One Piece: Opening Fusion Aizen

Chapter 118 Zephyr Appears

"Then give me your heart together."

Probably sensing what Aizen was going to do, Vegapunk quickly dodged back.

Immediately afterwards, there was a pattering sound of bleeding like rain.

"Yeah, I thought you were just an ordinary scientific researcher. You were able to avoid the knife just now. Is it because of the Hōgyoku in your heart?"

"Although it is only a defective product produced in just a few years, Hōgyoku is Hōgyoku, and it has quite extraordinary power!"

Taking a brief look at Vegapunk's body, although his physical ability has been strengthened, there is no sign of serious exercise, and the dodge just now is also completely relying on his excessive physical ability.

It can be seen at a glance that the improvement of Vegapunk's strength is completely dependent on external objects.

"However, I still hope you don't insist too much. In order to step on the ant and not destroy it, the strength is very difficult to control. As one of the few people in this world whose intelligence can make me look high, I can't bear to just do it like this." kill you."

"Are you kidding me? The moment I learned about Hōgyoku's true power, I knew it. There is only one person who can have Hōgyoku's power. You never intended me to live from the start, did you?"

Vegapunk replied completely nonchalantly that he had already guessed that this day would happen.

Whatever the reason, Vegapunk isn't going to sit still.

"Come out! The monsters I raised!"

After speaking, Vegapunk slammed a button next to him, and a secret door behind him was opened directly.

In the next second, Menos Grande with strange bodies like centipedes rushed up quickly and aimed directly at the laboratory, attacking everyone except Vegapunk.

"I see, did you cultivate Menos Grande?"

Aizen raised the knife in his hand quite normally, and with just a light wave, a Menos Grande in front of him was cut in half.

But the other researchers around were not so lucky.


A group of researchers in white coats couldn't help shouting, punching and kicking frantically, trying to shake off the Menos Grande who were biting them.

"This level of hypocrisy can't even delay time."

Exuding his own Reiatsu a little, the surrounding Menos Grande who wanted to approach Aizen all collapsed.

"What about this guy?"

At this moment, a monster with a height of nearly six meters and an exceptionally strong figure stood in front of Aizen.

"This is a monster I specially asked the World Government to find from the sixth floor of Impel down. Bacchus Choate is nicknamed "Big Wine"."

boom! boom! boom!

Although he passed Hollow, this guy still used the double guns he was good at.

"It's nerve-wracking."

Aizen suddenly stretched out a hand, and the palm easily blocked the bullet that could easily kill Sea Kings.

Very unpretentious, without any extra effort.

"With bare hands?"

Seeing Aizen catch Bacchus Choate's bullet with his bare hands, Vegapunk looked a little off.

The double guns in Bacchus Choate's hands are similar to Zanpakutō, and their power is quite terrifying.

"Sure enough, you are the one who can cause me trouble!"

After the words fell, Aizen's arm swung down violently.

In an instant, a bad feeling came to my heart.

Before he could take any action, Dajiu's body split open suddenly, and blood gushed out of his body frantically.

The Menos Grande, which was specially found from the sixth floor of Impel down and specially modified, was so vulnerable in the hands of Aizen.

Aizen walked towards Vegapunk step by step: "Farewell, Vegapunk."

He lifted Kyōka Suigetsu high, and then fell straight down without mercy.

However, just as Aizen's knife was about to fall on Vegapunk, a huge force blocked Aizen's knife.

Following the direction of this force, Aizen jumped straight up to stabilize his body, and retreated to his original position.

He saw a figure very familiar to Aizen appear in front of him.

It was a big man with an extremely powerful figure, purple hair, and an exceptionally strong body. Every inch of his muscles seemed to have explosive strength.

Wearing... Marine Admiral clothes, but not the Admiral clothes of their generation.

"I didn't expect it to be really you!"

Zephyr slowly raised his head, staring fixedly at Aizen in front of him, his face full of complex expressions.

A student who was once the most proud of him has now come to the opposite side of himself.

"I also didn't expect to meet you again at this time, Mr. Zephyr."

Aizen looked at the man in front of him calmly.

A mentor who once preached to himself.

"Now you are no longer qualified to call me mentor! Aizen."

Zephyr clenched his right arm into a fist, and slammed towards Aizen fiercely, and Aizen also stretched out his palm to block it very easily.

One punch, one palm, collided together, and the huge impact formed caused everyone around to fly backwards. Although Vegapunk had Hōgyoku in his body, his physical fitness was only slightly stronger, and he had no actual combat power at all.

"I don't want to kill you if I can."

"What do you mean you don't want to kill me? What about Zhiyuan? Extra plan? Why did you kill them! Especially Zhiyuan, don't you know her intentions!"

Zephyr gritted his teeth tightly, he already knew about Madoka and Kake.

Hearing Zephyr's words, Aizen looked up in surprise.

I just solved Zhiyuan Jiaji, and I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. Sure enough, the power of World government cannot be underestimated!

"Although I killed her, it's true that I didn't want to attack her. That's why I spent a little more time in Huajian."

"To be honest, I can just let her go, but I always feel that if I don't do this, I can't say goodbye to the [weak self] in the past. This is probably a process of self-persuasion."

Thinking of Madoka, to be honest, Aizen is somewhat shaken in his heart.

In his opinion, Aizen's admiration for himself is very easy to control, and in fact it is true. Aizen has successfully controlled this person.

But Aizen somewhat overestimated himself, overestimated his level of indifference. If he continued like this, this weapon, which he regarded as easy to control, might become the most fatal weakness in his heart.

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