Although Marco is now the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, it does not mean that he can decide everything. After all, everyone is following in the footsteps of Whitebeard and joined the Pirates, not following Marco, except for the Whitebeard Pirates. In addition to the members of the group, many pirates on the periphery just wanted to take advantage of the power of the Whitebeard pirate group, without the loyalty of the time when Whitebeard was still alive.

Marco is a very smart person, he naturally knows this situation, but according to Whitebeard's order, he does not want the Whitebeard Pirates to disappear, but wants to grow the Whitebeard Pirates, even if he is not the captain, he doesn't care.

The current Whitebeard Pirates is more like an alliance without a leader. With the Whitebeard Pirates as the leader, Marco has the most power, but can't decide everything, so he will ask the rest of the captains.

Of the sixteen Pirate team captains, except for those who withdrew from the position of captain due to injuries, only six were captains two years ago. The remaining ten captains were selected later. They may not be weak, but compared to the previous sixteen. A captain, loyalty is obviously inferior, they are now more important matters are decided by everyone.

If the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates is now the strongest captain, it is natural to count the few in the forefront, Marco, Joz and Bista, and Edward Weibull who later joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

For this man who claimed to be the son of Whitebeard, the feelings of the Pirates group towards him were very complicated. When Weibull was rescued from Marine under him, he made a lot of determination. Fortunately, Weibull did not let them down. After joining the pirate group, the powerful strength also helped them a lot.

However, whether he is Whitebeard’s son or not is not clear to anyone, but his potential is still there, but his IQ is really anxious. At best, he can be the person who executes orders, and he can’t do anything at all. The leader, and he didn't even want to fight for fame and fortune. This is the main reason why he can stay in the Whitebeard Pirates.

Hearing Marko’s question, the captains all spoke up. Some agreed and some opposed, but most of the captains hoped to avenge Whitebeard, including old people such as Joz.

After Marco heard the words, he was silent for a while, then raised his head and said firmly with his eyes: "Well, since everyone wants to avenge the old man, then we will give it a try. We are all deeply favored by the old man. , As long as you can avenge him, you will not hesitate, everyone, now you gather the people and horses as quickly as possible. You don't need to gather, and immediately move towards the territory of the BIG·MOM Pirate Group. When you get there, you will meet again."

Having said that, he paused, "But you have to let your subordinates think clearly that there may be no return this time, so there are no people who are determined to die. You don't have to force them to keep them, maybe It can be regarded as leaving a little spark for the Pirate Group."

Let everyone speed up, because he knows that since Akainu decides to do it, he will definitely end the war as quickly as possible. If they meet first and then act together, there may be too late in time, so each prepares and arrives at the fastest speed. Confluence of target locations is the best choice.

At the same time, he also understands that not everyone has the courage to participate in the war, and he did not force it. After all, this is a person who is avenging his father and is not determined.

The large-scale actions of the Whitebeard Pirate Group and its affiliated Pirate Groups were quickly learned by other forces. Many people were shocked by it. They didn't need to think about it. The Whitebeard Pirate Group took action at this time. The goal is undoubtedly. There is only one, Marine!

With the action of the Whitebeard Pirates, the situation in New World has become more chaotic. Not long after the Whitebeard Pirates moved, Naval Headquarters has already received intelligence.

"The Whitebeard Pirates have acted, and it seems that the target is Sakazuki."

In Naval Headquarters, because Akainu had already brought most of the elites in the headquarters to destroy the BIG·MOM Pirate Group, there were only a few high-level officials left in the headquarters, but after receiving the information, the high-level officials quickly gathered together.

Because Akainu is not there, Marine Admiral Green Bull is the only one with the highest rank left. But the problem is that Green Bull just joined Marine. Although he has Marine Admiral rank, it actually has no way to directly participate in the decision-making of high-level meetings, even if it is. The Marshal Akainu is not there, and it is not his turn to decide. Maybe it will be possible after many years, but now, it is absolutely impossible.

It is not Admiral who can really make decisions, but Tsuru, Sengoku and Akainu, who have retired to the second line, designated Doberman. These three talents are the people who can make decisions in the current headquarters.

Sengoku no longer has two years ago, his head is full of gray hair, but he is not as serious as he was when he was in office. On the contrary, his spirit has not weakened. Because of the presence of Akainu in the headquarters, his consultant basically did not participate. There was a meeting, but now Akainu is not there, he was called by Doberman and Crane to discuss, after all, the title of The Resourceful General was not blown out.

He said: "The troops led by Sakazuki and Polusalino, together with the pirate hunting team assisting from the side, suddenly attacked the BIG·MOM Pirates. The problem is not too big, but if the Whitebeard Pirates is the problem. If it does, it will inevitably have a very serious impact."

Crane held his chin in his hands and said, "The Whitebeard Pirate Group may not be as good as it was in the past, but it should not be underestimated. The most serious thing is that their action will bring a chain reaction. If other pirate forces also participate, That's the most troublesome thing."

Her words made the Marine seniors present with a solemn expression, and some people began to talk in low voices.

The fact is true. Although most people have confidence in Akainu and others, after all, this time the opponent is the BIG·MOM Pirate Group, one of the three emperors of Pirates. It is difficult for them to deal with it. It's not that Akainu had a detailed plan before, and many of them would oppose it.

The current problem is no longer a BIG·MOM. The Whitebeard Pirate Group has also moved. If there are other pirate forces like the Whitebeard Pirate Group, they want to fish in troubled waters, and the fisherman will profit. For Marine, it is absolutely fatal. Blow.

Daubman took out the map of New World and pointed to the map continuously and said: "Marshal Sakazuki led the attack on Cake Island. The rest of the troops are attacking the territory of BIG·MOM, and the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates is here. Position, if they want to make a move, they will inevitably attack from here, when our army will be blocked by them and be attacked by the enemy, so in any case, we cannot sit idly by."

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