Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

When the report was received, it was already early the next morning.

The tall and thin Wulaoxing frowned:

“I’m afraid this can no longer be described as a coincidence.”

“Anything related to that name.”

“It will all turn into trouble in the end.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing narrowed his eyes:

“Chase him.”

“After all, it comes from CP.”

“Have done a lot of dirty things.”

“We have to kill him for the sake of the government’s face.”

The tall and thin five-year-old star was a little helpless:

“It can only be the.”

Then a fatwa was secretly issued…


Nine Snake Island, outskirts.

Thick black smoke shot straight into the sky, and from a very far distance, the entire sea area was shrouded in darkness.

Seeing this scene, Xia Qi’s pace quickened a bit.

I’ve been rushing here for hours, but it’s still a step too late…

Just as he was about to approach the island, a sense of life and death crisis suddenly burst in his nerves.

“The dog of Hades.”

A magma dog head rushed out from the shore indefinitely.

After hours of running around, I was exhausted. I sensed it and barely dodged, but one of my ears was still cut off.

Not waiting to evacuate backwards.

I saw Sakaski on the shore, his body suddenly turned into lava and squirmed and disappeared.

And here, as it rubbed Xia Qi’s head, the magma hitting the back suddenly expanded and condensed.

Sakaski’s figure appeared.

Sensing Sakaski’s aura, a look of horror appeared on Xia Qi’s face.

He wanted to rush forward without looking back.

As soon as she took a step, Sakaski appeared directly behind her and grabbed her shoulders.


The big hand with a jet-black weapon color directly crushed his shoulder.

Holding it tightly, he said indifferently:

“Lava blasting jade.”

boom–! ! ! !

On the sea outside the island, a magma mushroom cloud nearly a kilometer in size appeared.

Although Xia Qi used his domineering force to resist, the violent impact at close range still knocked him unconscious, and most of his bones were broken.

Sakaski’s lava-shaped figure appeared in the air, and the lava arms re-condensed to grab his neck.


There was a sound like a hot iron scalding meat.

As Sakaski exerted more force, Xia Qi, who was awakened by suffocation, struggled to look at Sakaski.

Sakaski looked at her calmly:

“What a surprise.”

“The big pirate who has disappeared for many years actually has something to do with Nine Snakes Island.”

Sakaski also recognized this woman.

In Sakaski’s memory, Karp had been chasing this guy for a while a few years ago.

But just like Roger, he hunted him for most of the world without catching him.

Xia Qi’s legs were filled with domineering energy and she kicked Sakaski, but her seriously injured body could be mobilized.

But for Sakaski, this kind of injury is tantamount to scratching an itch.

Xia Qi held Sakaski’s big hand with both hands and spoke with difficulty:

“You’re right…”

“Nine…Snake Island…”

“What have you done!!!”

Sakaski glanced at her indifferently:

“Do not worry.”

“None of them are left, and they died peacefully.”

“No pain.”

“You can feel at ease.”

Xia Qi’s eyes widened angrily:



A huge force came from Sakaski’s palm.

His neck was directly pinched, and his head flew up and separated from his body.

After learning the shocking news, Xia Qi fell into darkness.

The body fell to the sea below, and Sakaski reached out to catch Xia Qi’s fallen head.

The body flashed and flew towards Nine Snake Island.

Grandma Ze was waiting on the shore with a bandage on her body. Everyone on the island woke up one after another last night.

Without a leader, she, the previous emperor, was still able to stabilize the situation and calm everyone down.

So he anxiously came to the shore to wait, wanting to give Xia Qi a warning.

But it was of no use at all. The crushing of combat power took place in an instant, and Sakaski was not the kind of person who talked too much.


Sakaski landed and casually threw his head in front of Grandma Zha:

“What does this guy have to do with Nine Snakes Island?”

Grandma Ze could not bear to close her eyes:


“She is the Amazon Emperor after old age.”

“That is, the last emperor.”

Sakaski raised his eyebrows, and his arm turned into lava to retract the smoky lava on the island. He paused for a moment.

Another Emperor of Nine Snakes Island, this is the first one… shook his head.

It’s fate…

Thick black smoke billows from the periphery of the island

After the magma is recovered:

“There are still reinforcements.”

Grandma Ze smiled bitterly and said:

“No more, Nine Snake Island is isolated from the world.”

“There are only so many connections.”


Sakaski said indifferently:

“In that case, this appointment ends here.”

“I’ll give you three years to reorganize the Nine Snakes Pirates.”

“Choose a wise captain.”

“In three years’ time, it is best to establish a line of defense at the edge of the windless zone.”

“Show results in destroying pirates.”


Then he raised his finger to the ground, and a lava hand appeared under Xia Qi’s head, grabbing his head and handing it over.

Sakaski took the head handed to him by the hand of lava and shook it.

Grandma Ze lowered her head and said respectfully:


Sakaski chuckled softly, turned and left.

It wasn’t until Sakaski’s warship slowly disappeared that Grandma Ze dared to raise her head and breathe a sigh of relief…


On the warship.

Sakaski casually threw Xia Qi’s head to the soldiers:

“Freeze it.”

Carol said:

“Send this to Punk Hassad too.”

Sakaski moved his neck:

“It’s useless to give it to her.”

“It’s just frozen to prevent it from rotting. I’ll put it in the newspaper later.”

Carol smiled:


Then I looked at the stone statue of the ship and felt a little headache:

“What should I do with these?”

“Is the mission half accomplished?”

Sakaski said:

“Let’s go back and transform that guy into a weapon, and then restore it.”

“Send these stone statues back to the G-8 branch for sealing, and then head to Punk Hassad.”

“By the way, give Enelu a call.”

“He should have reached the Grand Line by now.”

“Let him go to Punk Hassad.”

“Meet there.”

Carol nodded:



The Grand Line, first half.

On the huge warship sailing on the sea, Enel replied a few words to the phone bug.

After hanging up the phone, I stretched my body and saw the kid hiding behind Rosinandi.

He smiled evilly, suddenly appeared behind him, covered Luo’s mouth and carried him to the cabin.

Luo couldn’t make any sound and struggled wildly.

I feel a little desperate as I watch Rocinante being carried away by this devil, this idiot who is out of line! Come and save me! ! !

But he still moved away from Rosinandi a little bit, and was carried to the cabin…

When Enelu carried him to the cabin door.

Rosinandi seemed to finally hear Luo’s voice after turning a page of the newspaper.

After realizing that Luo had disappeared, he turned around and looked around, and found Enelu with a bad look on his face, and Luo who was holding on to the hatch in despair.

Rosinandi walked over helplessly, took Luo and put it down, and said:

“Brother Enelu, don’t scare him.”

Enel smiled mischievously.

He bent down and stretched out his hand to tug Luo’s cheek, which was hiding behind Rosinandi:

“Did you hear that, kid?”

“Your Mr. Rosinandi still calls me brother.”

“What do you mean you call me a devil?”


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