As people with hope of survival all boarded the ship.

The revolutionary army’s ship had not started yet. Ivankov came over and asked:

“Who are you waiting for, Dragon.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Long’s mouth:


“Wait for one more… kid who can carry the banner in the future.”

He had sensed the kid.


The life-saving road that was destroyed by the storm is slowly rekindling.

I don’t know when a kid jumped out, carrying a steel pipe on this road, panting and running towards the coast.

The flames behind him were chasing him…

But he looked at the looming large ship at the end of the coast and smiled happily.

There seemed to be inexhaustible strength in his body. He threw the flames behind him far away and ran towards the ship.

This kid is the future Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo.

Different from the original work.

Although he still ran away from home and lived in the waste terminal.

But because of Ace’s disappearance, Sabo has been living alone, and his goals have not changed.

He wants to leave this hypocritical country and family.

I want to go to sea, I want to be free, I want to become a pirate, travel around the world, and write down what I see and hear in books and pass them on.

Until… I found out about the fire that ignored human life just for the sake of face, and the last bit of hope in my heart collapsed.

This group of nobles is hopeless…

He wanted to inform the people in the waste terminal, but was stopped by countless soldiers.

Encountered a dragon in a desperate moment…

With a different goal than before…he wants to…

Change the world! ! !

Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

Roll up Sabo’s body, swing up, and rush to the coast.

The corners of the dragon’s mouth on the revolutionary army ship were slightly raised:

“set sail!!!”


late at night.

A ship surrounded by a red dragon sailed on the sea. It was the revolutionary army’s ship, the Winter Gramma.

The nervous people who were rescued before fell asleep early.

Unlike the original work, which had been groping for several years, the revolutionary army was just beginning to show signs of success.

Now holding the ‘Little Red Book’ in his hand, after several years of development, revolutionary armies with complete systems and goals have sprouted everywhere.

All that’s missing is an opportunity to break out.

The conference room on the top of the cabin was brightly lit.

The first generation of revolutionary army cadres gathered together, except for the three most senior cadres: Long, Bartholomew Big Bear, and the Demon King Ivankov.

There are also many heads of revolutionary army branches in various kingdoms in the East China Sea.

As the last branch leader completed his report, Ivankov said:

“It has developed to this extent.”

“What do you have to do, dragon.”

“The World Council is about to convene, and kings from all over the world are heading to Mariejoia.”

“This is the time when the country’s power is empty.”

Long shook his head:

“No, do nothing.”

“The time is not yet ripe.”

Then Long walked over to a curtain and pulled it.


A huge world map appears.

All known islands are painted on it, even the location of Mariejoia on the Red Continent.

On the map, less than half of the islands are circled in red.

Most of the islands are black circles.

There are also some islands with red circles surrounded by black circles, occupying a very small part.

Long said:

“As we saw.”

“The red ones represent the islands where the revolutionary army developed.”

“And the black circle is the countries that join the world government.”

Pointing to the island with a red circle surrounded by a black circle, he said:

“Only within this small group of franchised countries, ideas and development are spread.”

“But it’s not nearly enough.”

“The more than 170 participating countries of the World Government still occupy most of the world.”

“A country that can become a member of the world government.”

“Force and financial resources must be occupied.”

“It is undeniable that if we want to overthrow them, it is not enough.”

“The world is too big, and world governments have ruled for too long.”

“We cannot act rashly until we are completely sure.”

“But… this day won’t be too far away.”

After saying that, a mysterious smile appeared on Long’s lips.

Ivankov was a little confused:


The dragon smiled:

“By the time of the next World Conference, that will be it.”

“Thanks to the Navy for this.”

“Look at the differences among the world government countries we have developed.”

The people below frowned and looked for a while, then shook their heads.

At this time, the most silent

The big bear said:

“It depends on the quantity.”

“The Grand Line has the most routes, followed by the North Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea, and the East China Sea.”

Long smiled and said:


“You know what the biggest reason is for the Grand Line.”

Ivankov said:

“It must be the oppression of pirates and the government.”

Long nodded and said:

“That’s right, Roger, the Pirate King, ushered in the era of great pirates.”

“The number of pirates has increased dramatically all over the world, including the Grand Line.”

