One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 357 Shock! The war is coming

"All back down, let me try."

Seeing that everyone was at a loss for the gate of justice, the former Shichibukai Crocodile suddenly stood up impatiently, and saw that he controlled his sand to form a sword, and smashed it against the gate of justice.

The momentum is very shocking, but it is a pity that his attack has caused a little damage to the justice gate. According to his progress of destruction, it is estimated that it will take decades to break the justice gate.

After several consecutive attacks, the gate of justice could not be shaken, Crocodile gave up, and other people came forward to test, but they were much worse than Crocodile, but Hancock, the pirate lady, had a bit of skill and turned the gate of justice. The metal on the wall was turned into stone and destroyed, but the gate of justice was really too big. She chiseled it once and she didn't know how long it would take to chisel it.

When Luffy and other prisoners sighed while facing the gate of justice, the atmosphere of Marineford Naval Headquarters also changed drastically. After Sengoku's passionate speech, the base was boiling, but gradually fell into calm.

Silence, the entire Marine Base fell into silence, a strange and very uncomfortable silence, but no one dared to make a loud noise at this time, everyone was suppressed by this silence.

Doflamingo, who was at the forefront, said with a smile, "This is abnormal."

The rest of the Shichibukai also looked solemn, and the more so, the more they felt abnormal.

Marine III Admiral sitting in front of the execution table, Akainu in the middle suddenly raised his head, looked ahead sharply, and slowly said, "Here."

Kizaru and Aokiji on both sides of him looked at him in surprise. They haven't noticed anything yet. Why is Akainu so sure that the Whitebeard Pirates are here?

But they didn’t wonder how long, and after about a minute or so, a large cloud of dark clouds appeared in front of Wantou, which looked like dark clouds from a distance, but soon Marine’s soldiers discovered something was wrong. Because it was not a dark cloud, but a large swath of pirate warships, because there were so many that it looked like dark clouds covering the sun.


The loud sirens sounded through the entire Naval Headquarters base, and the Marine generals of each leader all gave orders loudly to the soldiers under their opponents, and the entire Naval Headquarters boiled again.

"Here, the pirate has appeared."

Standing on the highest point, Sengoku's face became very solemn, took a deep breath, and whispered: "It seems that Sakazuki has guessed it correctly."

Ace next to him raised his head. Sengoku's words made him feel very uncomfortable. Marine seemed to have insight into the actions of their pirates, and he was not surprised at the sudden appearance of the Whitebeard pirates.

Akainu's face under the execution platform remained unchanged, but Kizaru and Aokiji both looked at him in amazement. They all knew why Marine set up such a formation. It was Akainu's insistence. In the end, Sengoku decided to do it. Now it seems, As expected, Akainu had a good idea, and he had seen Whitebeard's thoughts a long time ago, because the pirates could not suddenly appear in front of them except using the method Akainu said.

"Why is this kid Sakazuki so amazing? The appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates is exactly what he said."

Garp, who has been worried about Ace and Luffy, is shocked when he sees a large number of pirate ships appear.

But Crane said calmly: "Sakazuki is right. This is indeed the best way for the Whitebeard Pirates to attack Marineford, but they obviously did not expect that their plan has been seen through, and their imagined preemptive strike has failed. , They have lost their greatest advantage."

Garp's complexion is complex. If Marine can defeat Whitebeard, he will naturally be happy, but if this happens, Ace will be dead, so his mood is very complicated. He can only pray for a miracle to allow Ace to escape. .

The Marine soldier who was in charge of the observation observed through a telescope, and said loudly: "It is the New World Pirates Fleet. Each of them is a well-known Pirate Group of New World. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them. They are the New World Pirates. A subsidiary pirate group under Four Emperors Whitebeard."

"Quickly confirm where Whitebeard is?"

"A total of forty-three pirate ships appeared, but no pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirate Group was found."

Seeing dozens of pirate ships coming, the soldiers of Naval Headquarters all showed nervousness. Even though they thought that the Whitebeard Pirate Group would appear before, they still seemed to appear when these pirate ships did appear. Very shocking.

Whitebeard has not yet appeared, but since other pirate groups have appeared, Whitebeard must be nearby. A few insiders are staring at the location in the bay. This is the closest place to the base, and Whitebeard is likely to appear here.


Doflamingo laughed excitedly, and said excitedly: "It's so funny, furfur, but I finally understand why Marine has such a strange formation. They would have appeared in this way even if Whitebeard had already arrived."

Hayward was also shocked, and said, "Is this the master's right move? Whitebeard is indeed experienced, but now it seems that Marine is better. Whitebeard's wishful thinking was wrong."

While talking, I saw that the sea at the head of the base bay suddenly agitated, and waves of waves appeared on the originally calm sea, as if something huge was about to emerge from the bottom of the water.

Under the shocking gaze of Marine soldiers on the shore, suddenly, a huge pirate ship washed up from the bottom of the sea and landed on the sea. There is a transparent protective film around the pirate ship. After falling above the sea, this protective film quickly dissipated.


Sengoku, Crane Vice Admiral, Garp, Kizaru, and Aokiji were all attentive, staring at the sea in the base bay. The pirate ship that appeared was the signature of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Moby Dick.

"The Moby Dick is here."

There was a loud cry of horror, and all the Marines around the shore of the bay showed their horror. The way the Moby Dick appeared was really shocking to them.

Different from other Marine soldiers, Sengoku, as Marine Marshal, is full of excitement at this time. If he was only half and half sure before, then now Whitebeard’s way of playing and Akainu’s magical calculations before, now he already has 80% of the certainty can defeat the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Whitebeard, you do countless things, and you will never think that everything about you is in our calculations."

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