A few seconds later.

Crocodile with a gloomy face answered the phone, and a deep voice sounded:

“I’m Crocodile.”

Sakaski’s indifferent voice came from the phone bug:

“It’s fun to be a hero.”

Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly:

“What do you mean.”

The indifferent voice of Sakaski on the other side of the phone came:

“What’s the meaning?”

“The purpose of the Shichibukai’s existence is to inhibit the development of pirates.”

“I’m not asking you to stay in Alabasta and be a hero.”

“Find a way for me to take the initiative to destroy the pirates.”

“I’ll give you one year at the end.”

“If you can’t justify your existence.”

“Then don’t even want your head.”



The voice of the bug hung up.

This feeling of being scolded and trained like a dog.

Crocodile’s teeth were almost broken, and the phone bug in his hand made a crunching sound. It was about to explode and shatter.


There was a loud noise, and the boss desk in front of him was directly hammered to pieces by Crocodile.

The half-dead phone bug in his hand was thrown to the ground.

His whole body turned into sand and rushed out of the room.

That day… the wind and sand in the rainy area and several surrounding cities were particularly strong.


The expressionless Crocodile returned to the office of the owner of the casino ‘Rain Feast’.

At this time, the damaged boss table has been replaced with a brand new one.

All his men were trembling and waiting outside the door.

After all…it was the first time I saw my boss getting so angry, and no one dared to vent his anger loudly.

Crocodile ignored everyone and pushed the door open to enter the boss’s office.

“Everyone come in.”

Then, a group of men filed in.

Crocodile sat on the rotating boss chair and lit a cigar.

The lingering smoke covered the face and expression:

“If I want to curb the development of pirates.”

“Do you have a good solution.”

“Whoever comes up with it will be rewarded.”

The men looked at each other, somewhat at a loss.

With the organization’s current strength, it can barely keep Alabasta free from pirates.

If you want to suppress pirates in other places, isn’t this just a dream…

Although I don’t know why the boss did this, no one dares to come out and touch this bad guy.

No one spoke for a while.


The boss desk that had just been replaced with a new one almost fell apart.

Crocodile said gloomily:


“What’s the use of you?”

As he spoke, a gust of wind and sand came over the office, and more and more…

At this time, a man in a black suit from behind gritted his teeth and rushed out.

“Boss! I have a way.”

Crocodile looked at him expressionlessly:


The man in black suit said:

“Our power is simply not enough to suppress pirates elsewhere.”

“But we can use the power of pirate hunters.”

“Just build a small town at the entrance of the Grand Line.”

“Free food, accommodation, etc., attract pirate hunters to come over, let them hunt the pirates, and leave it to us.”

“We give them a bounty lower than the Navy’s, because of free food and accommodation, etc.”

“They will most likely agree, and it will be much safer to gather together.”

“At that time, we will exchange the pirates we have traded with the navy for Berry according to the reward.”

“Although you will lose everything in the early stage, you will definitely make it back because of the price difference in the later stage.”

“If time goes by, it’s not impossible to develop into our own peripheral organization.”

After hearing this plan, Crocodile stared at him for a few seconds and suddenly laughed:

“Very good, I have an idea.”

“Whose subordinate are you?”

The man in black suit said nervously:

“I work for Controller Scrooge.”

Scrooge is the general manager of Yuyan Casino. He usually takes care of everything in the casino and is equivalent to a housekeeper.

Crocodile said calmly:

“I’ll leave this matter to you.”

“If it’s done, he’ll be in charge.”

“Come and sit.”

Among the people standing at the head below, a middle-aged man in a black suit had his pupils shrunk.

The young subordinate who made the suggestion was full of excitement:

“Thank you boss.”

“I will definitely do this!”

“do not worry!”

Crocodile smiled inexplicably:

“Everyone, go down.”

After a while, the only sound left in the silent office was the sound of puffing.

After venting for a day, Crocodile, who had calmed down, became more and more eager for ‘that thing’…


Alabasta, inside the palace.

In the eyes of outsiders, the amiable king, Neferutari Kobra, was anxiously walking back and forth outside the queen’s palace.

The guard captain with strange curly hair, Ikarem couldn’t help but said:

“Don’t worry too much, King. The Queen will be fine.”

“Famous doctors from all over the country are gathered here.”

King Kobra stopped and sighed:

“Having said that…but…sigh…”

At this time, the cry of a baby suddenly came from the palace.


Everyone outside was stunned at first, and then became ecstatic. This meant that the king’s heir was born!

Cobra was also full of excitement and wanted to rush into the queen’s palace.

But two female doctors walked out of it with heavy expressions:

“Your Majesty the King, your heir was successfully born.”

“She is a beautiful princess.”

“But I’m afraid Queen…”

Cobra was dizzy and fell backwards. Fortunately, he was caught by Icarim next to him.

After waving his hand, Kobra, who was helped up, said tremblingly:

“Queen…what’s wrong…”

One of the female doctors spoke with some difficulty:

“The queen’s vitality was severely damaged due to dystocia, and she also suffered from severe bleeding.”

“I’m afraid we don’t have much time left…”

The emotions of surprise and despair were so overwhelming in a short period of time that Cobra fainted.





“Someone come quickly!!!!”

At night, inside the palace.

Kobra, who had been unconscious for two hours, woke up and sat up suddenly:


Quickly recalling the scene before he fainted, he opened the quilt and rushed out regardless of wearing the pajamas he had changed into.

Icarim, who was guarding the door, heard the shouting and was about to open the door and enter the palace when he saw Kobra rushing out and running madly towards the queen’s palace.

“Wait! Your Majesty!!!”

Then he ran out.


The brightly lit Queen’s Palace.

Cobra ran here frantically, and when he saw this scene, Cobra’s pace quickened a little.

He ran to the palace door and pushed it open.


Half leaning on the bed, there was a blue-haired woman who looked similar to Vivi in ​​later generations, Nefertari Didi.

He looked tenderly at the sleeping little blue-haired baby girl next to him, then raised his index finger and whispered softly to Cobra who rushed in.

Cobra rushed forward full of excitement and hugged Queen Didi, trembling a little.

Didi patted Kobra’s back gently and said softly:

“It’s okay, Kobra.”

“I now….”

“So happy…”

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