“Countless young people also went to sea one after another because they yearned for the legendary secret treasure.”

“A large number of young adults from all over the world are exodus and become pirates.”

“However, the amount of heavenly gold that countries around the world have paid tribute to the Celestial Dragons has not decreased.”

“In this case, the lives of those left behind are precarious.”

“The pressure has also doubled, which is why the Grand Line has the most countries where we spread our ideas.”

“Because without that person’s suppression…”

“What do you think of when you look at the four seas rankings?”

Big Bear thought for a moment and said:

“Sakaski, Operation Plow Court.”

Long said:

“Yes, it’s Sakaski.”

“This admiral is known for his cruelty.”

“Operation Plough Court was carried out for several years to suppress the whole world.”

“It has greatly affected the rise of the Great Pirates Era, but it also provides us with the best time for development.”

“The North Sea is where Sakaski first cracked down.”

“At a certain time, his brutal suppression of pirates was reported in the government’s newspapers and lasted for several months.”

“It extinguished the minds of most young people in the world who want to go to sea.”

“But when it entered other sea areas, within two years, young people in the North Sea also lost their respect for it and went to sea one after another to choose to become pirates.”

“And the North Sea is also under our spread.”

“Those people whose pressure has doubled and who cannot stand the oppression of the world government have joined us one after another.”

“Growing and growing at breakneck speed.”

“So in a way, we have the Navy to thank.”

“It allows us to spread the virus safely for several years before it breaks out.”

Everyone below showed a mysterious smile, and Ivankov was also smiling:

“I’m afraid the Navy and the World Government won’t think that everything they do is to help us.”


Long smiled and shook his head:

“You can’t say that. After all, the starting point is good.”

“I have also come into contact with Sakaski several times.”

“He hates evil as much as he hates evil. Although he is cruel, he only deals with pirates.”

“It’s a pity that you are standing opposite us.”

“Furthermore…the era of great pirates set off by Pirate King Roger is indeed too serious.”

“This momentum, even if people like Sakaski suppress it for several years, will only delay the rise of the great pirate era.”

“Instead of completely suppressing it.”

“A solution must be figured out in advance…”

Everyone in the cabin nodded. Some of them had been pirates, and some had been killed by pirates.

Of course you know what pirates are like…


late at night.

Grand Line, Chambord Islands.

From the huge warship that had just docked on the shore, groups of soldiers walked out and headed to the commercial district for supplies.

As a bustling island in front of the entrance to the new world, even though it is late at night, there are still countless lights on.

Sakaski stood in the top cabin of the warship, looking through the glass at the busy soldiers below.

Enelu sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and eating fruit.


The sound of the doorknob turning was heard.

Carol opened the door and walked in:

“As expected, there is no action, General Sakaski.”

Sakaski chuckled and looked away from the window:

“It’s quite calm, not bad.”

Carol was a little curious:

“How can you be sure that the revolutionary army will not make any big move during the World Conference?”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“The IQ of several generations of the Monkey D family may have been superimposed on the dragon.”

“He has been dormant for several years. He will not start a revolutionary wave until he is sure.”

Carol smiled and said:

“You really understand.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“It’s just an analysis from a world-wide perspective.”

“From the perspective of the Five Old Stars, no matter how they jump around, they are nothing more than ants, no matter whether they are pirates or the revolutionary army. They are gods overlooking ants in the sky.”

“And from the dragon’s perspective, the world government is just a

A giant standing on the ground, even if they are ants, will think that as long as there are enough of us, this giant will be bitten to death by us. ”

“That’s what they say when ants kill an elephant, right?”

“It’s just…the so-called is what it is called after all, it doesn’t exist in reality.”

“The limitation of this era lies in the dissemination and obstruction of information. The cognitive gap is too big.”

Carol nodded thoughtfully:

“What about us?”

Sakaski chuckled:


“Of course we are the one in heaven.”

After smiling, his expression straightened:

“If nothing goes wrong, four years from now, at the time of the next world conference.”

“It’s time for the revolutionary army to break out.”

“After all, the book he ‘discovered’ contained a lot of secrets.”

“Including eight hundred years and so on.”

“The deadline is approaching, and they must have a stable development time to stabilize everything.”

