The crisp sound of bone cracking sounded.

Hale Nok couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood:


The dark lava pressed him toward a small desert island below.

Hale Nok suppressed the panic in his heart and looked at the ground getting closer and closer.

I know that if I hit it hard, I would definitely die.

He didn’t care about the limbs that were locked by Sakaski’s weapon-colored lava.

Taking a deep breath:

“Explosive power, steam and kill!”

I would rather lose my limbs than live.

His body turned red rapidly, and his whole body swelled a bit.

At this time, Sakaski’s indifferent voice came from the dark lava:

“Lava blasting jade.”

The dark lava quickly faded to red.

One hundred meters above the island, the two of them blew themselves up at the same time.

The steam and lava instantly expanded to the size of the island.

White steam blends with red lava.

Only three seconds.

The white steam collapsed directly.

Large tracts of lava invaded the scope of the steam and were directly dispersed.

The sky, which was originally white and red, was instantly covered in red.

Magma fell all over the sky.

The entire island turned into a magma hell.

Hale Nok fell to the ground and rolled an unknown number of times.

Then he struggled to get up:


He kept coughing out blood from his mouth.

He casually created a steam ball and sat on it, breathing heavily:


He looked up at Sakaski who was walking slowly.

At this time, there was no fear on his face anymore, and there was still a faint smile.

Sakaski walked up to Hale Nock and saw this gesture:

“Oh? Aren’t you afraid of death?”

Hale Nock grinned:


“I should have died as soon as I hit the ground.”

“But I’m not dead.”

“It shows that I still have value.”

“I just don’t know what I have to give.”


Sakaski chuckled:

“You are very smart.”

“According to the latest news.”

“The golden lion died in the waters of Ed Waugh.”

“It will be spread across the sea in a few days.”

“His territory is now ownerless.”

Hale Nock instantly thought of the previous photo.

I believed it 80%, but remained calm:

“This is really big news.”

“Tell me this, do you want me to take over the Golden Lion’s territory?”

“Why would the Navy be so kind?”


Sakaski didn’t mind the taunts either:

“You don’t have to think about the Golden Lion’s territory.”

“The headquarters has sent a fleet to take over.”

“And what you have to do is attack BIGMOM’s territory.”

“This is the only reason you can live.”

Hale Noak also understood the navy’s plan:


“Let me fight with BIGMOM.”

“You take the opportunity to return to the new world.”

“It doesn’t seem to do me any good.”

Sakaski said indifferently:

“At least you can live, right?”

Hale Nok was silent for a few seconds and suddenly laughed:


“Okay, you convinced me.”

As he spoke, Hale Nok raised his hand and shot a ball of steam into the sky.


White steam exploded in the sky.

It looks like the skull on the flag of the Steam Pirates.

This is the summoning order for the Steam Pirates…


On board the Steam Pirates.

Under the orders of Hale Noak.

Everyone enters the bottom of the cabin and is not allowed to come out.

On the huge ship there were only Sakaski, Hale Nok and two of his henchmen.

Along with the hang up bug.

Hale Nok, who was in a state of embarrassment, looked at Sakaski:

“Okay, the order has been issued.”

“The Anzi ambushing on various islands have launched an attack.”

After saying that, he felt a little headache and pressed his temples.


The fastest attack can only be carried out by launching a hidden weapon, otherwise the voyage will take several days.

It’s impossible to wait for him.

As for saying there is no secret… who believes it…

Sakaski nodded:

“Very well, let’s go.”

Hale Nock took a deep breath:

“Let’s go.”

As he spoke, he handed the phone bug in his hand to one of his henchmen.

Follow Sakaski soaring into the sky.

The direction the two were flying was exactly the territory of the BIGMOM Pirates.

When the two of them were completely gone, the two confidants heaved a sigh of relief.

Check out the phone bug.

I don’t know when a row of red letters was printed on the belly of the phone bug.

“The golden lion is dead, accept the territory as quickly as possible.”

This day….Golden Lion

All of his territory was under attack.

Countless ships sailed from the sphere of influence of the Steam Pirates to the territory of the Golden Lion…


New world, unknown sea.

The fleet and islands led by the golden lion flew at a constant speed in the sky.

The huge wave interrupted his battle with Roger two days ago.

But it was also because of the combined attack of the two.

Breaking through the layers of huge waves, both parties were able to escape.

Although the fleet suffered some losses, they were not serious.


Then suddenly a burst of noise came:

“Boss Shiki!!!”

The golden lion turned his head:

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

The subordinate ran over in a hurry with the phone:

“Boss Shiji! All our territories are under attack!!!”

The golden lion frowned:

“Are you kidding? Who would have such courage?”

His hands trembled and he said:


The golden lion said sharply:

“They what they.”

The subordinate swallowed his saliva and said:

“They say you died in the waters off Ed Waugh.”


The golden lion suddenly understood, and his anger was beyond words:

“Damn it! Who passed it!!!”

The subordinate wiped the cold sweat and said:

“Yes…it’s the Steam Pirates.”

A fierce look flashed in the golden lion’s eyes:

“court death!”

The speed of the entire air fleet and the island has increased several times.

Although it consumes a lot of energy, it has to be done.

You must show up in time to stop the rumors.

The surging murderous intent exploded with overlord color.

“Hare Nock…”


late at night.

On board the BIGMOM pirates.


Charlotte Lingling’s expression of anger flashed across her face.

Damn it, another island was attacked.

This is already the seventh one.

Bug answered the phone and suppressed his anger:


The frightened voice on the other side of the phone sounded:

“Mom, O’Neill Island was also attacked.”

“But this time we found out who the attacker was,”

A fierce look flashed in Charlotte Lingling’s eyes:

“who is it!!!!”

There was a sound of swallowing on the phone, and then he said tremblingly:

“It’s Hale Nock.”

“They…they should be heading to Takis Island.”

Charlotte Lingling showed a cruel smile:

“very good.”

After saying that, he hung up the phone bug and summoned Zeus.

Sit on it and fly directly to Takis Island.

“Hale Nock!!!!”


New World, O’Neill Island.

Hale Nok took a deep breath and felt numb…

This is a dead end for BIGMOM…

At this time, the phone call had just been hung up on Zong’s subordinates.

He looked at the two tall figures in fear:

“Already, the beating is over…Okay, let me go…”

Sakaski glanced at him indifferently and motioned for him to leave.

The frightened pirate quickly got up and ran away.

Sakaski glanced at Hale Nok beside him and signaled.

Hale Nok raised his hand and fired a steam bullet.

Directly blasting the escaping pirates into blood mist…

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