One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 301 Disposal of the Pirate Empress

Sengoku looked at Akainu in front of him with a headache. Akainu's efficiency is indeed fast. After only a long time, he killed the Nine Snakes and Pirates, and also captured the remaining pirates, including the Pirate Empress. come over.

His headache was that he asked Akainu to negotiate with the Nine Snakes and Pirates, but Akainu didn't talk about it, and directly defeated the Nine Snakes and Pirates by force, leaving no room at all. The method was too ruthless.

"Sakazuki, you did a great job this time. The Nine Snakes and Pirates have troubled us for so long. As a result, you caught them all as soon as you got out of the horse. You did a good job. What do you have in dealing with their problems? idea?"

Akainu replied without hesitation: "You can deal with what you should do. With what the Nine Snakes and Pirates have done in the past, even if you kill them all, it is not an exaggeration. My proposal is to execute them all. ."

Knowing it would be this kind of answer, Sengoku's headache was even worse. He said: "The Nine Snakes and Pirates are different. Behind them is the ancient Nine Snakes. Although the power of that clan is not as good as In the past, it was not easy to deal with. If their female emperors were executed, it would definitely arouse their resistance, which would not be a good thing for the stability of the world structure."

Akainu frowned slightly. He felt that Sengoku sometimes thinks too much. Nine Snake Island is indeed an ancient race, but how powerful can they be if they can only be huddled together? If he didn't dare to kill because of this, he really couldn't agree with it. In his opinion, if the people on Nine Snake Island were good, if they weren't, it would be better to kill them together.

"Then what are you going to do with it?" Akainu asked.

Sengoku thought about it for a while, and then said, "I decided to send them to Impeldan."

Akainu was taken aback. He thought that Sengoku would make the same decision as Doflamingo before, letting go of Boa Hancock. At this time, he heard that he was going to lock them up. Although it was a little bit worse than what he thought, this is the case. Not bad, at least they will not be allowed to do evil in the outside world.

Sengoku's actions were still very fast. After the decision was made, he immediately launched an action, sending Boa Hancock and others to the deep sea prison Impel down, and the pirate lady Boa Hancock was directly imprisoned because of the serious threat. Eternal Hell on the sixth floor of down.

After this incident, a huge disturbance was immediately set off on the Grand Line, because the Pirates of the Nine Snakes are not ordinary pirates, but can fight Seven Warlords of the Sea Hayward undefeated. , Especially the captain Boa Hancock, is a great pirate, and the most beautiful woman in the sea.

It turned out that such a person was still defeated by Akainu and imprisoned in Impel down. This event really shocked a large group of people. The pirates of the Grand Line instantly died down and never dared to make their heads.

Akainu, who appeared on the Grand Line again after five years, established his position in just one battle and reminded people of how overbearing and invincible he was when he dominated the sea.

Regarding the contradiction between Akainu and Sengoku, except for some people in Naval Headquarters, people outside actually don’t know what’s going on. It’s just that Akainu hasn’t appeared on the Grand Line for five years, and many people think he is hiding. What a big thing was done in Naval Headquarters, I didn't expect that after five years, Akainu appeared again and really did a big thing.

After Boa Hancock was imprisoned in Impel down, the daughter nation of the fighting nation of Hydra Island immediately sent people to the Naval Headquarters to negotiate with Sengoku, but Sengoku was hard to come by this time. No matter what the request of Hydra Island, he would Did not agree.

It's okay if you haven't caught it. Since it has been caught, if you are forced to release by the people of the Nine Snake Island clan, then does Marine's face still need it?

Boa Hancock is not the Doflamingo of the year, and the Celestial Dragons and Five Elders who wanted to play Doflamingo were Celestial Dragons and Five Elders. As far as Sengoku himself was concerned, of course he didn't want to, but his arms couldn't twist his thighs.

But this time it was different. In short, things remained the same in the end, and the Pirate Empress group was still locked in Impel down.


Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea disclosed by the World government, was in Alabasta at this time.

When he was chased by the Whitebeard Pirates, he ran into Lisana by accident. They fought for a few days, and finally became Seven Warlords of the Sea by accident. Since then, he has been looking for it. The method that can defeat Whitebeard, avenge the revenge of the year.

It took him several years to finally get a piece of useful information. In Alabasta, there is one of the legendary three Ancient Weapons,'Pluton'. It is said that the three Ancient Weapons all possess the power to destroy the world. , So he wanted to get Pluton, so he came to Alabasta.

If it’s the identity of a pirate before, it’s certainly not so easy for him to enter Alabasta to find Pluton, but with the identity of Seven Warlords of the Sea, it’s different. He has developed his power in the past few years and brought his own After the person came to Alabasta, he immediately used Shichibukai's identity to enter Alabasta.

For those big people, they all know what Shichibukai means, but for ordinary people, they heard that Shichibukai is an organization established by the World government, and they think they are good people, especially Crocodile is a very smart person, plus Upper Alabasta happened to be located in the desert. Under his plan, he easily took root in Alabasta and was trusted by ordinary people.

In order to be able to find Pluton, Crocodile deliberately found Nico Robin, the remnant of the old Ohara, because according to his understanding, to crack Pluton's secrets, he must understand the historical text. He does not understand and can only find people who understand.

At this time, Nico Robin just couldn't stay in West Blue, and came to the first half of the Grand Line.

Crocodile needs someone who understands historical writing, and Nico Robin needs a place to live. So after the two met, they hit it off and immediately reached a consensus and decided to cooperate.

"I heard that your Ohara was killed by Marine's Buster Call. Are you nervous when you hear the name Akainu?"

Crocodile was lying on the chair, tapping his legs on the desk, smoking a cigar, and smilingly asked Robin in front of him.

Compared with the girl of the year, Robin has grown into a big beauty at this time, with bright black hair, special red and black pupils, slender figure, and a refined and dry female secretary form.

Hearing Crocodile's words, Robin couldn't help but think of the man's face that she had never dared to remember, and his whole body trembled unconsciously.

Crocodile, who had been watching him all the time, noticed his strangeness, so he was surprised and asked, "It seems that you have dealt with Akainu? This guy should have left you a big psychological shadow, right?"

Akainu, who is far away in Naval Headquarters, suddenly received 500 fear points from Nicole Luobing, and was surprised. I don’t know why Robin feared him again. You must know that he has not received Robin’s fear points for several years. NS.

Robin didn't deny it either, just took a breath, and said, "That guy is not a normal person at all, BOSS, if I were you, I would definitely not be interested in him, because he is really terrifying."

To her, Akainu is the most terrifying man in the world, and her fear of World government is not as strong as Akainu.

Because although the World government has been looking for her all the time, it has caused her a lot of trouble and caused her to experience a lot of things that she can't imagine, but even so, it is not as strong as the fear that Akainu caused to her in the first place. Akainu caused her. The fear was already in her heart, and she felt that she would never forget it for the rest of her life.

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