Shanks was in a trance for a while, obviously they were drinking together before…but.

The crew members around looked at him with worried faces:



The soft calls from all over the place brought Shanks back to his senses and waved his hand:

“I’m fine.”

Staring at Barrett’s name and photo.

The crew members spoke:

“Captain, how about we go back now?”

Shanks finally calmed down:


“Stay in Windmill Village for a while first.”

“Sooner or later we will meet.”

The clenched fist unconsciously crushed the newspaper into pieces. Mr. Reilly, and Mihawk…


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing hung up the phone and snorted coldly:


“Sure enough, it failed again.”

The sturdy Wulaoxing said:

“It’s expected, isn’t it?”

“The fruit of the animal system itself contains will.”

“Not to mention this fruit with the ‘name of God’…”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing frowned slightly:

“Send someone to recover it.”

“The time that guy predicted is coming soon.”

“The top priority is to eliminate all current uncertain factors first.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing shook his head:

“Even if we do this, how good will the result be?”

“Over the past hundreds of years, successive governments have never stopped recycling.”

“But it won’t reach us at all.”

The sturdy Wulaoxing nodded:

“That’s right.”

“Besides, that fruit has already become a legend to us, right?”

“None of its successive owners over the past hundreds of years have awakened it.”

“The top priority is to sort out the world first.”

“The chaos in the Grand Line is not over yet, and chaos has begun again in the Four Seas.”

The tall and thin Wulaoxing said unequivocally:

“I don’t agree.”

“If there’s no danger.”

“Why would the World Government give that fruit another name?”

“Everyone Fruit – Phantom Beast Species.”

“Nika form!!!”


Grand Line, G8 branch.

The merchant ship slowly pulled into the port, and Jonathan, the vice-admiral of the Navy Headquarters and the head of the G8 branch, stood at the port.

Looking at Sakaski walking off the boat, he smiled and said:

“Long time no see, Sakaski.”

“And Carol.”

“Your operation took too long.”

Carol smiled and said:

“Lieutenant General Jonathan.”

Sakaski also smiled:

“The longer it takes, the more pirates can be killed.”

Jonathan shook his head:


“It hasn’t changed at all over the years.”

“Let’s go in and eat. Jessica has made a table specially for us.”

Sakaski smiled and said:

“Let’s go.”

The three of them walked into the fortress.

Looking at the energetic soldiers around him, Sakaski turned to look at Carroll:

“How do you feel about the soldiers here?”

Carol was a little impressed:

“Very energetic.”

“It can be seen that these soldiers are very proud.”

“Lieutenant General Jonathan leads the team very well.”

“No wonder the name ‘Iron Wall Fortress’ has spread in recent years.”

“It’s worthy of the name.”

Jonathan turned around and smiled:

“Everywhere, it’s just a false name.”


The current G8 branch is thriving under the leadership of Jonathan.

The power is also increasing year by year. If it continues, in a few years, no pirates will dare to visit this sea area.

By then, I’m afraid it will become a ‘fortress of peace’.


“Jessica! Take out my bottles of good wine.”


Friends whom I hadn’t seen for many years started chatting at the wine table.

After three rounds of drinking, it was already late at night.

Sakaski and Jonathan each carried a bottle of wine and walked to the top of the fortress.

Looking at the bright moon, Jonathan took a sip of wine:


“What are you going to do about Nine Snake Island?”

“That woman’s character is too bad.”

“I’m afraid it won’t be easy to change the soldiers back.”

Sakaski sneered:

“If it can’t be done, then we won’t do it.”

“The country is subjugated, the species is exterminated, a pirate country, what does it really think it is?”

Jonathan smiled and shook his head:


“By the way, you know what’s going on at the headquarters.”

Sakaski looked at Jonathan:

“What’s wrong with the headquarters?”

Jonathan said:

“These are only spread among the higher-ups.

. ”

“The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is about to abdicate. No need to think about the next Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, he must be Marshal Kong.”

“Then the Admiral of the Navy will…”

Sakaski shook his head:

“I have no intention of competing.”

“The chaos of this sea has just begun.”

“Let them mess around for now.”

“When the situation is clear, just catch them all in one go.”

Jonathan smiled:

“I see…”

He brought up the wine bottle and had a collision with Sakaski:



early morning.

Looking at the stone statues piled on the two huge warships, Sakaski’s face darkened.

Not only because of the more than a thousand petrified soldiers, but also because there were many stone statues of soldiers that were smashed and scattered in pieces.

This is still collected, and there are even more fragments that cannot be put back together.

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“court death….”


A few days later.

Two huge warships sailed in the windless zone.

Because of Sakaski’s faintly overbearing aura, no Neptune type dared to approach.

We drove to the outskirts of Nine Snake Island without any obstruction.

Looking at the outline of Nine Snakes Island.

Sakaski said quietly:

“Carol, use the phone bug to tell the daughter country.”

“Let their empress…”

“Come out and ‘greet’ the Shichibukai’s appointment.”

Carol said:



Nine Snake Island, in the Palace of the Daughter King.

Boya Hancock threw the phone bug in his hand on the ground and crushed it with his foot:


“A mere navy.”

“It’s so reckless!”

“How dare you order the Ai family to greet them.”

“Sonya, Groud, gather the warriors!!!”

The two unusually tall snake men spat out snake letters and laughed:

“Okay, onee-sama.”

My mother-in-law had a headache:

“No! Hancock!”

“Joining the Shichibukai this time is a national event that allows Kuji Island and the navy to coexist peacefully.”

“Don’t lose your temper.”

“And the person coming is an admiral!”

“Sakaski’s reputation for brutality echoed throughout the sea.”

“If there is a conflict…”

But Hancock showed no expression on his face and gradually approached with his long legs.

Looking at Hancock who was exuding coercion, Grandma Ze’s mind went blank:

“you you…..”


A huge force came and the whole person was kicked out.

Boya Hancock showed contempt, pointed at Grandma Ye who got up and said:

“Your time has ended long ago, previous emperors of the Amazon.”

“So what if the country is destroyed because of my whim, I will be forgiven no matter what.”

“Because I am so beautiful.”

The two younger sisters smiled evilly and spit out snake letters:



Boya Hancock turned her head with a haughty expression:

“Call the soldiers.”

“Give it to this group of navies who don’t know how to live or die…”

The three of them gradually disappeared outside the palace gate.

Grandma Ze had a cold sweat on her face:

“It’s too bad…”

He took out the phone tremblingly, and a few seconds later:

“Xia Qi!”

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