Fishman Island, inside the palace.

Princess Otohime stood in the main hall with her two sons.

Neptune looked at Little White Star with a gentle face and teased Little White Star who was sleeping.

She looked at Princess Otohime with some sadness between her brows:

“He really succeeded.”

“But the situation on Fish-Man Island…is even more difficult.”

“I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend the World Conference now.”

“Now…what should we do?”

Princess Otohime also lowered her head:

“But I just couldn’t stop him that day.”

“I heard it coming from deep within him… heart-wrenching.”



On Fish-Man Island, the fish and mermaids are completely crazy at this time.

Newspapers littered the streets, and everyone’s faces were filled with proud smiles.

“Hero” Fisher Tiger.

A fish-man who dares to challenge the Celestial Dragons is their pride.

In the past, there were some fishmen who admired and followed Tiger, such as Jinbei, Aaron, and Hachi.

He resolutely left the Fish-Man Island and followed Tiger.


Fishman Island, backstreet.

Hody Jones, who was still young at this time, was surrounded by several future partners.

Looking at the latest newspaper, I couldn’t help but admire:

“That’s awesome. He is worthy of being the boss of Fishman Street.”

“The Celestial Dragons are gnashing their teeth. That’s a Celestial Dragon.”

A blue-green striped murloc next to him said:

“Teach those irritating humans a lesson.”

“Brother Aaron used to always say that humans are garbage.”

“They are all an inferior race.”

A slightly fat fishman next to him said:


“The Sun Pirates are currently teaching those humans a lesson on the sea!”

“It’s amazing!”

A trace of madness flashed in Hody Jones’s eyes:

“Come on, Sun Pirates!”

“I want it too one day.”

“Kill all those humans!”


The Grand Line, first half.

The Sun Pirates, on the ship.

Xiaoba, who was on the lookout, suddenly spotted a navy warship approaching rapidly.

He quickly dropped the telescope in his hand and ran into the cabin.

“Boss! Boss! It’s not good!!”

“Navy!!! The navy is coming!!!!”

“Boss Tiger!!”

In the cabin, Aaron shouted impatiently:

“It’s so noisy, Xiaoba.”

“Be quiet.”

Jinbei also said:

“A little calmer.”

Fisher Tiger, who was sitting in the front seat, frowned:

“Navy, are you sure?”

Xiaoba nodded crazily:

“It’s the flag of the Navy, yes!”

Jinbei turned to look at Tiger:

“What to do, boss.”

Fisher Tiger snorted coldly.


A powerful fist hit the table:

“What a stupid question.”

Everyone stood up…


On the other side, on the warship.

Major General Kaluda of the G2 branch who commanded the attack ordered the bombardment of the Sun Pirates.

“Take off Tiger’s head!”

Whoosh whoosh——

Several artillery pieces were fired at the same time, but in the rough sea, none of them hit.

On the Sun Pirates’ ship, Aaron laughed ferociously:

“Not a single shot hit.”

Then he jumped into the sea, followed by several fishmen, and rushed towards the warship.


On the warship’s side, several shellings had no effect.

Kaluda couldn’t help but panic in his heart. His major general was a member of the army and had connections, so he wanted to prove himself through meritorious service.

But now it seems there is no way to deal with it…



Kaluda looked in horror.

I saw a water column bursting out of the water!

Then several more water jets rushed out, and when the water jets dispersed, the fish-men hidden inside were revealed.

Aaron laughed ferociously in mid-air:


The fish-men, whose physical fitness is ten times that of ordinary people, are not something that these ordinary navy soldiers can resist.

Even with the convenience of guns and cannons, they were still defeated.

Kaluda suppressed the panic in his heart and shouted:

“You bastard murlocs, hand over those former slaves!”

“In this case, your crime…”


Before he could finish speaking, the bottom of the boat shook.

A soldier who came up from the bottom of the ship and was smashed through the deck shouted:

“Rear Admiral Kaluda! They attacked from the bottom of the ship!”

