Carol leaned back slightly, but did not activate his ability to dodge.

The moment the dark hand was about to touch Carol’s neck, it stopped.

“Mr. Carroll?”

Barrett shook the white snow on his body and stood up.

It turns out that this big snowdrift is actually Barrett sitting in silence.

Even though he was promoted to general candidate, Barrett still maintained the honorific title for Carroll and Sakaski:

“It’s the fruit’s ability.”

Carol breathed a sigh of relief:


“It’s so dangerous.”

“Your speed is too fast.”

Barrett smiled.

Carol took out a package and handed it to Barrett:

“That’s right, the fruit found by General Sakaski.”

“Superman type, teleportation fruit.”

Barrett looked at the virus and fruit recycler in the package, nodded, and looked at Carol:


“It’s really good.”

Carol said:

“This is not convincing at all.”

After all, if Barrett hadn’t stopped, he would have been caught…

Barrett spread his hands helplessly.

Carol shook her head and smiled, then looked at the time on the watch:

“Wait another two hours and take action.”


late at night.

The drum kingdom, the royal palace.

Suddenly two tightly wrapped figures appeared.

Staring at the fat sleeping King Valpo on the bed, holding a woman in his arms.

Barrett came over and opened the glass bottle containing the virus.

It was poured directly into Valpo, who was snoring with his mouth wide open.

A bottle of virus was poured directly into the bottle. Valpo responded with a few chirps before turning over and continuing to sleep.

But within a few seconds, Valba felt extremely uncomfortable while sleeping.

I have chest tightness, can’t breathe, and feel like I’m exhausted.

He opened his eyes drowsily and wanted to call his servant.

But when a big hand covered his mouth, Valpo woke up instantly!

Through the faint moonlight, I could see what two people wearing dark clothes wanted to do to me.

I wanted to struggle and scream but I couldn’t muster the strength.

He watched helplessly as a man in black opened his eyelids.

He took something with a needle and inserted it…

The blood flowed into the container along the slender needle, and Valpo here only felt infinite fear and weakness… The struggle became smaller and smaller.

Finally fell into darkness…

The moment Valpo died, the blood and fruit in the container merged and changed.

As the two witnessed it, it turned into a Devil Fruit.

Carol slowly pulled out the needle.

At the moment of pulling it out, you press a button, and a trace of nutrient solution flows into the wound. The wound as big as a pinhole heals instantly without leaving any trace.

Carroll nodded, and Barrett rearranged Valpo.

Early the next morning.

A piercing scream broke the tranquility of the Drum Kingdom…


The Grand Line.

Fire Kingdom, inside the palace.

After receiving the notice, the old King Qilavia sighed softly:

“Old friend…sigh…”

The eldest prince of Cigu Kingdom, who was exiled here, has not changed at all even after so many years.

If it is put back, the Drum Country may soon…

The minister next to him also got the news and frowned slightly:

“King, how about…”

King Qilavia shook his head:

“No, after all, he is the sole heir of the joining country.”

“How can it be still detained?”

“The world government will not agree to it either.”

“There is nothing we can do…old friend.”


“Go and fetch Musulu.”

He placed the letter in his hand on the table.

He could already predict that within a few years, the Ciggu Kingdom would disappear on this sea.

After all, these two sons of his old friend…are not the worst…only worse.

So even that kind of Valpo became the king because he looked at least a little better than Mshulu…


The great route, the unknown sea.

A large ship that looks pretty good is sailing towards the magnetic drum country.

There were bursts of laughter on the boat, and the laughter was unusually unpleasant and harsh.

Inside the cabin.

Musulu, the great prince of the Ciggu Kingdom, has been exiled for twelve years.

Looking at the letter, I was lying on the bed tossing and turning and laughing wildly:


“That idiot died well!”

“Great! Great!!!”

“I didn’t expect to be so lucky!!!”

“Give me

Just wait, you damn guys! ! ! ”

Those stupid people who caused me to be exiled! And that old guy Chilaviya! ! !

Just wait for death! ! ! Ha ha ha ha! ! ! !

High in the sky…

A pair of indifferent eyes stare here…


A few days later.

The Kingdom of Fire, the Royal Palace.

King Qilavia, who was dealing with official duties, moved his shoulders.

At this time, the former minister ran in in a panic:

“No! King!!!”

“The ship transporting the eldest prince of the Ciggu Kingdom! Is in trouble!!!”

King Qilavia stood up suddenly:


The shock, the sudden upheaval, and the long time spent dealing with official duties.

I fainted…

“King! King!”

“Send it to the doctor quickly!!!”


The Great Undersea Prison, Impel.

In a torture room, Ivankov, a senior cadre of the revolutionary army.

He was drooping limply on the execution frame covered in blood.

The once strong body became skinny.

The two CP officers threw down the Xingjue and walked out of the room.

“Damn, why is this guy so tough-mouthed?”

“Yeah, it’s been so long and I haven’t said a word yet.”

“What should we do? If we can’t find out through interrogation, we will have to blame the higher-ups.”

“It’s the same if someone else is interrogating him. He’s using everything he can, but he’s not talking about it.”

“Hey, let’s go, let’s eat first.”

Shortly after the two left, a jailer accidentally fell while patrolling here.

A small note was thrown into the interrogation room.

Looking at the note at his feet, the unconscious Ivankov was a little confused, but he still stretched out his feet to clamp it and hid it…

late at night.

Ivankov, who was lying weakly in the cell, took out the note stained with dust and blood, and his eyes suddenly widened:

“There is such a place.”

There was endless hope of escape in his heart.

Since you can see this note, it means that a certain jailer has been bribed.

There will definitely be a chance…

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