One Piece: Opening Fusion Aizen

Chapter 198 Subsequent Impact


The soldier seemed a bit embarrassed. On one side was the commander-in-chief of the army, Kong, and on the other was Marine Admiral Fujitora, no matter which side he could not afford to mess with.

"Okay, go back and report back. Kong won't make things difficult for you."

Fujitora didn't want to continue to talk too much nonsense, so he just said it to death.

Seeing this, the Marine soldier was also a little helpless, he sighed and had to choose to leave.



In this way, the solution to Fujitora's smile was quickly thrown out.

Of course, not many people know about the solution this time, and only the government and Marine senior management know these things.

Just as Doflamingo expected, there was a problem with Tiantianjin. Although it was only a part of Devil Fruit that Celestial Dragons didn't care about at all, it was a matter of face after all, and Fujitora would definitely be dealt with in the end.

Of course, the handling will definitely not be too much. The current situation in this sea is very unfavorable to Marine and the government. If you drive away your own Admiral, you will be a fool.

Therefore, the punishment for Fujitora is simple, temporarily not allowed to return to Naval Headquarters until he is called up.

Nominally, it is still the Admiral of Headquarters, but in this case, it is no problem to say that he is the Admiral of the Marine branch.

As the highest combat power in the headquarters, he is not allowed to return to Naval Headquarters without permission? Then what is the headquarters Admiral?

Regarding Fujitora's punishment and the cause of the accident, Zephyr, the former Admiral of Headquarters, naturally heard about it.

"Teacher Zephyr..."

Ain and Binz looked at Zephyr who had suddenly fallen into silence, and spoke out in concern.

As the two closest disciples of Zephyr in the Pirate Guerrilla Team, they could clearly feel that Zephyr's emotions had changed visibly with the naked eye.

And every time there is a change, it is accompanied by some things in the World government and Marine.

Seeing Zephyr's appearance this time, they always felt that Zephyr had made some kind of decision.

"During this period of time, I have almost traveled around the world and the first half of the Grand Line. To be honest, I am still very happy. Everyone has grown up and become an important help to stabilize the world."

Zephyr seemed to be remembering, but also seemed to be thinking about something.

During this period of time, when he went to see his former disciples, they all silently watched from the sidelines, without revealing his identity.

To be honest, almost everyone who came out of the elite camp performed very well, only a few lost hands and legs in the battle with pirates and became disabled, but even so, they did their best. Everything possible is helping Marine.

No one disappointed him.

"At first, I wasn't quite sure, but now it seems that I didn't make any mistakes when I founded the elite camp, and the idea I taught you is also very correct."

There was a gleam of tenderness in Zephyr's eyes. This steely soldier will also have such a time.

Especially when facing the students in the elite camp.

When his wife and children were killed by pirates, he had to devote all his enthusiasm and care to the elite camp.

"Of course, Mr. Zephyr will always be the best teacher in our hearts."

Ain said with certainty.

"So, I'm going to meet Aizen in De Reiss Rosa."

Recalling what Aizen said to himself when he left Marine, and remembering that during the riot that year, Marine's high-end combat power did not actually have any casualties.

Zephyr also seems to have slowly understood what Aizen meant. The justice of Marine is not the justice they imagined. They are not guardians for maintaining peace and rules, but loyal dogs under Celestial Dragons, a violent institution.

Moreover, among the many students he taught, none of them had any problems. After this round of traveling, he finally confirmed that Aizen, who he thought was the best Marine, would not have any problems either.

If there is a problem at all, it is definitely a problem with the World government and the Celestial Dragons.


Hearing this name, both Ain and Binz were taken aback.

Of course they have heard of this name, the former Admiral of Headquarters, but for some unknown reason they withdrew from the Marine, and now they have built a neutral country in De Reiss Rosa.

Neither Marines, pirates, nor the World government are allowed to use force in this territory.

It is an ideal country recognized by the New World.

"By the way, your generation doesn't seem to know about the incident when Aizen left Marine."

Seeing the puzzled expressions of Ain and Binz, Zephyr suddenly realized that, except for a very small number of Marine executives, no one knew what happened back then.

"Aizen is the best Marine I have ever taught, even Sakazuki and Polusalino are far behind..."

Zephyr was lost in memory as he spoke.

Slowly narrating the things that Aizen did and the miracles that Aizen created back then.

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