As if he heard some joke, he spread his hands and gestured around.

There was a burst of ridicule from the surrounding people:

“How can this be.”

“What nonsense did that disciple Tom say?”

“Why did government agency CP5 destroy the judicial ship?”

“It’s nonsense. It’s completely impossible.”

“Ha ha ha ha!!”

As the chatter in the crowd expanded, a mocking smile also appeared on Spandam’s face:

“I attacked the justice ship? What kind of joke are you talking about?”

“After investigation, those ships were built by your company.”

Franky closed his eyes, unwilling to face it:

“A ship that can do that kind of thing…”

“That thing…is no longer my ship!!!!”

With this roar came out of his mouth.


The chain on the fishman Tom’s hand next to him was broken by the huge force.

He stood up with a sullen face and punched Franky away.

boom! ! !

It was smashed and rolled over, smashing the wooden box and wine barrel.

The surrounding soldiers suddenly became nervous, and a general shouted:

“Raise the gun!!!”

Countless guns were aimed at Fishman Tom.

Tom ignored him, stared at Franky and said:

“Not my ship?”

“How could you say such a thing!!!”

Franky said painfully:

“So what!”

“I regret making such a murderous weapon!”

“If it hadn’t been for those boats…no one would have been hurt!!!”

“Mr. Tom, you don’t know how to…”

Tom stared at Franky, as if he wanted to teach him the last lesson:

“No matter what kind of ship it is.”

“Nothing in creation is good or evil.”

“It doesn’t matter what kind of ship you build in the future.”


“No matter who the ship you build hurts, even if it destroys the world.”

“Whoever created it must take care of it.”

“Only the person who created it cannot deny it.”

“Don’t blame the ship!”

“A man must stand up for the ship he built! Stand tall!!!”

Everyone around looked at the passionate Tom in shock.

Frankie looked at Tom speechless with a red face.

Tom calmed down slowly:

“Aspago, Franky.”

“Don’t interfere with what happens next.”

“Must not…”

That’s it for now…

Tom turned and looked towards CP5.

It must be painful to see the innocent ship you created being used to do bad things… Franky…

One step!

Rushed in front of Spandam.

Looking at the frightened Spandam, an angry fist hit him directly in the face.

Blow it away.

I heard a few faint sounds of bone cracking…

I also wanted to mention that Frankie was venting his anger and rushed towards Spangdam.

Spandam, who flew backwards, covered his face, stood up and shouted angrily:

“Shoot! Shoot!”

“Damn fish man!!”

“Catch them!!!”

Bang bang bang——

Thick bullets were fired at Tom.

Tom felt that his whole body was starting to numb, and he couldn’t lift his strength. It was an anesthesia bomb…

Spandam smiled crazily:

“Deserve it!”

“What are you still doing?”

“Go and catch them!!!”

“Bring all the members of Cruel Tom Studio back to Justice Island!”

Tom, who felt the anesthesia gradually eroding his body, raised his head:

“presiding judge.”

“I plead guilty to attacking a judicial ship.”

“But I have a request.”

Spandam taunted:

“Stop talking nonsense, idiot fishman!”

“Who would agree to a criminal’s request?”

The presiding judge turned around and shouted:

“Shut up! CP5!”

Spandam suddenly looked at the presiding judge, clenched his fists, and stopped taunting.

The presiding judge turned to look at Tom:

“What do you want?”

Tom collapsed on the ground and said:

“If building a sea train can offset one crime.”

“I wanted it to offset the guilt of today.”

The presiding judge looked at him:

“Even if I accept your request.”

“It’s just back to square one.”

“The fact that you built One Piece’s ship is enough to sentence you to death.”

Tom smiled and said:

“Ah, then let’s sentence it.”

“I feel extremely proud to be able to contribute to people like Roger!!!”

Many people around have suffered greatly from pirates:

“How barbaric is this…”

“You actually feel proud to contribute to the Pirate King.”


“Savage fish man!!!”

Franky was stunned:

Mr. Tom, why…”

Tom shook his head and stopped Franky’s words:

“That’s good, Franky.”

