Grand Line, G7 branch.

In the huge fortress hall, Sengoku fed a document into the pet goat’s mouth.

“I called you here this time because of a top-secret mission.”

“Demon Slayer Order.”

Sauro looked in disbelief:

“Start the demon-slaying order?”

Warring States crossed his arms and said:


“Ten warships and five lieutenant general commanders are needed.”

“And you are one of them.”


Sauro said in shock:

“They are just a group of scholars.”

“Why must it be done to this extent!”

“Those arrested so far.”

“In my opinion, they just want to know the real history!”

“What if that research was really that dangerous!”

“The government should help them!”

“It’s us who have been the ones killing people all this time.”

“Give me some proof that they are completely evil people!”

Warring States frowned and snorted coldly:

“Are you doubting the government?”

“Excuting an order!!!”

He turned and left, leaving Lieutenant General Sauro stunned.

G7 branch, prison.


Sauro sat directly in front of the cell of the white-haired woman, Nicole Orbia.

Olbia’s body covered with scars raised his head.

Sauro’s deep voice came:

“I think…..”

“Hear what you think…”


Standing on the sun, G7 branch.

The prison guard who woke up after being knocked unconscious by Sauro.

Looking at the empty cell, he rushed out in a hurry.

The alarm was sounded….

Buzz – um – buzz –

“Emergency situations!”

“Lieutenant General Sauro escaped with the prisoners!!!”

“Notify me quickly!!”

“Hurry up and chase us out!!!”


In the fortress hall, Warring States looked at the gathered generals:

“That guy knows the entire plan for this battle.”

“We must capture Sauro and Olbia.”

“You can shoot if necessary.”

Then he waved his hand to everyone to pursue him.

Warring States narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance, that bastard…


It was far away from the G7 branch and I knew I couldn’t see it.

The two warships, traveling side by side, began to gradually separate.

Sauro and Olbia were sitting alone on a stolen warship.

Orbia looked at Sauro on the opposite warship:

“Sauro, you can’t be a navy anymore.”

Sauro looked in the direction of the G7 branch:

“It doesn’t matter….”

“I don’t believe them anymore.”

“So I can’t stay any longer.”

“From a legal perspective, this operation was too brutal.”

“I just carried out my own justice…”

“Go back to your hometown quickly and inform them, Olbia!”

Olbia turned his back to Sauro:

“I won’t thank you.”

They turned around and walked towards the cab. Navigation was not a problem for them who had received professional training…

Sauro stood on another warship and grinned:

“Good luck!!”

“Come on hehehehehe!”


The Grand Line.

Sakaski, who was on his way to join the G7 branch, suddenly received a summons.

Looking at the information on the paper, Sakaski took a few deep breaths.


The paper instantly turned into a ball of fire.


“You’ve already lived like a dog for a long time.”

“The Vice Admiral let a criminal brainwash him.”

“Idiots are contagious.”

Carol looked confused:

“what happens.”

Sakaski pressed his temple:

“I don’t know what Sauro was talking about with the criminal in O’Hara.”

“Escaped late at night with O’Hara’s criminals.”

“Nobody found out until the next day.”

Carol also had a dark look on her face:


I don’t know how to comment anymore. With such an IQ, I often claim to be a wise man among giants…

Sakaski looked helpless:

“It’s just mindless.”

“These idiots…”


He suppressed the swear words, took a few deep breaths, and suppressed his anger:


“Don’t go to the G7 branch.”

“Go directly to the entrance to the Upside Down Mountain and see if you can intercept it.”

“If you can’t stop it, just wait there for them to meet up.”

Carol spoke:



Sea West, O’Hara.

Another day of being hated and bullied ended.

Robin opened the door to his uncle’s house:

“I’m back.”

“I’m sorry, I came back late.”

But the dimness of the room and the shadows lengthened by the setting sun showed that no one in the room seemed to be there.

“Aunt Roger?”

Robin asked cautiously again, but no one responded, so he glanced around.

He turned around, closed the door, and walked to the dining table, where a piece of paper stood.

Opening the paper, the contents inside emerged.

“To Robin.”

“Today is our daughter’s birthday.”

“So our family of three went out to have dinner together.”

“There is still bread at home, feel free to eat some.”

“Remember, don’t apply jam.”

“You need to wash the dishes and clean up before we go home.”