“The bottom of the boat was punctured!!!”

Kaluda was so frightened that he lost his voice:


On this boundless sea, the bottom of the ship was pierced.



the other side.

A school officer pointed a knife at Jinbei:

“Hurry up and hand over the slave.”

“What you have committed is a serious crime!!”

“A mere fishman actually dares to resist humans!!!”



An afterimage passed by, and Jinbei’s fist directly smashed the naval officer’s head into the wall.

After removing his arm, the school officer slid directly to the ground, motionless.

Jinbei closed his eyes tightly, slowly opened them, looked in the direction of Fish-Man Island and murmured to himself:

“Let the slave traders run rampant.”

“He who freed slaves became sinners.”

“Nevertheless, we still have to love humans.”

“Princess Otohime…”


Tiger was the last to reach the warship.

But his sense of oppression is unparalleled.

Just standing there, no one dared to come close.

Tiger approached the navy soldiers surrounding him expressionlessly.

Suddenly a positive punch came out.


The four soldiers smashed together, broke through the guardrail of the warship, and fell into the sea.

Tiger looked at the people next to him.

Reach out and grab it!

He directly lifted up the five soldiers and walked to the guardrail.

Directly throw the five raised soldiers into the sea.

Turn around and come back.


Another punch sent several soldiers into the wall.

At this time, Kaluda asked the soldiers to adjust the angle of the cannon and aimed it at Tiger:

“Fire! Fire!”

“Aim at him and shoot!!!”

Seeing Tiger turning to look at him, Kaluda swallowed:

“We have the information.”

“You were the one who took in those slaves…”

Tiger appeared in front of several people instantly, his big hand pressed directly on the cannon.

The sound of twisting gold and iron sounded, and the barrel twisted and shattered.

“You mean the original slave?”


Kicked Kaluda away:

“You have proof that they are among us.”

He walked over and picked up Kaluda:

“Go and look at everyone.”

“I heard that every slave will be branded. Go and see if they have it.”

Then he hung his arms outside the guardrail and looked at Kaluda who was frantically begging for mercy and shouting for help.

Tiger didn’t know what he thought of, and threw Kaluda back to the deck.

“I’ll let you live.”

“I’m not like humans.”

After speaking calmly, he walked away and shouted to the Sun Pirates:

“Brothers, grab valuables and food and return to the ship.”

Many fish-men and pirates shouted in unison:


A moment later, just as he was about to leave after finishing the robbery.


Aaron kicked out a hiding naval soldier from the cabin.

Holding the serrated sword, he raised it high and looked at the naval soldier with a grin:

“You are going to be sentenced to death.”

“As a human being, this is already a serious sin.”

Tiger on the bow suddenly turned around:

“Stop! Aaron!!”

But it was too late.

With a stabbing sound, the head was separated, and blood spattered on Aaron’s body.

At this moment, Aaron seemed to have heard Tiger’s words and looked at Tiger suspiciously:



Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In Kizaru’s office, Porusalino, who was smoking a cigarette and reading the newspaper, listened to Stoloberg’s report below:

“Lieutenant General Porusalino, Rear Admiral of the G2 Branch, Kaluda’s warship was sunk.”

Porusalino turned a page of the newspaper:


“Why challenge them~”

“I told them to report their location.”

Stoloberg replied:

“It is said that as soon as we reached a visible distance, we were instantly surrounded by the opponent from the sea.”

Porusalino put down the newspaper and crossed his arms:


“Within the mouth~”

“As expected of an expert in naval warfare~”

“What kind of guys are there~”

Stoloberg said:

“It seems that he was a pirate near Fish-Man Island before.”

“Aaron and his group are also among them, but they were originally at the bottom of the sea, so their combat effectiveness is difficult to determine.”

Kizaru rolled his eyes and recalled:


“I’ve heard it said before~”

Stoloberg continued:

“There is also a fish-man with a similar build to Tiger, but I don’t know his name.”

Porusalino blew out a puff of smoke:


“It’s really troublesome~”

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