One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 407 Marine's Justice

Kerby was trembling all over, but he didn't know where the courage came from. He still stood firmly, his face covered with tears and snot, his eyes were directed at Akainu.

"Quit the war, please stop fighting. You are ruining your lives. Every soldier has family members waiting for them to return. Our goal has been achieved, but we still have to pursue the pirates. Continuing this battle that could have been ended, now it’s even more reluctant to save those soldiers who can be saved, and continue to increase the number of victims. Now the fallen soldiers are not just like fools?"

This angry and desperate roar stunned the entire Naval Headquarters. Even Garp, who retreated to the back, turned his head in shock and looked at Kerby who stood in front of Akainu in an incredible manner.


The other Marines and pirates also looked at Kerby in shock. It is hard to imagine that this little soldier could actually say such a thing, and he was facing the most terrifying man in Naval Headquarters, Admiral Akainu.

"Did you finish?"

After Kerby said these words, Akainu slowly asked. In fact, he could kill Kerby directly when he was speaking, but he didn’t do that because he suddenly felt let him speak. Finishing is not necessarily a bad thing.

After Kerby spoke, he looked at Akainu with more fear, and his body trembled more severely. The sequelae caused by the awakening of Observation Haki were also eliminated.

Now after Kerby finished speaking, Akainu was not in a hurry. He glanced around all the Marine soldiers behind him, and found that many people’s eyes had changed. The murderous gaze disappeared, and replaced by one. At a loss.

A Kerby is a fart. Akainu doesn't want him to affect Marine's morale and military spirit, so he must use thunder to solve the consequences of this passage.

"Boy, being a Marine, but begging for the pirates, so three views are wrong, what qualifications do you have to be a marine? You say we are ruining lives? Ha.

Akainu looked at Kerby coldly and suddenly shouted: "Then, do you know how many lives these pirates have ruined? If you let them escape from here today, how many people will be killed by them in the future?"

"Our Marine's duty is to protect the sea and the civilians. Everyone who participated in this war has been determined to die, including me; the fallen soldiers are not fools, they are fighting for their faith. A hero who fights for justice is a hero of the world."

"What you just said, it is not only me that insulted me, but also the soldiers of the entire Marine. A soldier like you with three wrong views, do you think other people are just like you? As a soldier, the best thing to do now is to get rid of it. These pirates, instead of being hypocritical like you, full of morality and righteousness, ignoring the sacrifice and justice of their companions, and interceding for the pirates, you are not qualified to be a Marine soldier based on this alone."

Speaking of this, Akainu suddenly raised Ryūjin Jakka in his hand and shouted loudly: "Marine is the righteous teacher who maintains the order of the sea and protects the people. If even we are afraid of death and fear of sacrifice, then the people in the rear need to be protected. What should I do?"

Following Akainu's words, those Marine soldiers who became confused by Kerby's words, each one had their eyes bright and firm, and then they all looked at Akainu's back with fierce eyes, full of enthusiasm.

In fact, this is a normal state. They were only infected by Kerby's words before, but Kerby is just a small soldier. His words can infect ordinary soldiers, but they can't speak to those determined Marine cadres.

But Akainu is different. He is Marine Admiral. This war is the absolute protagonist. Compared with the humble Kerby, his prestige in Marine is greater, so his words are more convincing and more convincing. People agree.

"Fearless of life and death, go forward courageously, this is the belief that a qualified soldier should have!" Akainu screamed up to the sky.

The entire Naval Headquarters base reverberated with Akainu's fierce roar. At this moment, all Marine soldiers became firm-eyed, and even the wounded soldiers before became extremely enthusiastic.

"Yes, Sakazuki Admiral is right. If even we are afraid of death, what should the family and relatives in the back do?"

"What kind of soldier is that kid who dares to disturb the military's mind, so he should be condemned."

"Should this kid be the pirate's undercover agent?"

"Fearless of life and death, go forward courageously!"


After bursts of roars, the voices of Naval Headquarters finally converged into one, uttering an earth-shaking roar.

"Isshin, this is the real Isshin."

Countless Marine officials watched this scene with excitement. The low morale of Marine recovered in an instant, and even more than before, and it was their Marine Admiral Akainu that brought all this.

"Marine is going to change." Some knowledgeable people murmured.

Listening to the loud and unanimous roar, Akainu suddenly raised his hand, and the voice stopped immediately, neat and consistent, which shocked people.

Akainu pointed the Ryūjin Jakka in his hand at Kebi, and shouted sharply: "Such a soldier with wrong views, in the name of my Marine Admiral Akainu, expel this person from Marine and never hire!"

"Expulse Marine, never hire!"

"Expulse Marine, never hire!"

"Expulse Marine, never hire!"


All the Marines glared at Kerby and roared loudly.

Kerby is just a teenager. Where did he experience this kind of scene? He was more frightened than seeing countless corpses and deaths. He sat down on the ground, even crying as if he had forgotten, and stared blankly at those who were right. Marine soldier he glared at.


Garp clenched his fists, but in the end he let out a helpless sigh. Akainu's momentum has been achieved. Now even if he goes out, he can't help Kerby, so he can only watch and sigh in his heart.

Sengoku, Tsuru, and Zephyr, who had not taken a shot from behind, all looked at Akainu in shock.

"Furfurfur, Akainu really picked a perfect time. Sengoku's Marine Marshal's position may be unstable."

Doflamingo laughed gleefully. In this war, Akainu was so popular. On the contrary, Sengoku was nothing good. This formed a sharp contrast, so after the war, everyone can foresee unpleasant things that will happen.

Hayward stared at Akainu's back with zeal. At this moment, he wished to become an ordinary soldier, standing behind Akainu, waving the flag for him, but unfortunately he can't do it now, so he can only stay here and envy him. Watched.

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