“That’s it for now, don’t blame yourself anymore.”

“I didn’t expect the government to be so crazy about the design.”

“After all, Roger’s matter is also somewhat detrimental to me.”

Franky said:

“Then there’s no need to admit everything!!!”

Tom looked at the Seven Waters Capital complex in the distance:

“It’s fine….”


The entire City of Seven Waters is now full of vitality, and people’s faces are full of hope.

Tom showed a smile:

“Even if my guilt goes back to 14 years ago.”

“This island is also different from before.”

“Everywhere is full of energy now.”

“No matter what happens to me in the future.”

“I’ve done everything for this city.”

“my dream…..”

“Finally started sailing…”

The whistle of the sea train seemed to be heard in the distance…


Tom fell to the ground.

Espagu, Franky, I leave the design to you…

Miss Cocoluo, Henggang, thank you for your continued care…

The tranquilizer bomb captured the last vestiges of consciousness… and plunged him into darkness.


Spandam laughed:

“Hahahaha, the anesthetic bomb finally took effect!”

“Go and bring back all three criminals who attacked the justice ship!!!”

Just as the surrounding soldiers were about to rush out, the presiding judge suddenly spoke:


“The charges have been changed.”

“I declare that Tom, the shipbuilder, will be singled out for the crime of building One Piece’s ships.”

“Take to Judiciary Island.”

“that’s all.”

The presiding judge stood up and left calmly.

Spandam made a ‘cut’ sound.

The smelly old man actually had an affair…

Forget it, it’s useless to arrest the apprentice anyway. Spandam looked at Tom:

“Come here! Take Tom away from me!!!”

Franky looked at Tom being taken away, broke free from the hands of Cocoro and Espagu, grabbed a gun, and jumped towards Spandam:

“Give Mr. Tom back to me!!!”

The handle of the gun hit Spandam firmly on the right side of his face…


There was a cracking sound.



The whistle is accompanied by steam.

The sea train was driving rapidly on the sea, heading to Judiciary Island.

In the carriage, Spandam’s face was covered with bandages:

“Damn it! I actually let that kid run away!”

“He is the most vicious criminal!!”

“You actually put it on my face…!”

“When this is over! I’m going to come back and hang him!!!!”

“How can it be repaired!!!”

One of his subordinates opened the door in shock:

“Sir, that brat is catching up with me.”

Spandam sat up suddenly:


The subordinate swallowed:

“He was standing on the tracks with a weapon.”


Two heads stuck out from the window on the sea train.

It was Spangdam and the guy.

Looking at Franky blocking the sea train in front of him, Spandam was a little suspicious:

“He’s an idiot.”

The subordinate said:

“How about…we stop the train?”

Spandam turned around and grabbed his subordinate’s collar:

“Are you an idiot too?”

“Wouldn’t it be better to kill him! That bastard kid!!!”


sea ​​train on the tracks.

Franky carried the cannon and told Henggang to stay away.

Aiming the artillery at the sea train:

“Stop it, Smoking Tom!!!”

“Where are you taking your biological father!!!”

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

A series of cannonballs were fired, but there were no injuries at all when they hit Smoking Tom’s body.

How can this sea train, which has been the focus of more than ten years of hard work, be destroyed so easily…

Even the stored ammunition was exhausted, which did not stop Hai Lian’s footsteps at all.

Franky threw the cannon and opened his hands wide:

“I won’t let you pass!”

“Give Mr. Tom back to me!!!”


The train’s whistle sounded crazily, as if to remind him to get out of the way.

The distance keeps getting closer…finally…


The rapidly speeding steel behemoth collided with the boy’s flesh and blood body.

All the bones in the front half of the body were smashed, but it still couldn’t stop the sea train for a moment…

“Stop it! Sea Train!!!”


The train whistle whistled past, a blue sunglasses fell in the air, but Franky’s broken body disappeared…

“I no longer want to build any ships…”

“Come back…Mr. Tom…”

“I also want you to teach me…”

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