Being shrouded by Sakaski’s shadow, Robin’s heart was just relieved, but he couldn’t stop being frightened again, and his mind went blank.

Next to her, Lorca supported Robin and smiled:

“Excuse me, Lord Marine.”

“She just feels a little unwell. This child has been like this since she was a child.”

“It’s an old problem.”

After finishing his words, Robin also fell over with a pale face.

Sakaski looked at Robin who fell on Lorka:


“Is that so?”

After staring at the two for a few seconds, Sakaski said nothing and turned to leave.

After walking not far away, he said to Barrett:

“Follow me.”

Barrett laughed ferociously, turned and left.

On the other side, after helping Robin walk around for a while, Lorca stuffed the package behind his back to Robin:

“You take the time to hide it.”

“I’ll lure them away.”

Robin was suddenly startled:

“Mr. Lorca…”

I saw that Lorca had disappeared, and Robin was slumped on the ground, not knowing what to do.


An explosion in the distance woke her up.

He forcibly moved his body, blended into the crowd, hid himself and ran towards the fighting location.


Yudi, at the entrance of Yuyan Casino.

There are beautiful flowers and countless residents around.

Crocodile looked respectful, and his younger brothers behind him also stood on both sides to welcome Sakaski’s arrival.

Looking at Crocodile who was so respectful, Sakaski glanced at him:

“What a grand display.”

Crocodile smiled and said:

“It should be, it’s all to welcome General Akainu.”

Sakaski chuckled:


As he spoke, he raised his right hand and tightened his glove.



A red afterimage passed by, and Crocodile, who had been smiling just now, was instantly slapped into the ground by Sakaski, creating a big crater.

Crocodile was motionless in the pit, and his smile disappeared immediately. His red and swollen face was full of gloom, and the veins on his hands showed his inner unrest.

The boys around him looked bewildered, and the surrounding residents also looked angry.

But due to Sakaski’s reputation for cruelty, no one dared to make a move.

Sakaski squatted down, looked at Crocodile and said:

“What are you planning to do with this?”

“It’s a demonstration.”

“I’ve given you two days of good looks, do you really think you’re a human being?”

“You think that after becoming a national hero, you can stand and speak?”

“Don’t look at yourself for what you are.”

“You can’t do role-playing, can you?”


Snapped! Snapped!

Sakaski reached out and patted Crocodile’s right cheek, making a snapping sound.

Glancing at Crocodile’s younger brothers and the growing number of residents watching around him, Sakaski stood up slowly:

“When you are a dog, you have to act like a dog.”

“Give up your silly little moves before you lose the ability to kill me.”

He took a step forward, stepped on Crocodile’s head, and walked into the rain feast.

Enelu followed closely behind him, even crushing him with his feet. However, some of the soldiers following behind him walked around and walked in.

After everyone in the navy entered, his men hurriedly pulled up Crocodile.

Looking at Crocodile with a gloomy face, no one dared to say anything.

Crocodile patted the soil on his body and said gloomily:

“Everyone, go down.”

He turned around and walked into Yu Yan, heading towards the office.


Yuyan, in Crocodile’s office.

Enelu crossed his legs and sat on the sofa, biting an apple.

Sakaski sat in Crocodile’s huge boss chair, his feet slanted on the table.

He casually picked up the cigar on the table and put it into his mouth, lighting the cigar with a spark from his fingertips.

He took a deep breath of the cigar and slowly exhaled:


Looking at Crocodile standing below, he said:

“How are the pirates being caught recently?”

Crocodile had adjusted himself at this time and said respectfully:

“I built a bounty hunter town here.”

“The effect is pretty good so far. It’s on the small island at the entrance to Upside Down Mountain.”

“Although the gathered bounty hunters are average in strength.”

“But it can also hunt down most weak pirates in exchange for bounties.”

“And some powerful pirates will try their best to find out the information, and finally hand it over to the navy branch in Alabasta.”

“For additional information, just in case.”

“The list of hunted pirates is on the first floor of the drawer on the left.”

“You can take a look.”

Sakaski turned his chair, opened the drawer and took out the roster.

Randomly flipped through

, looking at the densely packed pirate group recorded in the records, nodded:

“well done.”

“If you need any support or support, please contact the government.”

“If you do well, the government will not be stingy in supporting you.”

“Including all underground businesses, you can also intervene in the first half of the Grand Line.”

“To influence the business of those guys in the New World.”

“The New World belongs to them, the Grand Line and the Four Seas belong to the Navy.”

“Go with confidence…”

Suddenly, Enelu, who was sitting on the sofa, burst into excitement and quickly took out a piece of paper from his pocket:

“What’s wrong, Enelu?”

Enelu frowned:

“Rosinandee’s life card… started to burn.”

Looking at the life card that had begun to burn away, Enelu could no longer sit still:

“I’ll go out first.”


There was thunder on the ground, the window was broken, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

Sakaski shook his head, turned around and continued to look at Crocodile:

“Go and do it with confidence, the meaning of the Shichibukai’s existence is to suppress the New World.”

“If the value isn’t demonstrated.”

He stood up and walked to the window, ignoring Crocodile’s expression.

A burst of magma suddenly surged out of his entire right arm, filling half of the room, condensing into a huge fist of lava.

Swinging out directly, the huge lava fist broke through the wall and disappeared from sight.

After a few seconds.

boom–! ! ! ! !

In the desert far away from Yudi, a huge mushroom cloud rose, occupying the vision of everyone in the city.

A heat wave visible to the naked eye is coming, and the temperature of the entire rainy land has risen by an unknown amount.

In the boundless desert, a magma basin several times larger than the raindrops appeared.

Carrying a few scattered items, Barrett rushed out of the magma and headed for the Rain Feast.

Robin, who was hiding very far away, looked at the world full of magma and was trembling at a loss:

“Mr. Lorca…”


In Yu Yan’s office.

Feeling the heat wave coming, Sakaski closed his eyes and felt for a while:

“There is no need to exist anymore, understand.”

Looking at the mushroom cloud soaring into the sky and sensing the power, Crocodile’s mouth felt dry…

“I see…..”

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