One Piece Of Admiral Akainu

Chapter 511: Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here

Akainu's sudden confession made Sengoku feel very uncomfortable, so he decided to hold Akainu first before speaking. He who is loyal to the world government naturally does not want Akainu to do anything harmful to the world government, even if there is such a sign Nor does it work.

Akainu glanced at Sengoku faintly. He knew that even though he had been Marine Marshal for such a long time, Sengoku had never regarded him as his own, even if he abdicated and became a Marine consultant, but his orders for Akainu and He didn't agree with the policy very much, and he usually remained silent, but at this time, he was no longer silent, because Akainu was about to touch his bottom line.

"We Marine is indeed a military force attached to the World government, but you probably don’t know one thing. During the two years when I was Marine Marshal, Marine’s military expenditures have decreased a lot compared to the past, especially this year. It’s 20% less than two years ago."

Hearing Akainu's words, most of the Marine generals present were shocked and found it unbelievable, because in the past two years they have never felt the military budget tension, but more abundant than before. Now Akainu said that, of course they are. Very shocked, in fact they thought that Marine's military expenditure was more than before.

But looking at Akainu’s serious expression, it didn’t seem to be lying at all. It made them more nervous. From the beginning of the meeting, they knew that today’s meeting was different, but the more they talked, the more they felt It's not right, because the appearance of Akainu is obviously very dissatisfied with the World government.

Akainu continued: "I know that everyone is very puzzled as to why the military expenditure has obviously decreased, but your income and expenses are higher than before. The reason is very simple. This part of the money is our Marine's military expenditure transformed through self-sufficiency. Not from the distribution of the World government."

As soon as these words came out, the leaders of Rear Admiral looked at each other. They had already guessed, but after getting Akainu's affirmative answer, they were still shocked. According to Akainu, they can have their own military expenses without relying on the world government. The source?

"Sakazuki, what do you mean by that?"

The most angry person is Sengoku. He has already felt that the development of the situation is very wrong. At this moment, he is annoyed by Akainu, hoping that Akainu can stop the meeting, but how can Akainu be as he wishes.

Ignoring the angry Sengoku, Akainu still said to himself: "I know that everyone must have the same doubts as Sengoku consultants. The reason why I say this is to tell you that the meaning of our Marine existence is not just A vassal of the World government, but a force that maintains order and justice."

"Also, calling everyone here today is just to show my attitude. Even if Five Elders wants to remove my position as Marine Marshal, I will definitely not sit still."

The people present all heard Akainu's implication, and many of them changed their expressions. Does this mean they are going to fight Five Elders?

When everyone was shocked, suddenly the door of the meeting room was knocked, and Akainu frowned. This meeting was extremely important. He had already given a dead order before it started. No one was allowed to disturb. Now someone dares to violate it. His order made him very dissatisfied.

But even if he was dissatisfied, he still resisted, snorted coldly, and shouted: "Come in!"

It was his confidant Lucas who came in. Lucas was also the only Marine Vice Admiral in the headquarters who did not attend the meeting, because Akainu gave him the guarding of the headquarters.

Seeing Lucas, Akainu was even more surprised. Lucas has been with him for more than 20 years. He is one of his most powerful men. He also knows him well and knows that he can't be disturbed at this time, but Lucas still knocks on the door. , Which shows that something that he can't judge must have happened.

"What's the matter?" Akainu asked in a deep voice.

Lucas replied solemnly: "Marshal Sakazuki, commander-in-chief of the three armies of the World government, Master Kong Kong is here."

It is nearly a hundred years old, but it is still very strong. He is still the commander of the three armies of the World government. He ranks high and is second only to Five Elders. He can also be said to be the biggest backer of Akainu before.

Because of his identity and status, he has been stationed at Mariejois and would not leave Mariejois easily, but now Sora has left, and came to the Naval Headquarters base in silence without saying hello to Akainu.

Akainu immediately realized that Sora must have come with a mission, and must have something to do with him, and his face became more gloomy.

"Where is it?"

Since Sora is here, it doesn’t make sense to talk about anything else. He knew that Five Elders would take action, but he never expected that Five Elders would move so fast. He just returned to his headquarters yesterday, and today Sora Follow him.

"Get here right away."

Lucas replied cautiously. In fact, he also sent his hands to delay a little. After all, this is the new Naval Headquarters. I have never been here. Even if I know the situation here, I still need to come over. For a period of time, not to mention that Lucas sent someone to procrastinate. He was trying to get enough time for Akainu to respond.

Akainu nodded and told Lucas: "Go and bring Marshal Sora here." At the same time, he winked at Lucas.

Lucas understood, and immediately left the conference room.

After Lucas left, Akainu's gaze swept across the faces of the other Marine generals with different faces, and said lightly: "Everyone, you have all heard, Marshal Sora is here, he must be bringing Five Elders. The mission came, and there is only one mission, and that is related to me, most likely it is to remove me from the position of Marshal Marine."

"Sakazuki, are you thinking too much? It won't be what you think." Sengoku retorted first.

Except for Sengoku, the rest of the people did not speak. Even people who had different political views on Akainu in the past are still silent at this moment. How could it be so coincidental? As soon as Akainu finished speaking, Sora came?

Akainu said, "My time is running out, but as I said before, it is impossible to sit still, so I will definitely resist."

"Tsk tusk, Sakazuki, listening to your tone, it seems to be making trouble?"

Although Kizaru's tone was lazy, his expression was extraordinarily serious, staring at Akainu firmly.

Akainu shook his head and said, "I don't like the word "being guilty of chaos". I think everyone knows what kind of person I am. I, Isshin, only wants to maintain the justice of Marine and the peace and tranquility of the sea. What I have done in the past two years Everyone sees it. Compared to two years ago, Grand Line and Four Seas captured countless pirates, saved countless civilians, and made the sea a lot more peaceful. This is obvious to all. I believe Everyone will not refute, will they?"

Everyone did not refute, because what Akainu said was the truth. Under Akainu's rule, Marine had effectively attacked the pirate forces and made the sea much calmer than it was more than two years ago. This is also an important factor in Akainu's popularity.

But even so, everyone still didn't dare to take the conversation easily. After all, what Akainu said, in the eyes of most people, is a rebellious and unruly remark. If you are not careful, you will die. Who dares to take it?

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