One Piece: Opening Nine Tails Bombards Mariejois

Chapter 194: Kozuki Oden And The Eight Heroes In Red Sheaths

"Brother Kin'emon, you said the lord is calling us? What's the matter?"

The shogun's residence in the capital of flowers, where Kozuki Oden and his retainers are located.

During this period of time, they never returned to Jiuli, instead they kept calling people out from Jiuli.

For example, the Ashura boy who was guarding Jiuli was also called here.

But compared to the later Red Sheath Nine Heroes, there are only eight people now.

There are two Zuowu visitors missing, Maomushi and Inuarashi, and they have not come to Wanokuni at this point in time.

But there is one more Izo, who is Kikunojo's elder brother. He originally wanted to stay on the Whitebeard ship after Oden and others went to sea, but now there should be no chance.

Now Izo is still under Oden's subordinate, and at this moment he is also walking towards Oden's room with Kin'emon.

It was Denjiro who asked the question just now, and the relationship between Denjiro and Kinemon is relatively good.

During this period of time, not only Kin'emon, they all felt a change in Kozuki Oden, so after hearing Oden calling them, Denjiro also felt a kind of resistance.

Jinweimen said, "As retainers, we only need to obey Lord Oden's orders."

He told us to go...

Then here we go!

Because they are retainers who have sworn allegiance to Kozuki Oden!

Denjiro stopped talking, but slowly followed behind Kin'emon.

The eight people walked slowly all the way, and finally came to the door where Kozuki Oden was.

"Master Oden, we have arrived."

"come in."

Kozuki Oden's voice was heard, and Kin'emon pushed the door open.

They saw Kozuki Oden standing at a table not far from the door, and at the other end of that table, there was another person sitting there.

The man was wearing a gray checked shirt and black sunglasses. He was tall and very muscular. He looked calm, as if he was talking to Oden.

"Everyone is here."

Kozuki Oden turned his head to look at the eight of them, they couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous, let me introduce you." Kozuki Oden said with a smile, "This is Togiro, my ally."

"Allies... allies?" Kin'emon was surprised

What kind of ally does Kozuki Oden need in this country?

He is already the heir of Kuri Daimyo and General, who else does he need to join forces with? !

"The enemy we are going to deal with next is very strong, and we can't do without improving our combat power." Oden seemed to see through Kin'emon's thoughts, he shrugged

Afterwards, he looked at the eight people with sharp eyes, and his tone became a little cold.

"During this period of time, have you guys been getting stronger?!"

His stern reprimand made everyone feel a little ashamed. As Oden's retainers, their strength was indeed weak.

Of course, this weakness must be relative. In fact, they are all very strong warriors in Wanokuni.

But compared to Kozuki Oden and that Himura Kenshin...

too weak.

Had they met Himura Kenshin with Kozuki Oden, would they have been able to change the situation?

There's a good chance they'll all die there together!

So they were ashamed, and Kozuki Oden gave a sneer when he saw them.

"However, you are all my loyal retainers, and I am not stingy with rewarding my subordinates." Kozuki Oden approached them slowly, and the sound of footsteps sounded in the quiet house.

"Come on, now I have obtained a very interesting power, which I can bestow on you."

Kozuki Oden walked up to Denjiro and said to him, "Stretch out my hand, and I will share my power with you, making you as strong as me."

"Really, Master Oden?!" Denjiro was a little excited, he was about to reach out his hand, but he felt something was wrong.

Because no one else seemed to respond except him.

It can even be felt that someone has become extremely nervous.

He quickly turned his head to look at the others, and said, "What are you doing? Master Oden wants us to reach out? He can make us stronger!"

"Den... Denjiro, look..." It was Kanjuro who answered him. Kanjuro raised his hand in fear, pointed forward and said tremblingly, "Look at Oden-sama!"

Denjiro turned his head, and his heart was about to jump out suddenly!

Because at this moment Kozuki Oden's face was almost attached to his own, and his eyes were pure darkness, which was a change he had known for more than two months.

But at this moment, there is a jumping blackness in the darkness, and a black aura that is as active as tentacles emerges from his body!

He was smiling an evil, creepy smile.

"What's the matter? Are you... are you going to disobey my order?"

"Are you kidding me?" Boy Ashura couldn't help but said, "You're not Lord Oden at all!"

The Ashura boy had already grasped the knife at this moment, and he slashed forward in an instant, but Oden didn't move at all, because someone had already blocked the knife for him.

"Lao Jin! What are you doing?!" Ashura Boy looked at Kin'emon who swung a knife to block his attack and couldn't help shouting

And Kin'emon said angrily, "You are the one, look what you are doing?! You pointed the sword at the lord whom you swore to be loyal to! Are you plotting rebellion?!"

"He is no longer the Lord Oden we are familiar with! Yes, he must be possessed by some evil spirit now, so that can explain his changes during this period!"

Ashura boy scolded back angrily, while several people around looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

At this time, Kozuki Oden laughed out loud, and his laughter made Ashura Doji and Kin'emon look at him at the same time.

"You guys are really interesting! Kin'emon..."

He said Kin'emon's name, which made Kin'emon pause for a moment, and Kozuki Oden continued to say, "You really deserve to be my most loyal subordinate. It's good that you have such awareness."


In the shocked eyes of everyone, Kozuki Oden instantly drew a knife, and pierced Kin'emon's body with one knife.

"Yu...Master Tian..."

This scene stunned everyone, especially Denjiro exclaimed, "What are you doing Oden-sama?!"

But Oden just smiled and said, "Don't panic, I'm giving him new life."

At this time, people noticed that Kozuki Oden's blade was black and seemed to be still wriggling. It was more like a tentacle than a knife.

At this moment, that black power also entered Kinemon's body.

Kin'emon's body that was still struggling suddenly stopped, because he felt that he was not dead, but that there was still a kind of power passing into his body.

Hu Yulu watched quietly from the side.

He was watching how this wave of dregs changed in Kozuki Oden's body.

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