After we go back, we will definitely be rewarded?"

On the pirate ship with the Beasts Pirates flag, a group of pirates gathered together and talked happily.

These pirates are all around a very tall pirate, this pirate is tied with a ponytail and two braids, with metal jaws on his mouth, and two ivory-like pirates on his head and shoulders. decorate.


This person is one of the big pirates of Beasts Pirates. Jack is the top figure in the middle platoon of Beasts Pirates. The army of capable people under his command is also one of the most elite troops in the Beasts Pirates.

"After going back this time, I will definitely reward you well."

"Boss Jack, Master Kaido values ​​you so much. I wonder if there will be a chance to be the same as the boss of KING this time?" A pirate asked.

Hearing this, Jack’s eyes suddenly flashed with fascination. Don’t look at him being so proud and arrogant in front of these people, but he also knew very well that he was far worse than the other two in the pirate group. Far away, he didn't want to be able to surpass those two, he just hoped to stand behind them.

"Boss Jack, there is a Marine warship behind us."

At this moment, suddenly, a pirate in charge of Watchwind shouted loudly.

"Marine's warship?"

The pirates on the boat were all taken aback, and then they all showed excitement. Jack did the same. He said loudly, "Unexpectedly, I met Marine again, and even dared to rush over unconsciously."

"Haha, Boss Jack, let's go kill them."

"I'm going to kill Marine again, this time I have to kill a few more, you don't want to rob me."

"New World's Marines are really a bunch of rubbish, and the previous bunch of Marines are also rubbish groups. They dare to fight with our pirates. We are New World Four Emperors, Beasts Pirates."


The pirates all yelled in excitement. Today's New World is the world of the Four Emperors of the pirates. In their eyes, Marine is nothing but a group of courageous rats who abuse them as they wish.

The warship that appeared behind Jack and them was naturally the warship led by Akainu. It took them two days to finally find Jack, and then catch up with them as quickly as possible.

"Sakazuki Admiral, ahead is the Pirate Ship of Beasts Pirates. It should be our target, Jack the Pirate."

This Marine Commodore, who told Akainu, was from the G5 branch, and Claude sent him to lead the way.

Akainu also saw the pirate ship, his face was full of murderous, and he shouted coldly: "Catch up, don't let anyone go."

"Yes, Sakazuki Admiral."

Akainu's state naturally attracted the attention of other people, and they all knew how much Akainu took this time, and no one dared to be careless.

"Sakazuki Admiral, the other party found us and stopped there. It seems that they are going to wait for us to pass. Should they rush over and shoot, or what?"

The soldier in charge of the operation of the warship asked Akainu.

Akainu waved his hand and said, "Don't attack, drive over, I will do it myself."

He has been holding back for so many days. At this time, seeing the Lord appearing, nowhere can he bear it. If it weren’t for the fact that he is still far away from him, he would have rushed to fight him. NS.

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