Stoloberg raised his long sword and stepped on the moon step by step.

The long sword in his hand was filled with domineering aura, and a hint of sword aura flashed on its surface as it rushed downwards:


Jinbei’s eyes widened angrily:

“Same high five!”

His footsteps burst into the air with great force, and he rushed towards Stoloberg.

The whole person rotated 360° in the air, and with the help of the rotation force, he kicked towards the stabbing sword:

“Five thousand tiles! Roundhouse kick!!!”

boom–! ! ! !



Aboard a warship sailing in a storm.

A group of fishmen surrounded Tiger on the operating table, urging him to transfuse blood to survive.

This is the warship that Aaron and his men snatched, and Jinbei also returned to the ship at this time.

However, the overall condition of the person was not very good. There were several cuts on his body and blood was bleeding from the top of his head.

Tiger, who was lying on the operating table, once again refused to receive human blood and roared loudly:

“Don’t give me a blood transfusion!!!”

“I won’t survive on this kind of blood!”

With a ferocious face, his voice was choked and trembling:

“That’s dirty blood”

“That is the blood that has always despised our fish-men.”

“I will not accept favors from humans.”

“I won’t accept mercy from humans!”

“I will not surrender to humans!!!”


The whole person kept breathing heavily.

Seeing Tiger like this, even Aaron was a little shocked.

Brother Tiger has always been interested in human beings…

“Brother Tiger…what happened to you?”

Hearing Aaron’s question, Tiger closed his eyes tremblingly.

His hand unconsciously pressed on the tattoo on his chest, and he said painfully:

“That was… a long time ago.”

“I was caught not long after my last trip.”

“Locked up in Mariegioa for a few years.”

“I was…a slave.”

The surrounding crew members looked at Tiger in shock:


“Boss Tiger….”

“How can it be!!!”


Tiger’s face was full of tears and he cried bitterly:

“What I saw there was human madness.”

“Although I escaped by chance, I can’t help those who are also slaves.”

“Listen carefully…”

“I’ve always lived my life as I wanted.”

“In the end, it seriously hindered Princess Otohime.”

“She’s right…”

“Everyone wants peace.”

“But it’s the next generation of people like Kral who know nothing that can really change all of this.”


“Don’t say anything to the fish people on the island.”

“Whether it’s the tragedy that happened to us or the anger against humanity.”

“Don’t tell anyone.”

“Only the living can change the future, the dead leave only hatred.”

“It’s so funny…”

“Although I know it clearly in my mind, my heart has been controlled by the devil…”

“The body rejects this blood on its own.”

“I no longer love humans…”

“Please, hide all this and don’t let the hatred continue.”

The trembling voice gradually became quieter:

“in addition….”

“Say sorry to Princess Otohime for me…”

“It is my fault…..”

Thinking is gradually emptying out.

At the end of his life, the fragments that flashed through Tiger’s mind were actually from those days in Fishman Street.

He looked at the younger brothers who were calling his elder brother one by one before his eyes:

“I’m very happy…”

I wanted to reach out and touch it, but as soon as I lifted it up… it drooped down.

Completely lost my breath.



In 1510 A.D., the fish-man hero “Fisher Tiger” who climbed up the red continent with bare hands and liberated slaves refused to be transfused with human blood and died.

Review the life of this fish-man hero.

“When I was young, I dominated the Fishman Street with great love and righteousness. I left the Fishman Island to adventure. I was captured and became a slave. I freed the slaves after escaping. I returned to the Fishman Island and took away the radicals who hated humans. I fought against the world government. In the resistance, die.”

The rest of his life was very contradictory.

He took away the radicals, but did not strengthen his determination, avoided them at every turn, and did not harm their lives when pursued by the government.

But he is not weak either. He chose to become a pirate and stand opposite Princess Otohime. Although he is also committed to eliminating racial discrimination, his methods are more radical than Princess Otohime.


He hates human beings but is unwilling to pass his hatred on to the next generation.

He knows that only resistance can achieve equality, but resistance will inevitably have an indelible impact on the next generation.

But he had no choice. The devil in his heart controlled him and made him unable to sit idly by.

Take a look at the social environment of the entire world and the problems left over from history.

His resistance will inevitably fail.

But…this is an inevitable process to promote the development of civilization.

Grudges, race, discrimination, these barriers will not slowly dissipate with the passage of time.

But someone must take that step to leave traces in the development of history and slowly expand.

There is never any savior, hero…

Some are just pioneers who shed blood and sacrificed their lives on the road to revolution.

The traces left by Tiger have been spread from generation to generation.

Decades, hundreds of years, one day, Fishman Island will usher in liberation… and usher in the sunshine that belongs to them.

But…it’s too slow after all…

“Don’t leave things that this generation can solve to the next generation.” – Sakaski


Off the island of Forchart.

On board three docked warships.

Porusalino was smoking a cigarette on the deck of the warship when he suddenly discovered something:


After Fisher Tiger’s death, Aaron, who could not accept the fact, prepared to sneak back to Forchart Island and kill all the humans there.

But when he arrived at the island, he saw three warships. Aaron smiled ferociously:

“Let’s start with you!!!”


A water column rose into the sky from the side of the warship.

Smashing on the deck, fists with dozens of times the strength of ordinary humans continuously attacked the naval soldiers.

Aaron’s ferocious and crazy face roared:

“Damn humans!”

“Turn them all into pieces for me!!!”

“Shark hahahaha!!!”

There was a faint feeling that he was losing his mind, and he kept killing the navy soldiers.


Once again, he knocked over a bunch of soldiers who were rushing toward him. He suddenly looked up and saw the flying naval flag, and wanted to tear it into pieces.

He jumped up and rushed to the highest point of the ship’s pole:

“Shark hahahaha!!!”

Porusalino was on the warship in the middle, holding a cigarette in his mouth and saying angrily:

“Yakamasine (so noisy)~”

He raised his index finger, and the light spots condensed.


A golden light instantly penetrated Aaron’s chest as he flew into the sky.


It exploded with a bang, blowing it to the ground on the shore, unable to get up.

Porusalino on the warship turned into a point of light and disappeared, suddenly appearing in front of Aaron.

He stepped on his chest with one foot.

His struggling figure was suppressed until he could not move.

“You are Aaron~”


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