Before Akainu and Charlotte Linlin had a victory or defeat, the territory of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group had begun to collapse, and it was impossible to withstand Marine's attack from multiple directions.

In fact, the BIG·MOM Pirate Group is not that weak. It is completely because Akainu has a good timing. When the BIG·MOM Pirate Group is holding a tea party, most of the high-level ministers of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group All participated in the tea party, and the people who stayed around the territory were ordinary cadres.

This time, Marine was led by Admiral Kizaru, and a dozen Vice Admiral took the initiative. What's more surprising is that the Giants also sent many fighters to assist Marine in attacking the BIG·MOM Pirate Group.

Regarding the relationship between Charlotte Linlin and the Giants, it will be more than sixty years ago. Charlotte Linlin went crazy when she was young and destroyed the Giants village and killed the hero of Elbaf. Later, it was because of the nun incident that caused the Giants. Disgust of the race.

Why Charlotte Linlin wants to find a way to make people huge is nothing more than to satisfy her childhood desire, to make everyone as big as her, just like when she was in the giant village.

She gathered people from all races all over the world, but there was no giant race. This was her wish.

For the giants, they only have hatred with Charlotte Linlin, so naturally they will not belong to her. They even thought about finding her revenge, but it is a pity that Charlotte Linlin is one of the pirate Four Emperors, even if they have gathered all of them. Giants are not necessarily defeated, so the giants simply ignore it.

This time, Akainu personally contacted the Giants and moved them, letting the Giants fight against the BIG·MOM Pirates and Charlotte Linlin, and also promised certain benefits, so the Giants agreed to help.

With the great power of the giants, coupled with the elite of Marine, it is of course impossible to stop the BIG·MOM pirate regiment with the head of the BIG·MOM pirate regiment. At the edge of the range, he swiftly headed towards the inner cake island, without encountering too much blockage along the way. It was only when he was about to approach the cake island when he was blocked by a large number of pirates from the BIG·MOM Pirate Group.

But even so, the pirates are still at an absolute disadvantage, because at the same time, the world government's dark forces are also involved. In short, this battle, the time, the location, and the people are all standing in Marine. One side.

If there is no big surprise, or if no one supports the BIG·MOM Pirates, as long as Charlotte Linlin dies, the BIG·MOM Pirates that dominated the New World for decades will instantly fall apart.

At the same time, everything that happened in the territory of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group also spread to New World at an extremely fast speed.

"What? Marine has fought with BIG·MOM, one of the three emperors, and Marine has taken the initiative to attack?"

"How is this possible? Isn't the BIG·MOM Pirate Group holding a tea party? How could such a thing happen?"

"His, crazy, Marine is crazy, Akainu is really crazy, he killed Whitebeard two years ago, and now he has a big knife on BIG·MOM again. Is he planning to kill the Four Emperors of the pirates of the past? ?"


"It's really thoughtful to do it at the BIG·MOM tea party, so suddenly, even BIG·MOM hadn't thought of it, but I don't know what the end will be."

"Haha, I know, I know that guy Akainu is an unwilling person to be lonely. It has only been less than two years before he has attacked the pirate Four Emperors again. Isn't he afraid of causing the rest of the pirates to boycott it?"

"Hey, who is Akainu afraid of? The great pirates who have died in his hands over the years have not been counted. Not to mention others, two of the three legendary pirates of the past died in his hands, Golden Lion and Whitebeard. , These two are comparable to the existence of Pirate King Roger. Although BIG·MOM is also one of the Pirate Four Emperors, it is estimated to be slightly inferior to these two."

"The recent New World is really accidental. First, the Pirate Alliance defeated Doflamingo and challenged the beast Kaido, and now Marine actually has one of the three emperors of Pirates, BIG·MOM. I don’t know what will happen next. ."


After Marine invaded the territory of BIG·MOM, all the people who received the news were shocked, and many people began to talk about each other, talking about the sudden outbreak of the war.

This war came too suddenly. If it weren’t for accurate intelligence, many people would not believe it. If you know that when the war was in the first place, the seeds were planted early and there was a lot of excitement for a long time. Basically, the whole world knows it. War will break out, but even so, when the war really comes, many people are still shocked.

Nowadays, the battle between Marine and the BIG·MOM pirate group has no buffer time at all. Fight as soon as you say it. It seems like Marine and the pirates meet in the sea, and the battle will happen the first time.

The territory of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group is no worse than that of the Whitebeard Pirate Group two years ago, because after the death of Whitebeard, although they did not rob, they more or less took over some unowned territory, so It's not bad compared to the Whitebeard Pirates two years ago.

With such a large territory, the influence is naturally more far-reaching. In this war, whether it is the victory of Marine or the victory of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group, it will have an amazing impact on New World.

"The World Summit is just around the corner, and Akainu decided to take action on the BIG·MOM Pirates. What is he thinking? Is he really sure to eat the BIG·MOM Pirates in one bite?"

This war suddenly ended. What everyone can’t understand is why Akainu would attack the BIG·MOM Pirates at this critical time. If it can’t win, no, to be precise, as long as BIG is not completely destroyed. ·MOM, even if Marine loses, this will definitely have a great impact on the next World Summit.

But if someone doesn't understand, naturally someone understands it.

"Akainu is confident, BIG·MOM is really dangerous this time."

Shanks is the Pirate Emperor who is the same as Charlotte Linlin. Although he has not seen Akainu many times, he knows Akainu very well. Others think that Akainu's actions are rushed. He doesn't think so, but thinks that Akainu did it. Careful calculation is bound to hold the confidence that one blow will kill you.

Benn Beckman, the deputy captain of Red Hair Pirates, said: "It seems that you are not optimistic about BIG·MOM, but I have the same idea as you. This time, BIG·MOM is held by Akainu. It’s too fast. At this time, even if someone wants to go to rescue, it’s too late."

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