Vegapunk on the other side of the video smacked his lips:

“I was negligent…there is such a thing.”

“It’s really unreasonable, it’s a superhuman devil fruit.”

Sakaski smiled:

“And as for the materials, it won’t be a big problem.”

“If you can find several similar ones based on the characteristics of special materials.”

“The synthesis is complete.”

“Even if it’s memory metal, it’s not a big problem.”

Vegapunk sighed:

“It’s not that easy. If it can be easily synthesized…”



“Did you mean…”

Looking at the Devil Fruit on Sakaski’s side with a shocked expression, he pointed:

“There are also devil fruits that can synthesize memory metal???”

Sakaski chuckled:


Bega Punk was a little excited:

“Where is it! Where is it!!!”

Memory metal is a scientific research topic that has troubled him for many years.

I didn’t expect to get the news in this situation, and that just the Devil Fruit can do it…

Over the years, research has been done on dogs! ! !

No, I have to read the Devil Fruit illustrated book again tonight! No! Ten times! ! !

Sakaski smiled and said:

“Don’t worry, it’s not easy to take action just yet.”

“After all, he is a king. The World Conference has just ended, so it is not easy to take action.”

Vegapunk also calmed down a bit:


“That’s really troublesome…”

In this world, there are many strong people…but few dare to kill the king.

Pirates who broke into the kingdom, kidnapped hostages and wanted to usurp the throne did not dare.

Doflamingo, who plotted to usurp the throne of Dressrosa, did not dare.

Even Kaido, who suppresses the entire Wano Country, cannot achieve the position of general.

This is a ‘rule’ that has been engraved in people’s hearts for thousands of years…

If the king dies unexpectedly, he must be traced to the end, so how he died…and by whose hands he died must be carefully studied.

Sakaski said:

“Don’t worry, we can’t wait long.”

“Accidental death is all too common in this sea.”

Vegapunk said with some expectation:

“That’s right… I’ll prepare something later.”

“I guarantee that no one will find out…”


Hulk Island, cabin.


The door was pushed open, and Franky walked out, rubbing his eyes:



I walked towards the town in a daze, wanting to buy something.

“Hey! Franky!!!”

The voice of Granny Cocoluo, the mermaid, came from behind.

Frankie turned his head ”



A pants hit in the face.

“At least put on some pants before going out.”

“If you go out on the street wearing underwear, you’ll be called a pervert.”


“You haven’t learned your lesson yet.”

Franky had a half-dead expression on his face…

“It’s so annoying…”

“Just buying some stuff.”

As he spoke, he put on his pants and walked towards the town.

He is going to prepare a feast to celebrate Mr. Tom’s pardon today! ! ! !

Cocoro shook his head:


He walked back into the house and looked at Tom and Espagu who were still sleeping soundly.

Dong dong dong——

There was an ear-splitting sound of pots and pans clashing.

“Wake up!”

“Today is the big day for approval.”

“Get up and clean up quickly!!!”


The port of the Seven Waters Capital.

Countless people gathered here, looking forward to it.

They were all residents of the island. When they saw the government’s trial ship coming, they cheered for a while.

Because today…their heroes!

Tom the fishman will be acquitted! ! !

“The justice ship is coming!”

“Tom’s approval is coming!!!”



“Ha ha ha ha!!”

More and more happy people gathered at the port…

As a last resort, several teams of soldiers were sent to barely find a way into the island.

After entering the house prepared by government officials, the old presiding judge breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking to the window, looking at the crowd surrounding the judicial ship below, he also showed a smile:

“The people here are so welcoming.”

The admiral behind him smiled and said:

“After all, he is the shipbuilder who built such a great thing.”

“A large number of spectators came forward.”

“I can’t even stop it anymore.”

The presiding judge smiled and said:



Big invention. ”

“The sea train is well built.”

“Four islands have been connected.”

“Now that he is free of charge, no one will make irresponsible remarks.”

Looking out the window at the sea train that had just started…

“It’s really good…”


Justice ship.

In the auditorium, there is still an hour left before the start.

But it was already filled with a dense crowd.

There were still many people boarding the ship below. If they couldn’t get in, they would lie down by the window and watch.

“Tom’s not here yet.”

“Because it hasn’t started yet.”

“The Chief Judge of Judiciary Island seems to be very satisfied with the sea train.”

“Really! That’s great!!!”

“The crime is finally pardoned!”


“Hero of the Seven Waters City!!!”

“You must witness the moment he was found not guilty!!!”

At the port, Franky, who was carrying a lot of ingredients, felt a little emotional:

“I really miss it…”

“It’s been more than ten years.”

He shook his head, turned around and walked in the opposite direction to the crowd. He still had to cook a big meal and wait for Mr. Tom to be acquitted.

Whoosh whoosh——

Continuous rapid sound of breaking through the air resounded on the sea surface.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

The shells rained down on the only judicial ship docked in the port.

The deck instantly burst into flames.

The hull of the ship was chipped by cannonballs and slowly tilted.

Everyone was stunned and even forgot to escape…

No one could have imagined that someone would attack the government’s judicial ship.


Only when a shell hit the port did anyone react.

“Leave the port quickly!!!”

“hurry up!!”

“Damn it! What’s going on!”

“It’s a pirate!!!”

“Help! My son is trapped underneath!!!”

“How dare you attack the judicial ship…”

“How audacious!!!”

“Over there!!!”

The small black dot in the distance gradually became clearer, and people also discovered this audacious fleet.

The front, rear, left and right sides of the ship were filled with densely packed artillery, which were completely weapons designed for killing.

But there was no pirate flag hanging…

Franky, who was also shocked at the port, looked back at the moment the fleet appeared.

My whole body was cold, as if I had fallen into an ice cellar…

Because all the ships in that fleet…are his.

“Who on earth…is using my boat…”

“What a mess!!!!”

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