“Then put the clothes that have been dried in.”

“Finally, obediently go up to the compartment on the second floor.”

Robin put away the paper and picked up a piece of bread on the table.

I spread a little jam on it and ate it silently.

After eating, I quickly cleaned up.

I do not know how long it has been…..

The sunset is about to disappear.

Robin was still kneeling on the ground mopping the floor.

As if thinking of the harmonious family of three during the day, tears gradually came to my eyes.

Tears fell on the floor and were wiped away in an instant…


Robin finally finished his work and went out alone to the Tree of Omniscientity.

Dr. Cloba, who had been waiting for a long time, finally saw Robin’s figure through the window.

“Robin is here!”

“Everyone to your place!”

Not long after, the door to the Tree of Omniscience opened.


“Good evening, Dr. Cloba, I’m here to return the book.”

Bang bang bang bang——

Hidden scholars suddenly appear.

He fired the small salute in his hand.

Then the lights came on and the joyful crowd celebrated.

“Congratulations! Robin!”

“Awesome! Robin! He is truly a genius!”

“There’s cake to eat!”

Dr. Kloba had a kind smile on his face:

“Robin, congratulations on getting perfect marks on your last PhD exam!”

“From today!”

“You can call yourself an archaeologist!”

“From now on, you will be our partner, and we will conduct research together!”

“Here, this is the scholar’s proof.”

“Take it, Robin.”

Then the golden medal was handed to Robin.

Robin took it and wore it with a look of longing, and the people around him kept congratulating.

After a while, the atmosphere gradually dropped.

Dr. Kloba coughed slightly:

“Okay, Robin.”

“Now let me tell you what a true archaeologist is.”

Robin nodded heavily, and a clear voice sounded:


“Dr. Cloba!”

Dr. Kloba Kloba looked serious:

“Knowledge is history.”

“This all-knowing tree is five thousand years old.”

“It stores countless documents and materials transported from all over the world.”

“This is an irreplaceable and precious treasure for all mankind.”

“This is the largest and oldest library in the world.”

“Plus we excellent archaeologists gathered under the Tree of Omniscientity.”

“There is no historical mystery that we cannot solve by studying these books.”

“Got it, Robin.”

Robin said happily:

“I see!”

Dr. Cloba smiled and touched Robin’s head:

“I hope you will study various cultures in the future.”

“Make your own contribution to the world.”

Robin nodded heavily:


“Doctor, I want to uncover the mystery of the blank history.”

Robin’s words instantly made Dr. Cloba’s head wet with cold sweat:

“No! Don’t study them!”

Robin was a little confused:


“It’s not just about studying historical texts.”

“You will know what happened in the blank hundred years.”

Dr. Kloba looked nervous:

“How do you know this?”

“Did you use your ability to sneak into the basement again?”

Seeing Robin’s guilty expression, Dr. Kloba broke into a cold sweat:

“You should know that interpreting historical texts is a crime.”

Robin looked away:

“But everyone secretly went into the basement to study late at night…”

Dr. Kloba was shocked:

“Robin, how do you even know this?”

“What’s going on? This is what you saw secretly.”

“Answer me! Robin!”

Robin raised his head and said:

“Because even if I ask you to please me, you won’t take me with you.”

“That’s why I want to become an archaeologist…”

“With everyone.


Dr. Kloba was silent, and after a moment he knelt down:

“Robin, you’re still a kid.”

“We were all prepared to lose our heads once things were revealed, and we resolutely conducted research.”

“This has been a taboo since the year 800.”

“Countless scholars have died for it.”

“But in history, we are the only ones in the O’Hara family who can understand this.”

“We have reached the point of no return.”

“I want you to swear to the Tree of All-Knowing never to come closer to the basement again.”


“I will ban you from entering the institute and library again.”

“I know.”

Robin’s tears welled up, and she couldn’t believe that Dr. Cloba could be so strange…

He opened the door and ran out. The people behind him wanted to stop him, but they thought of something and did not move.

After watching Robin disappear, Dr. Cloba sighed.

The scholar next to him said worriedly:

“She has completely gone the way of her mother.”

Dr. Kloba looked gloomy:

“She still doesn’t know what happened a few days ago.”

“Robin’s mother, Orbia, has been arrested.”

“The fate can be imagined…”


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