Marshal Kong smiled:

“It suits your character.”

“Let’s rest for a while. I haven’t been back to the headquarters for so long.”

“Take a good look around. The headquarters has changed a lot in the past few years.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Yeah, indeed.”

“There are a lot more residents on the island.”

Marshal Kong said:

“Yes, they are all family members of some generals.”

“With the era of pirates started by Roger, more and more islands are no longer safe.”

“To prevent something like Zefa from happening again.”

“Most of the generals’ families have moved to Marineland.”

“A lot of construction has been done in the commercial district and entertainment district.”

“The soldiers in our headquarters will also be more relaxed when they rest.”

Sakaski smiled:

“That’s really good.”

“Okay, I’ll go take a look around.”

Sora nodded and said:

“Go ahead.”

“Hmm…really not?”

Sakaski supports his forehead:

“It’s really not true. Let’s wait until the Warring States Period “no longer wants to do it”.”

Sora smiled:

“Okay, okay, let’s go.”

After watching Sakaski express his thoughts firmly, he walked out of the office.

Kong was still relieved in his heart. There was nothing he could do, the palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh.

The Navy, which has struggled all its life, has just two reliable successors.

If there is a estrangement because of this kind of thing, then it’s really…


Naval Headquarters Academy.

Sakaski just walked into the courtyard.

Then I saw Morris and Zefa coming out together. Behind them was a purple-haired boy who was a little shy but had a steady aura.

Seeing Sakaski, Zefa smiled and nodded.

Morris was surprised and said:

“You’re back, Sakaski.”


Sakaski raised his hand:

“Stop it!”

“No, no, no idea.”

“Okay, you can continue.”

Morris shook his head and smiled:


At this time, the purple-haired boy behind them also came out and said respectfully:

“Uncle Sakaski.”

Looking at Zefa’s son, Sakaski smiled and said:

“You’re already so old, time flies so fast.”

She reached out and patted his shoulder, looking at the tight muscles:

“Not bad, the breath is stable.”

“Do you have any favorite fruits?”

“I’ll help you look for it later.”

The purple-haired boy was a little moved, but Zefa beside him said:

“I’m still here, Sakaski.”

“It’s too much.”

Sakaski said:

“Don’t be so rigid.”

“If the fruit’s abilities are well developed, it will be very useful in fighting pirates.”

“For example, an island is full of pirates.”

“Punch them to death one by one, or drown them with lava.”

“The effect is high and the judgment is made.”

Zefa hummed:

“That’s not OK.”

“Devil fruits are fatally flawed.”

“This flaw is not something that can be integrated into.”

Looking at his son:

“Let go of your petty thoughts.”

“Practice your physical skills well.”

The purple-haired boy was a little frustrated, and Sakaski comforted him:

“Don’t worry, I will convince your father.”

Zefa chuckled:

“Stop being so mysterious, Sakaski.”

“I won’t be convinced by you.”

Sakaski smiled half-heartedly:



The Grand Line, first half.

There are mountains and rocks on an unknown island.

Two groups of fishmen were confronting each other.

Jinbe and Aaron fought against each other.

By becoming King Shichibukai, he pardoned the crimes of some fishmen, including Aaron.

Fished it out of the underwater prison.

But differences arose among the people who had just reunited.

Under Aaron’s instigation, a group of radical fish-men defected to Aaron…

Jinbei looked at Aaron across from him and said in a deep voice:

“Just say what you want to do, Aaron.”

Aaron smiled grimly:

“You have become a Shichibukai, Brother Jinbei.”

“Have you become the lackeys of those humans in the government?”

“What a coward.”

Jinbei frowned slightly:

“Have you forgotten what Brother Tiger said?”

“Don’t live in hatred and anger.”

Aaron said with a cruel smile:

“You and I are different.”

“If I were to be your subordinate honestly like this.”

“Then I’m not Aaron anymore.”

“Brother Tiger is dead. I want to regain my identity as Aaron and his gang.”

“Take the brothers and leave.”

“Just let it go.”

Jinbei’s eyes

Squint slightly:

“Aaron…you guy…”

Aaron said confidently:

“If you want to stop me, right here…”

“Just kill me!!!”

“If you can’t do it, I’ll be free.”

His face suddenly shouted ferociously:

“I am…..”

“The anger of the fishmen!!!”

Jinbei’s eyes widened angrily, looking at Aaron who was immersed in hatred:

“Don’t get carried away!!!”


A forward punch hit Aaron directly to the ground, creating a big crater.

Aaron’s mind went blank for a moment and he rolled his eyes.

Before he could recover, Jinbei’s body, which was several times heavier than his, pressed directly on top of him.

Opening the bow left and right, fists fell like raindrops.

Aaron almost lost his will after the beating, and it wasn’t until everyone stepped forward to stop them that they separated.

Aaron, who was helped up by Xiaoba, looked a little ferocious.

He thought there would be some gap, but he didn’t expect it to be so big…

Being completely unable to fight back, he was beaten unilaterally…

Jinbei looked at Aaron, who had grown up together in Fishman Street, unable to kill him, so he closed his eyes:

“Take him for treatment.”

It wasn’t until everyone carried him away that Jinbei collapsed on the ground.


Hit the ground with a punch:

“That idiot, why doesn’t he understand what Brother Tiger means?”

Aladdin, the ship’s doctor, said:

“The world is so big, no matter where he goes.”

“As long as there is a disturbance, the navy will always be dispatched.”

“Even if it doesn’t happen like this, then it will be a last resort.”

“We can only stop him ourselves.”

The radical fishmen who carried Aaron away in the distance… did not go towards the Sun Pirates’ ship…

Instead, it gradually fades away…

Jin Ping and others did not stop them from leaving…they couldn’t do anything…


When Aaron reunited, everyone was smiling.

“Great! It’s back to before.”

“Finally no need to endure those troublesome rules.”

“You can do whatever you want!!!”

Aaron, who was being supported by others, was also smiling:


He coughed twice and felt the injuries on his body:

“That weird bastard…”

“But it’s all worth it.”

“Shark hahahahaha!!!”

“Let us tear all those lower-race humans into pieces!!!”


A few days later.

The Grand Line, first half.


In an unknown sea area, a huge warship rested on the sea.

Aaron and his group slowly approached the warship on a ship they robbed from somewhere.

A ferocious and bloodthirsty smile appeared on Aaron’s face:

“In this dark night, even if a warship is sunk.”

“No one will find out!!!”

“Hum hum…..”

“Follow me!”

Then listen.


The sound of water entering was heard.

The surrounding fishmen also showed a ferocious smile, jumped into the water in unison, and rushed after Aaron!

Several black figures were below the water, rushing towards the warship.

Bang bang bang bang——

All around the warship, water columns exploded into the sky, deafening.

Awakened the resting soldiers and sentries.

Looking at the sentry who was blowing a rapid whistle, Aaron hit the deck and smiled evilly:

“Tear them to pieces, no one will be left!”

“Shark hahahaha!!!”

In the uppermost cabin of the warship…

Barrett, shirtless and with terrible scars, pushed out the door.

Looking at the grinning murlocs on the deck, his voice was a little low and cold, containing the murderous intention of disturbing his sweet dream:

“Dumb Kamasi (so noisy)…”

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