“That old guy…”


“I think I’ve heard of it.”

“It’s getting more and more back, Navy.”


At this time, a black pterosaur flew in from outside the hall.


Jhin slowly landed on the ground, transformed into a human form, and said:

“Brother Kaido.”

“The remnant of the Roger Pirates, Red-haired Shanks, has just entered our territory.”

Kaido’s eyes narrowed slightly:



Grand Line, Revolutionary Army Headquarters, Barudigo.

After many days of investigation, it has been determined that Ivankov and Lightning have now been taken to the underwater prison.

Attacking “Imper” is obviously unrealistic and impractical.

We can only start with the jailer…

While Long was thinking, the person who received the information suddenly stood up:


“The Navy suddenly announced the candidate for the new marshal.”

“It’s the former navy admiral, Sengoku!”

“There are also candidates for the new generals, Porusalino and Kuzan.”

The revolutionary troops around who were sorting out materials and having a meeting also looked shocked:


“How could it be so sudden!”

“The plan needs to be readjusted! Commander-in-Chief!”

“Is Porusalino… the one who is chasing Fisher Tiger?”

“Yes, yes! I said it’s so familiar.”

“It turns out to be that guy, damn it.”

“Government lackeys.”

Long’s eyes narrowed slightly, Mr. Warring States Period…

“The plan remains unchanged.”


North Sea, on a slave ship.

The noisy shouts of killing gradually disappeared. This group of slave owners and their subordinates specialized in collecting beautiful slaves.

He died at the hands of Tezzolo, who escaped from Mariejoia a few years ago.

At this time, he has broken away from everything in the past, and with his ruthlessness and wisdom, he has gathered a group of murderous disciples.

The slaves in the cage looked at him expectantly.

I thought it was salvation…but little did I know…it was just a different hell…

A murderer licked the blood on his face and walked over:

“Boss, it’s all solved.”

“What to do next.”

A cruel smile appeared on Tezzolo’s face:

“Collect all the information on the ship.”

“These lovely slaves are our starting capital.”

The murderer’s younger brother smiled ferociously:


Tezzolo walked to the guardrail, closed his eyes, and opened his arms.

It seems that I have imagined myself becoming the largest slave owner in the world…for a long time…


“I miss you…..”

Different from the original work.

At this time, the golden fruit also fell into the hands of Sakaski with the destruction of the Don Quixote family.

There is no more golden fruit auction held to attract customers.

Tezzolo took another path….


The new world is where the Steam Pirates are stationed.

Hale Nok closed his eyes and soaked in the huge warmth.

Dong dong dong——



The sound of the wooden door opening sounded.

A subordinate came in and stood respectfully at a distance with his head bowed:


Hale Nock said softly:

“How is the arrangement going?”

There was a hint of joy in his subordinate’s tone:

“Our business is developing extremely smoothly.”

“We have regained shipping and other industries, and the territory and business we control have returned to what they were sixteen years ago.”

“Only in terms of weapons, because Kaido, who is also one of the Three Emperors, has a weapons factory.”

“So there’s very little change.”

“And the first half of the Grand Line was due to Crocodile’s intervention in the Shichibukai.”

“Resulting in a decrease in supplies flowing into the New World.”

“But the people below have developed another route. If everything goes well in the future.”

“We will no longer be subject to the blockade of the Grand Route Navy and the Shichibukai.”

After speaking for a long time, there was no response.

The men could only feel the pressure in the air getting heavier and heavier… and they broke out in cold sweat.


Hale Nock suddenly laughed, with a maniacal and sinister tone:

“Sixteen years…”

“Sixteen years!!!”

“Damn it Sakaski!!!!”


The violent Overlord has murderous intent and attacks everything unscrupulously.

The subordinates collapsed directly on the ground…

Hale Nok’s eyes were scarlet and it took a while to calm down.

If he hadn’t been plotted by Sakaski sixteen years ago.

Forced and Xia

Lott Lingling went to war with Golden Lion and ceded most of their business and industry before they calmed down.

With the manpower, material resources, and resources he controls today…he is the only king of the new world…maybe he can go one step further! ! !

Hale Nok is different from Charlotte Lingling, Kaido and others.

There is nothing, the dream of nations, freedom, and peace.

In his opinion, nothing can compare with the reality in hand, and the more the better.

dream? What a ridiculous thing that is.

He wants to become the underground king of the world!

It is even possible that this goal will be achieved.

However, due to Sakaski’s scheme, it took him sixteen years to recover.

Life is limited…Sixteen years wasted…

How can I not hate…


Navy Headquarters, Sakaski’s home.

In the study room on the second floor, Sakaski moved his neck:

“If there is anything else, please report it as well.”

Carol frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke:

“About corruption.”

“Although the soldiers were originally transferred to the Sihai branch.”

“They are all carefully selected orphans.”

“But no matter how strong the will is, some people will forget their original intentions.”

“Currently, 80% of the branches in the four seas are controlled.”

“After a secret investigation, it was found that the branch heads of 27 branches were corrupt.”

“It’s almost three-tenths of a percent.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“This is inevitable.”

“He who has no desires and desires is a saint.”

“Three out of ten…not bad.”

“There are some evildoers.”

Carol shook his head:

“No, it’s just greed and some of it is huge greed.”

“Your deterrence is still deeply imprinted in their hearts.”

“You definitely wouldn’t dare to do evil.”

Sakaski sneered:

“Go talk to them.”

“Greedy, I don’t care, but I have to be a little bit lax in killing pirates.”


“Don’t think about exposing or anything like that.”

“What is more painful than death is life.”

Carol said:


“But if you acquiesce in this way, some people may become more serious.”

Sakaski shook his head:

“Those are not important, as long as you have the ability.”

“After all, they are all carefully selected. The most important thing now is to stabilize the fundamentals of Sihai.”

“Guarantee that we can quickly invade and control most of the kingdom.”

“The place that occupies the kingdom and the largest population in this world is, after all, the Four Seas.”

“As for the accounts… they can be settled at any time. Killing is the easiest thing to do.”

Carol nodded:

“I see.”

Sakaski suddenly remembered something:

“All the people who secretly helped Hale Nok develop the route have withdrawn.”

Carol said:

“They were all withdrawn. His subordinates and competitors in the Grand Line were all killed suddenly.”

“Soon there will be a route that bypasses the government and the Shichibu Sea and leads directly to Fishman Island.”

Sakaski chuckled:

“Keep it well, fatten it up and then slaughter it…”

“It smells so good…”

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