One Piece: Opening Awakening Reaper Template

Chapter 382 Wu Laoxing, Get Out!

Here, Huang Yuan bit the bullet and looked at Yun Ye, and said with a dry smile: "Little brother, can you hand over the person under your feet to me? Although he is dead, he is a Tianlong man after all, and the corpse can't be like this." It's not right to be stepped on by you..."

Huang Yuan was a little uncertain about Yun Ye's identity, and that familiar feeling kept lingering in his heart...

It made him a little uncertain...

Seeing Huang Yuan, Yun Ye was not surprised at all, he had already seen it when he set foot on the Holy Land just now.

With Huang Yuan's speed, he was naturally the first to arrive.

Yun Ye looked at Huang Yuan, and suddenly laughed: "It's you again, Huang Yuan, every time I kill a Tianlongren, you are the first to arrive..."

After hearing this, the corners of Huang Yuan's mouth twitched even more. Yun Ye's words almost affirmed his inner thoughts. Is it really this dangerous guy?

Counting several times, he was present when Quincy killed the Tianlongren...

What a fucking dog! Gan!

"Quincius..." Huang Yuan struggled to speak, his tone was a little dry, but he was extremely vigilant, not even daring to be careless!

With a 'boom', as soon as the name Quincy came out, it was as if a bomb had been dropped on the calm water, and there were huge waves.

Everyone present was in an uproar, with panic on their faces.

"Mie, Quincy Master?"

"Hiss, Quincy actually killed the Holy Land?"

"The war is coming!"

"Quick, get out of here!"

Countless people scattered like birds and beasts. After hearing this name, how dare they continue to stay here?

The reputation of the Quincy Master is known to the whole world.

Now that he suddenly appeared here, what does it mean?

It means war is coming!

"The Quincy?" Bonnie, who was standing not far from Yunye, had a look of astonishment on her face. This guy is the Quincy?

How could the Quincy appear here?

Could it be that he is related to the people of the Revolutionary Army?

Bonnie couldn't figure it out, and she was a little numb at this time...

Weiwei and Icarem were also very surprised. Almost no one in the whole world didn't know the name Quincy!

"Your perception is still so sharp, Yellow Ape!" Yun Ye's appearance changed, and he turned into that of a Quincy, and he grinned at Yellow Ape.

"Sure enough, you are a dangerous guy..." Huang Yuan narrowed his eyes, and his inner vigilance has been pulled to the peak!

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to trouble your navy this time." Yun Ye smiled and looked at the location of Pangu City.

With a sound of 'buzz', the five thunder dragons behind them swelled against the wind and rolled slightly, and the entire holy land was surging!

"Wuluoxing, get out!" Yun Ye narrowed his eyes and shouted loudly!

The terrifying overlord color is released in disorder, rolling the clouds in the sky, thunder rolling, lightning flashing and thundering, as if the whole sky is pouring down!

Sweep away the overlord's face, and all the weak and weak will faint!

The entire holy land of Mary Gioia is surging! ! !

Yunye's voice resounded over the holy land, and the five thunder dragons roared behind them, and rushed towards the position of Pangu City!

‘Boom boom boom! '

As Thunder Dragon passed by, the terrifying sense of oppression made the entire Pangu City vibrate, as if everything in front of it was about to be torn apart!

The faces of the Wulaoxing Conference Room located in Pangu City all changed drastically after hearing this voice.

Who is so bold?

How dare you call them by their names here and tell them to get out?

The color of knowledge covered this side, and when they sensed the existence of Yun Ye, the faces of the five people changed drastically.

"The Exterminator?"

"Why is he here?"

" did he get in here?"

"Damn, this trick..."

"No, stop it!"

The five thunder dragons pressed down, making the five people's scalps go numb.

"Evil Ghost One Slash!" Wu Laoxing with the saber stood up suddenly, and the first generation of ghosts in his hand suddenly came out of the sheath, with a ghostly aura surging from his body, and he slashed towards the sky with his sword!

The thousand-meter blood-colored sword energy slashed through the air and collided with one of the thunder dragons!

"Air cannon!" Another Wu Laoxing with air ability opened his hands and activated his ability. He pulled the air in the distance and compressed it as much as possible, forming a huge pressure ball and smashing it towards another brontosaurus!

"Gravity Dial!" The gravitational fruit Wu Laoxing's face changed drastically, he used his ability, and he didn't care about damaging Pangu City. He used his ability to tear out the entire foundation, squeezed it into a shield, and blocked it before the attack!

"What's going on?" In the same Pangu City, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Gang Gukong, who was dealing with the matter, suddenly raised his head, his expression changed drastically as he swept away his knowledge.

With a sound of 'Boom', he broke through the wall and appeared outside. He saw the sky, and the five thunder dragon covers fell down!

"Six Forms Profound Techniques Zhenquan!!" There was no time for him to think too much, the powerful armed color condensed on his fist, and he punched a Thunder Dragon with his fist!

"Awakening Light Wheel Cannon!" Huang Yuan cursed secretly, and this fellow Quincy actually made a move directly.

Faced with this situation, his ability was resolutely awakened, the light spots gathered behind him, and a thick laser bombarded a thunder dragon!

Facing Yunye's Wulong Zhuanniu, the three Wulaoxing, Steel Gu Kong, and Huang Yuan shot at the same time!

‘Boom boom boom boom boom! '

Five terrifying roars sounded in succession, as if five little suns were lit up in the field, and then, violent shock waves scattered, like a gust of dozens of levels wreaking havoc!


On the other side, Vegapunk's experimental site.

In the prison built by Hailoushi, all the members of the revolutionary army were imprisoned here, handcuffed to death by Hailoushi.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dorag, was held alone in a cage made of sea tower stone at the deepest point. At this time, he lowered his head, but there were not many injuries on his body.

It's just that at this moment, Drago's mind is still thinking about the inexplicable defeat before...

Everyone in their revolutionary army could not resist the extremely powerful domineering look at all.

Ability, domineering, under the oppression of that domineering look, it becomes very difficult to even use it.

They were so defeated that they didn't even know who did it...

There was the sound of 'treading' footsteps, and a person wearing a researcher's uniform walked in.

Drago looked up slightly.

The person who came in was none other than Vegapunk, known as the smartest man in the world.

Vegapunk is an old man who looks a little strange, with half an apple on his head and a long tongue sticking out, he looks a little nondescript...

At this time, Vegapunk walked to the prison of Drago, and said slowly: "Are you sure you want to go out now? That existence is still in the Holy Land. It is not so easy to leave here!"

"Yeah, that person's strength is beyond my imagination." Drago said lightly, "We don't even know how he made the move."

The two seem to have known each other for a long time, talking like old friends...

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