Koushiro sighed softly:

“Although I don’t know what you have been hiding from, father, all these years.”

“But Kuina likes you very much.”

“Come back often.”

Shigetsuki Kozaburo, who was looking at Kuina’s house, nodded and said softly:



North Sea, the island where the Kingdom at the Edge of the World is located, Pado Island.

This island was once visited by dragons.

It is also the end of Lorca and Robin’s journey to the North Sea, as the last stop.

Everything here seems incompatible with the martial Beihai.

There are no intrigues and intrigues. They are all people who have been persecuted by the world’s nobles. They gather here to keep warm.

The ginkgo leaves flying all over the sky make people feel like they are in another world.

Sitting at a table on the second floor of a restaurant.

Robin looked at the people outside the window and sighed softly:

“It’s such a fairyland-like place.”

“Everything is so beautiful and peaceful.”

“If everyone didn’t have that tragic experience…”

Along the way, I learned about the tragedies that happen to everyone.

As well as the cruelty of those world nobles, it makes people shudder.

How can people be so cruel?

Lorca, who was sitting opposite, said leisurely:

“Why be sentimental.”

“Most people in this world cannot control their own destiny.”

“Same to you, and so to me.”

“These tragedies that have occurred are obviously irreversible.”

“But we can work on the future.”

“This world is rotten. One day, there will be a fire that will destroy the filth of this world.”

“Burn away.”

Listening to Lorca’s words, Robin was slightly in a trance:

“It’s a revolution…”

Lorka chuckled and said nothing, but whispered in his heart:

“It’s Sakaski…”


The Grand Line, first half.

On a huge warship, Porusalino was lying on a sun lounger, basking in the sun leisurely.

The warship is moving almost at a standstill…

There were even a few school officials sitting on the guardrail, fishing.


The phone bug on the table next to the sun lounger woke up Porusalino from his sweet dream, and he answered the phone bug:


Stoloberg’s serious voice came:

“Lieutenant General Porusalino.”

“The traces of the Sun Pirates have been traced.”

“Whether to act or not.”

Porusalino said weakly:


“Continue to monitor~”

“Don’t attack rashly. After all, those fishmen are as strong as monsters~”

“If another warship is lost~”

“Then I have to take action~”

“A rare vacation mission~”

Stoloberg was speechless:

“This… okay.”

After hanging up the phone, Stoloberg couldn’t help but sigh.

Being assigned to a lieutenant general like this… in what year and month can I be promoted?

I still miss the days under General Sakaski.

Never ink…

“Tell the surveillance personnel to keep some distance and not provoke the Sun Pirates.”

“Awaiting orders from Lieutenant General Porusalino.”

The soldiers waiting at the desk salute:



The Grand Line, first half.

Yaxto Island, port.

A huge warship slowly sailed into the port, pulling behind it several pirate groups who were all frozen into ice.

After entering the port, the soldiers on the warship lined up and ran towards several pirate ships and began to smash them and search for loot.

Kuzan lay on the sun lounger, wearing an eye mask and fell asleep.

At this time.

The adjutant on the ship came over and woke Kuzan:

“Lieutenant General Kuzan, there are two pirate ships parked in the port.”

“Determine them or not.”

Kuzan, who heard the pirates, got up with some difficulty, looked at his watch and asked:

“They did looting.”

The adjutant looked at the pirates in the distance who were hurriedly loading supplies:

“Uh… not yet.”

But there was no response from Kuzan, and he looked at Kuzan who was staring at his watch with some confusion:

“Lieutenant General Kuzan?”

Kuzan still didn’t speak. Half a minute later:

“Okay, it’s time to get off work.”

“Since there is no plunder, let’s let it go for now.”

“Don’t disturb my sleep.”

After saying that, I lay down directly and fell asleep instantly…

The adjutant hesitated to speak, but still sighed and did not continue to call him. Lieutenant General Kuzan has become more and more lazy in the past few years…


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The five old stars who control the world have a rare appearance


The five old stars holding the sword spoke:

“The fruit appears again.”

“Send someone to receive it.”

The curly-haired old Wulaoxing frowned slightly:

“Just send any CP9.”

“It’s just wasted effort anyway.”

“For eight hundred years, successive world governments have been recycling it.”

“But it never fell into government hands.”

“As if it has a will.”

“The top priority is to stabilize the chaos in the Grand Line.”

The five old stars holding the sword also frowned:

“Let it be chaos, and we’ll get rid of a bunch of trash first.”

“You still want to give advice to the government.”

“There are many countries in the world that want to be a member country.”

“No matter what, the gold in the sky cannot be paid less.”

“Just make arrangements for the aftermath. The majesty of the government cannot be lost.”

“This precedent cannot be set.”

Several others thought for a moment:





Unlike the people of the Four Seas, who were temporarily suppressed by Sakaski, the people of the Grand Line had broader knowledge and wilder hearts.

Countless young people choose to go to sea to become pirates.

They were born on the Grand Line and had unique advantages.

Compared with the unsophisticated pirates in the four seas, the pirates here have higher combat effectiveness.

Many countries have been breached, although there are no joining countries.

But if things continue to develop like this, it will be a matter of time.

Because a large number of young people have gone to sea, the productivity of the participating countries in the Grand Line has declined, but the heavenly gold paid has not decreased, and the pressure has doubled.

They all requested to reduce the taxes paid. Otherwise, if they continue, the country will almost certainly be destroyed.

And some countries are already on the verge of national subjugation…


Grand Line, Isle of Justice.

Spangdine, who is still the commander of CP9, called Foz Foo, one of the strongest agents of CP9.

Looking at the unruly Fozzie Fu, Spangdine showed a smile:

“Folz F., sit down.”

“I came to you this time because of the mission personally assigned by Lord Wulaoxing.”

“After much thought, I think only you are the most suitable.”

“Only you can accomplish it.”

Although Foz Fu was a little surprised, he heard that it was a task assigned by Lord Wulaoxing.

I sat up a little straighter, and couldn’t help but wonder in my heart, if I performed well, would I be able to go further…

It can be seen from the ferocious face of Fozzie Fletcher that he is not willing to be a weapon…

After a while.

Fozzie Fu in the office opened the door and went out without stopping.

The white-haired CP man who was just about to open the door and come in looked at the faintly excited expression of Fozzie Fu who had just rushed out, and the smile on the boss’s face…

He shook his head and sighed inwardly.

“Tsk tsk, you’re still young.”

“I’ve always looked like I want to be on top. I probably won’t be able to come back this time.”

“The last time the boss laughed like this.”

“It must have been the time when I overcame the newly appointed CP9 commander…”

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