Boya Hancock flew over to attack, but was too late to stop him.


The blood mist exploded, but the giant green-haired snake man did not die.

Unexpectedly, her mother-in-law appeared in front of her and kicked her away, but one of her arms disappeared.

Sakaski casually blocked Boya Hancock’s kick, stepped out, and his arm turned into lava and hit him directly in the abdomen.

Nailing it on the deck, Sakaski reached out and aimed at the green-haired snake man again.

My mother-in-law was so painful that she broke into a cold sweat and shouted:

“No! Lord Marine!”

“They are just children! Their intentions are actually not bad!”

“I’ll let Hancock unlock their petrification right now!”


Hancock, who was nailed to the deck, almost lost his mind:


“He just killed Groud!!”

“I won’t…”

One of my sisters had just been killed, and another sister almost died, how could I not hate her.

Grandma Ze interrupted and said angrily:

“Now is not the time for you to be willful!”

“Do you want Sonia to lose her life too!!!”

“Hurry up and remove the petrification!!!”

Boya Hancock looked angry:


The trembling body and clenched fists all showed such unwillingness.

But if Sonia is again…Hancock gritted his teeth:



The head of the huge green-haired snake man suddenly turned into blood mist and exploded.

Blood was splattered all over Grandma Ye, and Hancock, who was nailed to the deck, was in disbelief.

Sakaski put down his finger and said indifferently:

“I said…..”

“Are you teaching me how to do something?”

“Who gave you the courage to make a decision for me?”

“What makes you think unilaterally that you can make decisions for me?”

“The women on Nine Snake Island have such strange ideas.”

“I remember that I also destroyed a group of Nine Snakes pirates a few years ago.”

“It was the same at that time. He took the initiative to attack the warship and was beaten like a dog by me. Then he said something to me.”

“That’s enough, Navy.”

“We admit defeat, and all the treasure will be given to you.”

“What’s that guy’s name, Carol.”

Carol closed her eyes and thought:

“Well… let me think about it, think about it…”

“Eileen…Erin Sina.”

“Yes, the captain of the Nine Snakes Pirates at that time was named Elisena.”

Sakaski nodded and looked at Grandma Ze:

“We know each other.”

“I’m afraid this is an unsolved case on Nine Snake Island.”

“After all, no one ran away at that time.”

“I killed them all.”

“There should be no fish that slipped through the net and returned to Nine Snakes Island, right?”

The mother-in-law’s pupils shrank sharply, and she was so shocked that she couldn’t speak…it turned out that Elisena turned out to be…

Sakaski said indifferently:

“Although I don’t know which empress it was, but it has been so many years.”

“The strange thoughts of the Nine Snake Island women have not changed at all.”

“I won’t fight if I can’t beat you. Do you think I’m playing pirate house with you?”


The sound of leather shoes on the deck was heard.

Sakaski slowly came to the sluggish Boya Hancock and squatted down:

“Child? You don’t mean bad?”


A slap sent him flying and he hit the guardrail.

Hancock, who fell on the broken guardrail, also came to his senses, and the violent Overlord pressed towards Sakaski:


“How dare! How dare! How dare!!!!”

“Big fragrant feet!!!”

Containing murderous intent and anger, he kicked Sakaski desperately.


The armed forces collided, and Sakaski grabbed his ankle directly.


With a few crisp sounds, Sakaski violently removed all the limbs and joints.

He threw it on the deck and crushed his head with his foot:

“Children who killed thousands of people in one expedition?”

“Looking at this ship full of stone statues without any remorse, is your intention not bad?”


He kicked him off the warship and landed in front of Grandma Ye.

Sakaski jumped down and walked slowly over.

Grandma Ye came back to her senses, stood in front of him, and knelt on the ground tremblingly, begging:

“Master Navy, we will compensate for everything.”

“We really can’t kill her anymore. If we kill her, the soldiers won’t be able to remove the petrification.”

“This is real!!!”

Sakaski sighed:

“There are many things in this world that cannot be understood using common sense.”

He exuded a hint of domineering color and pressed towards the two of them.

He passed the frozen mother-in-law, walked to Hancock and squatted down:

“For example, the Navy’s scientific research class has a project called ‘Peace

Activists’. ”

“What is it?”

“To put it simply, it is a technology that transforms living people into robots that can only obey orders.”

“Replace the brain and internal organs bit by bit with machines.”

“After the replacement, everything in the body is functioning normally.”

“The fruit’s abilities will not disappear, but people will become robots that can obey orders.”

“Do you think these soldiers can be de-petrified by then?”

“You’re dead, but not quite dead.”

“This is called life being worse than death, you know.”

Boya Hancock’s pupils trembled:


Sakaski reached out and grabbed his neck to silence him:

“I gave you a chance but you didn’t use it…”

In Boya Hancock’s extremely frightened mood, she felt Sakaski’s five fingers slowly exerting force on her neck.

Every second seems like a century…

Finally when the fear reaches its peak…


With a crisp sound, Boya Hancock lost consciousness and fell completely into darkness.

The moment Sakaski crushed his cervical vertebrae, he released a trace of armed color that seeped into it, completely destroying the nerves throughout his spine.

Turn it directly into a vegetative state.

He grabbed his neck and threw it to Carol on the warship, who caught him:

“Hang your life on the line.”

“Send Punk Hassard back.”

Then he looked at Grandma Ze:

“Now, let’s talk about Nine Snakes Island.”

Grandma Ze shook her head with despair:

“It’s all over.”

“The island’s elite have been wiped out.”

“Nine Snake Island can no longer protect itself.”

“What else is there to talk about?”

My heart is tired, so tired…I finally recovered my energy again…

Sakaski said indifferently:

“Continue to accept the appointment of the Shichibukai, and you can re-form the Nine Snakes Pirates.”

“And the government and navy will help you.”

“With the advantage of the windless zone, the big pirate group can’t be wiped out, but the small one will be fine.”

“If you become a good dog, Jiu She Island will have no worries about food and clothing.”

“I am bloodthirsty but not indiscriminate.”

“But if you want to die, I can wipe Nine Snake Island off the sea map right now.”

Grandma Ze smiled bitterly:

“I still have a choice…”

Sakaski casually threw the Shichibukai appointment to her:

“After I report back to the headquarters, someone will contact you for assistance and the like.”

“You have three years of opportunity to recuperate.”

“Then I have to show my record of hunting pirates.”

“Otherwise, there would be no need for Nine Snake Island to exist.”

“Also, it’s best to pick some brains to reorganize the Nine Snakes Pirates.”

Grandma Ze stood up and bowed deeply, as if she was getting older:

“I see.”

Sakaski turned and left, walking towards the warship.

At this time.

The phone rang from the shore where my mother-in-law had just climbed up.


However, the mother-in-law’s heart that had just dropped suddenly rose again…

Oops! Xia Qi! ! !

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