Three days later.

Punk Hassard.

Sakaski is visiting various organisms in the laboratory’s breeding tanks.


With the sound of the doorknob, Vegapunk pushed the door open and entered.

The whole person seemed to be about to die suddenly.

It seems like I haven’t slept for a few days:

“Lieutenant General Sakaski.”

Sakaski looked at Vegapunk and said:

“Mr. Vegapunk.”

“You are trying too hard.”

Vegapunk smiled:

“This is the first time I’ve seen such amazing material.”

“Somewhat obsessed.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“What did you find out?”

Vegapunk immediately became energetic and his eyes widened:

“I have to say, it’s amazing.”

“You might not know that.”

“He actually has the power of three Devil Fruits.”

“And it’s all a perfect blend.”

“There’s no interference with each other.”

“It’s just biologically impossible.”

Sakaski made a curious gesture:


“Three devil fruits?.”

Vegapunk nodded:

“That’s right.”

“Three devil fruits.”

“Let me tell you about it.”

“To understand Devil Fruit, you need to know its relationship with the blood factor.”

“What is the blood factor?”

“simply put.”

“It’s a polymer with a double helix structure.”

“Exists in the body of living things.”

“This stuff fills the whole body.”

“It can be said to be the blueprint of life.”

“Because if you master the blood factor.”

“You can copy, simulate, transform, etc. from the genetic level.”

“You can easily create all kinds of creatures.”

“Then what is the relationship between Devil Fruit and blood factor?”

“It’s the transformation of blood factors.”

“The Devil Fruit contains a magical power.”

“After eating the Devil Fruit, this magical power will transform the organism from the genetic level.”

“It will directly break all the blood factors in the organism and reorganize them.”

“Thereby gaining a variety of capabilities.”

“This level of transformation is impossible with current technology.”

Sakaski nodded. Strictly speaking, the blood factor is the DNA from the previous life…

The Vinsmoke family’s cybernetic clones and the like.

Vegapunk continued:

“And here comes the most important question.”

“Why does your body explode after eating multiple Devil Fruits?”

“That is, there is only one blood factor in each person.”

Sakaski said:

“It’s a kind of…”

Vegapunk said “hmm”:

“Just one.”

“We did a lot of experiments.”

“Even twins, triplets, identical people or animals.”

“The blood factors in their bodies will also be slightly different.”

“Creatures born naturally do not have the same blood factor.”

“We even do artificial breeding.”

“As long as the second one is implanted, even if it is a similar twin.”

“The entire gene chain will collapse in an instant.”


“After eating a Devil Fruit, the bloodline factors of the entire body are transformed.”

“Eat the second one now.”

“Then the power of this Devil Fruit will conflict with the previous Devil Fruit.”

“Making this creature collapse from the genetic level.”

“So after eating two Devil Fruits, the creature will explode with a bang.”

“Under the conflict of the power of two devil fruits.”

“Detonate the bloodline factors that exist everywhere in the body and turn them into blood mist.”

“This is why each person can only eat one Devil Fruit.”

“But here’s the problem.”

“This is the material you came for.”

“There are actually three blood factors.”

Sakaski hissed in surprise:

“Three kinds?”

Begapunk said excitedly:

“Yes, there are three kinds.”

“And they are from the same origin.”

“There are just some subtle differences.”

“But it hasn’t collapsed yet.”

“It’s just unimaginable.”

“All blood factors in living organisms are inherited from the previous generation, that is, the mother.”

“And what does this situation amount to?”

“The triplets’ sisters were pregnant with a child at the same time.”

“There is no conflict with each other yet.”

“This is impossible.”

“Even if there is a space in the bodies of the three mothers, it is impossible to share the same belly.”

“The conflict between bloodline factors will instantly cause this creature to collapse.”

“Science is very rigorous

, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this situation. ”

“But it’s actually here.”

“It’s so…”

Sakaski moved his lips, science is not good… but Devil Fruit is.

Thinking of the speculations in the past life and the abnormal combination ability of Tunton Fruit.

After all, it appeared in the original work. Valpo, the person with the ability to swallow the fruit, swallowed two of his subordinates and directly combined them into a two-headed man…

After thinking about it, I didn’t say it out loud. After all, it’s best to keep this kind of secret to myself:

“Fortunately I didn’t let him grow up.”

“I actually ate three devil fruits.”

Hearing Sakaski’s words, Vegapunk shook his head:

“It doesn’t matter if you grow up.”

“This guy.”


“Three Devil Fruits, all of which are animal-type.”

“I don’t know if I’m lucky or unlucky.”

“Can actually eat three Devil Fruits.”

“It just so happens that they are all animal-based.”

“But that doesn’t matter, they are all dead anyway.”

Sakaski nodded, it was indeed miserable…but…

“Can any ability be seen?”

Vegapunk said:


“Because it was modified at the genetic level.”

“So there are some differences in the blood factors of the three series of devil fruits.”

“Well compartmentalized.”

“After the death of a superhuman ability user, the blood factor will become similar to a normal state.”

“Because for most superhuman fruits, the transformation is minimal and they will not change the entire body or deform the body.”

“After the death of a natural-type ability user, the bloodline factors will become similar to those of the elemental type, which will be disintegrated at the touch of a touch.”

“Because it completely transforms the body and allows it to become elemental, the natural bloodline factor is the most fragile.”

“One is an animal-type fruit-powered user.”

“The characteristic of animal-type fruit-powered users is that their cells are highly active.”

“So it’s the easiest to identify.”

“Even if he has been dead for a long time, if he is a powerful animal type user, his remaining cells will be extremely active.”

“Although the cell activity of this material is not high.”

“But it’s obvious that it’s the animal department.”

Sakaski said:

“I see.”

“What if we copy him?”

Vegapunk shook his head:

“No, I tried.”

“The moment the embryo is cultured.”

“The entire embryonic biological system collapses in an instant.”

“I’ve tried nearly a hundred times in the past two days, but none of them have been successful.”

“It’s normal, but it’s not normal.”

“Normally, the fusion of multiple bloodline factors will definitely collapse, there is no doubt about it.”

“What’s abnormal is that if it collapses, how did it form?”

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