Looking at the newspapers a few years ago and the descriptions about New World, Ace's heart is full of longing for the sea area of ​​the strong.

The top pirate, the top battle.

"In this case, then find a group of good companions first, and then challenge that piece of sea!"

Ace slapped the newspaper on the table, his eyes full of anticipation.

But what he didn't know was that the newspaper information he just read was too outdated. The Red Hair Pirates, one of the Four Emperors pirates, had long since disappeared and hadn't appeared for several years.

Even the red-haired territory has already been divided up by those greedy pirates in New World.



a few months later

"Red Hair Pirates disappeared for years, rumored to be dead?"

On the Spades Pirate Ship, Ace, who was feasting and enjoying the delicious food, suddenly looked at the crew members beside him.

Ace only heard the news from the rest of the population when he heard the crew talk about the Red Hair Pirates.

Because he was reading the newspapers before, so many newspapers he has not seen reports about the disappearance of the Red Hair Pirates.

Of course, he usually sees less, but it is a very important factor.

"What's wrong? Ace. Isn't it just right that the red hair disappeared? We can rush into the New World, directly replace the Red Hair Pirates, and become the Four Emperors of the New World."

A crew member said to Ace with some confusion, they have all seen Ace's exaggerated strength, and it is not a problem at all to win a piece of New World territory.

"Actually, I want to visit the Red Hair Pirates. Did the red-haired guy ever take care of my brother? He was his savior."

Ace explained to everyone.

He didn't intend to challenge the red hair, the red hair is Luffy's benefactor, as long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to provoke, Ace will definitely not do it.

What's more, Hongfa was once a crew member of the Roger Pirates, so he shouldn't challenge Hongfa under any circumstances.

His first target going into New World was, without a doubt, Whitebeard.

"Is that so?"

Hearing what Ace said, everyone understood why Ace was so excited just now.

But they didn't expect that Ace's younger brother actually had a relationship with the Red Hair Pirates.

"Well, although those lands used to belong to the redheads, after all, they are now unclaimed lands. It shouldn't be a problem for us to take them down, right?"

A crew member walked up to Ace and asked him.

Others also set their sights on Ace, wanting to see what decision Ace would make.

"Of course, if the redheads were still on that territory, I wouldn't challenge them, but now that they've disappeared, I certainly won't let them go."

Ace replied affirmatively, he's not an idiot, that area is already unclaimed land, no matter who grabs it, it's fine.

Even if the Red Hair Pirates who disappeared for many years reappear, the other party can't say anything.

"But having said that, Ace, you don't even know this kind of news, so who did you plan to challenge after entering New World?"

A crew member questioned Ace curiously. Anyway, Ace must have the original goal.

Ace looked at the crew member, and then took out a bounty.

5 billion 46 million Berry!

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was one of New World's "Four Emperors" during his lifetime. He was known as "the strongest man in the world", known as "Whitebeard".

"That was my original goal."

Looking at the 5 billion reward order, Ace's eyes gradually became firmer, and then he added: "Of course, now my target is also this man."


Everyone yelled in surprise, what is this guy Ace talking about?

The current target is also this man?

Doesn't that mean...

Ace still wants to challenge the man known as the strongest man in the world.

"Ace, are you kidding me? That's the strongest man in the world. How dangerous that guy is, you should be able to tell from his name."

"That's right, that guy is a guy who has stood at the top of this sea area since the era of the Three Great Pirates. He is a monster as famous as the One Piece King Roger. Such a guy..."

Everyone was talking about wanting to tell Ace how strong this guy Whitebeard is.

However, Ace turned a deaf ear to these words: "From the day I went to sea, I have already decided on this matter. Moreover, I also have a reason to have to fight that guy." Ace's attitude was very firm.

The day he went to sea, he had already decided to defeat Whitebeard, for no other reason than Ace was the son of Roger, the pirate king.

Seeing that Ace was so determined, they couldn't say anything more, after all, Ace was the captain.

Although Ace's choice is very reckless, but with his unique personal charm, the crew will still choose to believe him.

What's more, the current Ace is not so strong.

Accepted Aizen's Hollow crystallization, although Ace has not been able to fully exert this power at this time, his strength is still very terrifying, at least he already has the sixth-ranked level in Espada.

After all, it was specially created by Aizen, and the void in Ace's body has the power of Vasto Lorde level.

Once it's really fully developed, Ace can instantly squeeze into the top three Espada.




In a certain training ground of Naval Headquarters, Sakazuki punched the special training iron man in front of him and smashed several huge rocks.

As Admirals, they usually do some training, at least to ensure that they are warmed up so that their bodies will not get rusty.

Some of the training grounds in the headquarters are also specially made for these Admirals. Otherwise, if it is a general training ground, it is estimated that the Admirals will not be able to use it after a few tries.

Just when Sakazuki was about to punch down again, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps behind him, and Sakazuki asked directly without looking back: "Smile, you are here."

"Sakazuki, a new message came back from the headquarters just now. The newcomer Ace is preparing to go to the New World through the original The fish men island..."

Hearing what Fujitora said, Sakazuki frowned even more.

So young and so strong!

At only seventeen years old, he easily defeated the capture of three Marine Vice Admirals in Sabaody Archipelago.

What was even more frightening was that a mask appeared on the face of the newcomer!

"After so many years, did that guy finally start to move again? This time the guy is number n0.9, ​​right?"

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