New world, Kyasen Island.

It is the largest island in the south within the sphere of influence where the new generation of pirates gather.

A few years ago, during the Ed Wohai War, Hale Nok provoked Charlotte Lingling and the Golden Lion because of Sakaski’s scheme.

Suppressed by both sides and retreating steadily, they had no choice but to retreat.

At the cost of giving up some territory, a large number of new generation pirates were attracted to help out.

In the end, after paying a huge price, they were able to barely withstand the attack of the two, and this part of the territory was also taken away.

Kyasen Island is currently the base camp of the Swamp Pirate Alliance.

The Swamp Pirate Alliance was formed by the Swamp Pirates. As the name suggests, the leader of this group of pirates is a Swamp Fruit user.

It attracted a large number of pirates who had just entered the new world to seek refuge.

Now, there are thirteen pirate groups of various sizes under his command.

In the palace in the center of the island.

The splendid hall shows wealth. Although it looks very luxurious, there are all kinds of mismatched accessories placed here. It is obvious that they were stolen.

In the hall, there was a pirate captain sitting at fourteen tables.

On the first seat, the sturdy captain of the Swamp Pirates and the leader of the alliance, Benson Lowell, looked at the assembled captains:

“Everyone is here.”

“Let’s do it now, Abbott.”

A swordsman with a long sword on his waist walked out from beside Benson Lowell.

Then with a wave of his hand, two pirates came out carrying a shelf with a large curtain and placed it at the entrance of the palace.

The curtain shows the division of spheres of influence in the new world, as well as the islands they currently control.

Abbott, carrying a long knife at his waist, walked to the curtain and took out a pen:

“Last week, Captain Woolley led his pirate group to capture Dautia Island.”

As he spoke, the pen in his hand placed an island on the sphere of influence line represented by Hale Nok, and added it to the scope of the Swamp Pirate Alliance.

“The port of Dautia Island is one of the important ports of the Steam Pirates.”

“The arms and cargo handled every day are very important war resources.”

“So Brother Lowell decided to move Dautia Island and several islands here.”

“All assigned to the Hyena Pirates commanded by Captain Woolley.”

He drew the pen on the curtain again, and a small oval-shaped area appeared.

The captains below all showed envy and jealousy, while Wooly, the hyena at the third table, smiled cruelly:

“Thank you, Brother Lowell.”

“It’s just Hale Knock who’s just being touted.”

“Next time I will bring his head to you.”

The burly Benson Lowell chuckled and nodded for Abbott to continue.

Abbott nodded and moved his pen slightly north of the center of the curtain.



A high-pitched chirp sounded.

Everyone in the hall stood up suddenly, alarm bells rang in their hearts, and the sense of crisis of death stimulated their nerves.

Benson Lowell’s eyes flashed:

“Up there!”

With a wave of his hand, layers of mud barriers covered the heads of everyone in the hall.

Then something seemed to hit the mud barrier and try to rush down.


The sharp sound of steam sounded, and a column of white air penetrated directly through the mud, and the back of the white five-pointed star sprayed steam and rushed down.

Abbott stepped forward and flew directly into the air. The sword in his hand instantly pierced the white five-pointed star.

An anthropomorphic face appeared on the white five-pointed star, looking at Abbott mockingly and smiling ferociously.

Benson Lowell’s sense of crisis continued, and his pupils shrank sharply.

“Throw it away!!!”

At the same time, the power exploded directly, and the entire palace ground turned into swamp mud, swallowing everyone up and trying to hide downwards.

boom–! ! ! ! !

The white five-pointed star exploded instantly.

The first to bear the brunt were the people who had just been swallowed less than half by the swamp.

Under extremely high temperature steam, it is steamed instantly.

Then violent explosive energy erupted from the palace, sweeping across the entire island in an instant.

A white mushroom cloud nearly a thousand meters high rose.

The hot steam swept across the island, igniting fire and burning everything.

In just a few seconds, the entire island was devoid of any living creatures, only cooked things were left…

In the huge pit at the palace, Benson Lowell shook his head and drilled out of the ground.

The violent vibrations and explosions made him dizzy.

As soon as he came out of the ground, the high-temperature air wave of hundreds of degrees seemed to suffocate him:

“How can…”


A sudden injury to his back directly broke his lumbar spine.

A big hand grabbed Benson Lowell’s head and lifted it up.

Hale Nok looked at him expressionlessly.


A slap in the face


“You don’t want my head.”



“You deserve it too.”


Benson Lowell’s teeth were all knocked out, and the bones on both sides of his cheeks were shattered.

This is the gap in combat power in the pirate world.

Although Benson Lowell’s bounty exceeds 200 million, it’s just like quitting King’s addiction…crushing.

He looked at this jumping trash with disdain.

He stretched out his hand to grab it and rushed directly to the sky.


On board the Steam Pirates.


A sharp whistle of steam sounded, followed by a shaking of the ship.

Hale Nock grabbed Benson Lowell and dropped him casually on the ground. He looked at his men:

“Everything is ready for me.”

The subordinate said excitedly:

“Ready! Boss!”

“Live broadcast for the whole world!”

Hale Nok nodded:

“Wake him up.”

The subordinate understood it clearly, took out a tube of medicine, and stabbed it directly into Benson Lowell’s body.

Lowell’s body twitched, and then he roared in pain.

Seeing Lowell struggling and rolling in pain, Hale Noak frowned.

He knelt down and covered Lowell’s mouth with his hand.


A sporadic sound sounded, and Lowell’s eyes widened, unable to think.

Severe pain hit his mind, and his entire jaw was crushed by Hale Nok, making him unable to make a sound.

Looking at Lowell who became quiet, Hale Nock took the hand towel handed by his younger brother and wiped his hands:

“let’s start.”

The boys around him smiled cruelly and started the live broadcast.

“The consequences of going against Boss Nok.”

“This is the first one.”

Holding Benson Lowell’s wanted poster in his hand, he made a big cross and waved.

A few boys moved a fish tank, and there were densely packed little piranhas swimming in it.

Lift Lowell up, starting from his feet, and slowly lower him into the fish tank.

The little piranhas swarmed up and ate Lowell’s foot in an instant, not even sparing the bones.

The piranha that had not eaten the meat kept jumping up, but because it was a small piranha, it could not bite high places at all.

Looking at Lowell struggling, the younger brother casually took out a syringe, which was a medicine to stop bleeding.

This live broadcast will last three hours before it ends…

The Steam Pirates’ fleet separated a few ships and went to clean up the battlefield on Kyasen Island, while the rest followed Hale Nok to continue to the next island.


New World, Delson Island.

It is the largest island in the north within the sphere of influence where the new generation of pirates gather.

Another new generation pirate group, the base of the Demolition Pirates.


A huge explosion sounded.


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