The shock wave raged, and the unlucky ones who were closer were carried by the shock and flew out backwards, smashing out huge potholes one after another!

This impact is so strong that even if it is on the periphery of the battlefield, it will be affected, so it can only stop and resist the impact!

And this cold snort seemed to explode in everyone's minds. Countless people felt their heads were stunned and stopped their movements to look around.

They also guessed the identity of the person who snorted coldly.

The legendary master of the world, and only he has this strength, saved Wulaoxing at the last moment!

However, many people were also shocked by the strength of the Quincy. Just three Homiz forced the three five old stars to be so embarrassed. If it wasn't for Im's shot, they might have died in the attack just now. middle!

"Is that person... finally going to appear?"

"The Lord of the World..."

"Have you been forced out by the Quincy Master?"

There was silence in the arena, there was not a single sound coming from Nuo Da battlefield, the arena was terribly quiet!

Even the familiar slash that Homiz of the Quincy used just now seems to have forgotten...

"Has it finally appeared?" On the throne, Quincy stood up, stood at the bow, and looked at the position of Pangu City.

"Since it has appeared, don't hide and hide, Lord of the World!!" The Quincy grinned, a dark light flickered between his fingers, and a deep black ray blasted straight towards the position of Pangu City from here. Out: "Wang Xu's flash!"

"Quinciant, last time I let you run away, this time, you can't run away!" With the indifferent voice, the whole world changed.

The sky was overcast with clouds, lightning and thunder, and all kinds of visions appeared around!

With a sound of 'click', a thick thunderbolt over a hundred meters fell from the sky, and directly collided with the attack of the Quincy Division in mid-air!


With the collision point of the two attacks as the center, the terrifying impact scattered, and the space over there seemed to be unable to withstand the impact, and black cracks appeared!

The collision is still going on, and the impact is endless. The red soil continent in this area has started to crack due to the impact, and the cracks are spreading more and more, and then there is a tendency to collapse!

Large chunks of red rock protruded and sank, and then were swept by the impact, and suddenly shattered into powder!

On the battlefield, people turned their backs on their backs again, and countless people were carried away by the impact and flew out!

"No, get away from there!"

"What kind of attack is this? Even the shock wave has such a powerful force!"

"Block the impact!"

"Damn it!"

Together with those strong people, they couldn't maintain stability in such an impact, and began to use their abilities to resist the impact!

The two attacks were entangled with each other, the terrifying energy impact collided, and circles of energy fields suddenly expanded, and the ground, buildings, everything was reduced to dust under the impact of this energy field!

'Boom! ! ! '

Finally, after reaching a threshold, the originally diffused energy field suddenly shrank, and the next moment, a more powerful impact struck, and the originally shrunk energy field shook out again. When the energy field passed, everything was destroyed!

Explosions, endless explosions resounded throughout the entire battlefield. Everything within a kilometer disappeared invisible under the terrifying impact. A huge dark mushroom cloud suddenly lifted into the sky, and around the mushroom cloud, there was this jet-black electric current raging. Thousands of meters of potholes appeared, and dense and thick cracks spread out!

The blow of the two directly changed the entire battlefield!

"You are stronger than a year ago, Quincy Master!" Above the hard Pangu City, a figure slowly floated high in the sky, wearing a black cloak, a white mask on his face, and a four-fingered crown on his head. In the direction of the Quincy.

Behind this person, there are endless visions flashing, and the thick thunder from the sky strikes down, making him look like a god!

The Quincy also slowly floated up into the sky: "You too, Lord of the world!"

"Get ready, the overlord-like conflict is coming!" Wu Laoxing, who was in charge of the command, changed his face drastically, as if he saw something, he picked up the phone and roared.

At this moment, the eyes of all the pacifists are glowing red, and the special force fields are built together to form a huge translucent shield, covering all the people in the government army!

On the other side, Ye Qi also yelled at his own people: "Get out of here quickly! The farther you back, the better!"

At this time, the expressions of those who possess high-level knowledge and knowledge enough to meet the future all changed drastically. They saw an extremely terrifying scene!

On the battlefield, the army began to retreat like a tide, not daring to stay where it was!

Although due to the attack collision just now, an open space has been cleared in the field, but it is not enough!

Here, Quincy and Im looked at each other, their pupils suddenly twitched, and a turbulent overlord's color gushed out from their bodies, and then they collided fiercely!

‘Boom, boom! '

Two equally powerful domineering colors collided together, as if two auras visible to the naked eye collided with each other. Above the sky, purple-black thunderstorms raged, and the powerful impact radiated out!

The chaotic and intertwined overlord's color cover is more terrifying than the release of a single overlord's color!

In just a split second, the protective force field built by the pacifist legion was broken, and those pacifists were also scrapped due to overloaded use!

Everyone below was swept away by the domineering look, and a large number of government troops rolled their eyes and fell into a coma!

The same is true for the people in Wang Xu Palace over there, a large number of people are like reaping wheat to the end.

The same goes for people on the naval side!

Even if everyone is as far away as possible, but the domineering look of the Quincy is enough to cover the entire battlefield!

The two intertwined overlord's color caps pressed down, almost making everyone on the battlefield fall into a coma!

Those who can stay awake under such domineering oppression are only those who have the strength of a lieutenant general or above, or those who also have the domineering look!

However, even if they can stay awake, under the oppression of such a domineering look, they still feel that their movements have become slow, and some even can't move at all!

Only the strength of the general level will not completely lose the ability to act!

But this is already very scary.

Those who have never seen such a scene are all dumbfounded at this moment, with their mouths opened wide: "This, this is a domineering look? Are you kidding me!"

"This level of overlord color, no matter how many people there are, they can't affect them!"

"God, they are gods!"

Only those who have seen this kind of scene once did not show an overly shocked expression.

But at this time, they were also terrified. The two of them seemed to have become stronger!

"Hey, hey...they... have become stronger than before..." Huang Yuan pouted, his brows twitched, he had experienced it once before, it was not enough for the feeling now... these two domineering looks, compared to Stronger than before!

"If there is no Yunye, overthrowing the world government would be an ambition..." Qingzhi pondered in his heart, with a serious expression on his face.

Seeing Im's strength, he couldn't imagine who else could defeat Im besides Yunye...

I am afraid that everyone in the whole world needs to be united to have a chance...

"Damn it, even the protective force field can't resist..." The complexion of Wu Laoxing, who was in charge of the command, completely changed. He had already made sufficient preparations to deal with the domineering look of the Quincy Master.

However, he still underestimated the conflict between these two domineering colors. He didn't expect those force fields to be useless at all!

Even those pacifists are scrapped!

To the two of them, the number of people is just a bunch of numbers, which is of no use at all!

In the end, I still can only hope for Lord Im...

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