“By the time……”

His expression was inexplicable, but he said nothing.

Carol and Enelu’s curiosity was aroused, and they looked at him eagerly.

But Sakaski remained silent and showed a smile.

Enelu waited for a while, became impatient, and asked:

“Then what, uncle!”

Sakaski looked at Youyou and said:

“Of course you don’t do anything.”

“The marshal at that time was not me, so what does it have to do with me.”

“Let that Sengoku guy have a headache.”

Carol and Enelu both had dark looks on their faces, this…

Sakaski said:

“The early revolutionary army is destined to sweep the world.”

“That’s because most of the countries around the world are kingdoms from the agricultural era, and it’s easy to overthrow them.”

“But after arriving at the Grand Line, we will definitely have a bloody head.”

“It would be nice to have a foothold.”

“The extreme weather and strong men of the Grand Line are not that easy to deal with.”

“The world government has suppressed the development of world science and technology for hundreds of years, and the accumulation of foundation is unimaginable.”

“How can ordinary wooden ships from all over the world resist the government’s imperial warships and artillery?”

“Not to mention those high-tech equipment. You have all seen the destructive power of the things studied by the scientists of Punk Hassad.”

“The test then will be ruthlessness.”

“It depends on how many people the Warring States Period can order to kill, and how many people He Long sacrifices before he realizes the truth.”

“However, Long Hui should recognize the truth first.”

“After all, he is taking the popular line.”

“And Sengoku is still somewhat loyal to the World Government, unless he is extremely disappointed with it.”

“Otherwise, although I cannot accept the orders of the World Government, I will still do them.”

There is no wrinkle in Enel:

“Then the Revolutionary Army has no chance of winning.”

“The Revolutionary Army cannot resist those weapons of Punk Hassad.”

Carol took over and said:

“Will not.”

“Those weapons are extremely powerful.”

“But the World Government is an official organization after all.”

“Until there is conclusive evidence, there will be no mass killings openly.”

“This is about the majesty of the world government and the people’s hearts.”

“Besides, why does ‘God’ care about the number of ants?”

“In their eyes, no matter how many ants they are, they can be destroyed at will.”

“So there is a high probability of a stalemate.”

Sakaski said quietly:

“It’s time to give them an ‘experience gift package’.”

Carol sighed, thinking of Robin:

“Industrial Revolution…..”


Late at night, Marie Joa.

The hall was still brightly lit.

The five old stars gathered together and looked at the information in their hands.

The five old stars holding the sword said:

“I underestimated this ‘dragon’.”

“Unknowingly, it has developed such a big force.”

The sturdy Five Old Star snorted coldly:

“The picture is not small.”

“All the participating countries have been infiltrated. What does he want to do? To overthrow us.”

The curly-haired Wulaoxing held the crutch and said:

“Try it, it’s all rubbish kingdoms that are infiltrated.”

“Just looking for a reason to get rid of all those embarrassing guys.”

“Guys like those who were almost destroyed by pirates should have been replaced a long time ago.”

“How can the world government have the energy to take care of those wastes at all times?”

“If a participating country is successfully usurped by pirates, it will be a naked slap in the face of the World Government.”

The tall and thin five-year-old star nodded:

“Yes, but when did the efficiency of the CP organization become so poor?”

“The headquarters of the revolutionary army has not been found yet.”

The blond Wulaoxing said:

It’s not like there are none, about 20 have been identified. ”

The tall and thin Five Old Star sighed:

“There are still too many, even if Lord Im’s power can easily destroy them.”

“But for the world government, destroying so many countries is not a good thing.”

“In that case, the people of the world may not be in awe of the government, but fear it.”

The sword-wielding five old star stroked his glasses:

“Don’t worry, the time is not up yet.”

“Let CP continue to investigate. It’s enough to control it to single digits.”

“Ants will always be ants.”

“It doesn’t affect the overall situation.”

“When that day does come.”

“No one cares about a few islands.”

“The whole world will celebrate the birth of the ‘King of the World’!”


A few days later…

Sakaski’s warship finally arrived at Mariejoia.

He glanced at Doflamingo, who was like a dead dog in his hand, and walked towards the huge palace…

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