A huge basement made of rock, the size of several football fields.

There was nothing in the entire basement except for a few scattered lights.

It was obviously newly built and there was no time to do anything.

But this kind of thing is also extremely shocking. No one thought that there would be such a place under government surveillance.

Vegapunk sat on the ground, teasing a mechanically modified tanuki.

This civet cat was a failed product of previous biological experiments. Although it has some physical defects, it is extremely intelligent and loyal.

Vegapunk, who was also relatively lonely, took it upon himself to transform his defective body.

Named ‘Gak’.

While the limbs, heart, and head were all transformed into mechanical creations, they still retained their consciousness.

However, due to its own genetic defects, it is destined not to live for a few years.

But the devil fruit’s strength lies in its magical ability to change bloodline factors.

I have never thought about what fruits to feed it, until this batch of ingredients was delivered during the day today…

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of magma fell from the roof of the shed and fell to the ground.


Instantly expanded and condensed into a human shape…

Sakaski scanned the vast basement.

He looked at Vegapunk and the little tanuki:


“Such a big place opened up overnight.”

“You ate the stone fruit.”

I walked over, sat down, and touched it.

In the past few days that Sakaski has been on the island, he has seen this civet cat many times.

So the tanuki did not resist, but enjoyed the caressing.

Vegapunk said with a smile:


“I never thought about what fruit to give him before.”

“But the material sent this time is good.”

“That Stone Fruit user was ‘too seriously injured’ by you.”

“He died ‘accidentally’.”

“The fruit cannot be wasted.”

“It’s the perfect thing to feed it.”

“Not only is it loyal, but it also solves the problem of its genetic defect.”

“Most of the body is mechanically modified.”

“Don’t worry about running out of energy.”

“As long as there is enough energy, it can always use its capabilities.”

Sakaski smiled and took the blame again…

But I don’t care:

“Most people who have just eaten the fruit can’t open such a large basement.”

“The ability is used very well.”

“The biological control technology is mature.”

Vegapunk shook his head:

“not at all.”

“The reason why living things are called living things is because they have their own instincts and thinking.”

“Most animals have relatively low intelligence and cannot be controlled at all.”

“After the mechanical semi-modification.”

“Even if a weak person eats a Devil Fruit, he won’t be able to exert much effect, and he won’t be able to guarantee his loyalty.”

“It’s so powerful that it can’t even be controlled due to its violent instincts. If you eat the Devil Fruit, it will be even more troublesome.”

“Jak’s intelligence is so high and he is so loyal. It’s all a result of a genetic mutation.”

“If you want to use blood factor technology to clone it, you can do it.”

“But that would be too sinful.”

“Creating genetically defective organisms in batches is really cruel.”

Then Vegapunk sighed again:

“Complete mechanical transformation is not possible.”

“Then the living thing becomes a machine, lifeless.”

“Inanimate objects can only eat fruits from the animal system.”

“Because the fruit of the animal system contains its own consciousness.”

“It can make inanimate things come alive through potential consciousness.”

“For example, the elephant sword from before was quite gentle.”

“But in fact, it’s just unnecessary…Build a mechanical tiger and give it a tiger fruit.”

“It’s useless. It’s a complete waste.”

“The lethality of turning it into an animal is not as powerful as if I attached two missiles to it.”

“As for the natural system and the superpower system, there is currently no consciousness found in them.”

Vegapunk took out a few nuts and fed them to the semi-mechanically transformed civet cat:

“So I haven’t thought about what kind of fruit power Jak will use.”

“Because it’s the only successful mechanical semi-modified creature.”

“The best choice is to have a natural type or a super power type.”

“The experimental materials this time were delivered just in time.”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“The consciousness of the fruit…”

“Then for the phantom beast species, the will that resides in it is also a mythical one.”

Vegapunk smiled bitterly:

“I really don’t know this.”

“The main reason is that the current level of technology is not enough.”


Capture and analyze the consciousness in the animal devil fruit. ”

“Just wait a few more years.”

“Besides, the phantom beast species are too rare.”

“The only material we have right now is the cells extracted from Kaido a few years ago.”

“The progress has been slowed down over the years, but I’m afraid it won’t be until a few years before we can try to clone the fruit.”

“After all, these guys in the scientific research class are not idiots.”

“I still have the ability.”

“Let’s study it then.”

Sakaski nodded:

“That’s it, forget it.”

“Let’s talk business.”

“The replacement parts for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces have been taken out.”

Vegapunk took a small box and handed it to Sakaski.

There are 15 metal screws neatly arranged in the box.

At the same time, Sakaski was handed a box-sized device with several sockets and a slot that corresponded to the screws.

“It’s all here.”

“From 1495 to now.”

“There are 15 in total.”

“Insert the screw into the card slot, then connect the display and control keys, and you can flip through it. It’s very simple.”

“I marked every screw.”

“All the daily actions of the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces can be recorded based on the monitoring records.”

“Learn about the daily operations and secrets of high-level government officials.”

“It’s a pity that he only has an internal problem. He can only record the sound. It’s more troublesome to understand it by listening.”

Sakaski chuckled softly:

“It doesn’t matter, 15 years of audio.”

“When we’ve finished listening and understanding, it’s almost over.”

He smiled inexplicably:

“The World Conference is about to be held. After it is over, the old guy should abdicate.”

Vegapunk smiled and said:

“You can withdraw at any time if you want. The old guy doesn’t want to give up his rights.”

“Obviously he’s almost dead from his injuries. If he ruthlessly gives up his wealth and status, he might be able to live for a few more years.”

“But people…are always greedy.”

“After the World Conference is over, let’s give him some exciting news.”

“Anyway, I don’t have a few good years to live, so you can’t tell.”

“But Kong is your old boss.”

“I’ll confront him then.”

“What are you going to do?”

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