“As for the user with the ability to melt the fruit, there is currently no whereabouts. I will find him later and bring him back.”

Shakya nodded and said:

“Okay, Mr. Carroll.”

Lilith took the fruit with a curious expression and took out the Slowness Fruit:

“This is the fruit that can emit unknown particles.”

Carol smiled:

“We don’t know, but his light can indeed slow people down several times.”

“Well…it’s amazing.”

Lilith took the fruit and turned around to walk to the experimental table.

But it was snatched away by Shakya:

“Don’t move, Lilith.”

“We’ll do it after the main body comes back.”

Lilith looked angry:

“Then we have to wait for a long time!!!”

Carol shook his head and looked at the two of them:

“Okay, I’m leaving first.”

“Say hello to Mr. Vegapunk for me.”

Shakya quickly turned around and said:

“Okay, Mr. Carroll.”

Carol smiled.


Disappear in place…


late at night.

Vegapunk yawned and walked into the underground research institute with Enel:

“There’s still not enough time.”

Enel clasped his hands on the back of his head and followed Vegapunk leisurely:

“Two clones aren’t enough.”

Vegapunk shook his head and sighed:

“I feel like ten is not enough.”

Enelu smiled helplessly and said nothing.

After casually greeting Shakya and Lilith, I saw several Devil Fruits on the table:

“Brother Carol is already here.”

Shakya said:

“Yes, Mr. Carroll took a short rest and left after delivering these Devil Fruits.”

Enel picked up a few devil fruits and looked at the labels on them:

“Reheat… steel… lacks a molten fruit.”

“But with the Tuntun Fruit, we can already start construction.”

Vegapunk walked over and looked at these devil fruits:

“That’s right.”

“It will be much more convenient with these fruits.”

“We can start collecting materials.”

Lilith next to her interrupted:

“Hey! Body!”

“Let’s study this first!”

Lilith, holding the Fruit of Slowness, said:

“There may be unknown light particles in this!!!!”


Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

The tall and thin Wulaoxing looked at the secret report:


The five old stars holding swords said:

“It’s basically certain.”

“It’s just that there is no evidence of guilt.”

“A few photos cannot convict him.”

The curly-haired Five Old Star snorted coldly:

“It’s ridiculous.”

“As the king of a participating country, he actually came together with the revolutionary army.”

“Dig your own grave.”

The sturdy Wulaoxing said:

“So…the Queen Mother of Sobel Kingdom.”

“Traveling all over the world is just a cover for him.”

The blond Wulaoxing said:

“I’m afraid that’s it. He is her son after all.”

“The Queen Mother travels all over the world, and it is normal for her son Bartholomew Bear to be with her.”

“So you can’t convict based on just a few photos.”

“Even if you throw the photo in front of them, you can just find any reason to say where to get off the boat, coincidence or something like that.”

“After all, it’s all from the back or the profile.”

The five old stars holding the sword frowned:


“This is still a discovery.”

“I didn’t find anything…”

The curly-haired Five Old Star shook his head:

“This guy is just an exception.”

“All over the world, the nature of the so-called kings is well known.”

“Let’s collect evidence first.”

“Under the management of several generations of kings, the Sobel Kingdom has a very good reputation among the people of the South China Sea.”

“It’s one of the leading countries in the South China Sea again. It involves too many things.”

The five old stars holding swords said:

“It can only be this way….”

“But we still have to check it out.”

“There are quite a few guys with such high reputation among the people.”

“For example, that traitor clan…”

The curly-haired Five Old Star narrowed his eyes slightly:



The Grand Line, Barudigo.

The wind and sand in the sky rotate here day after day.

Although it is boring, if you calm down, it is a good place to think about life.

On the rooftop of the Revolutionary Army headquarters.

Long Jing stood on the edge of the guardrail, looking at the wind and sand in the sky in trance.


Footsteps came from behind.

Bartholomew Bear came over:

“What are you thinking about?”

Long came back to his senses and sighed slightly:


Although the words were very calm, Big Bear still sounded a little unnatural.

Big Bear said with some confusion:

“This isn’t like you.”

“What happened.”

“Suddenly they started to shrink their troops.”

Long thought for a moment and shook his head:

“What do you know about world government.”

Big Bear frowned slightly:

“Not a lot, I’ve always hated government.”

“My understanding of government matters is limited.”

“But I can ask my mother.”

“She should know something.”

“What do you want to know about it?”

The dragon looked into the distance:

“Queen Mother Kony…”

Shaked his head:

“never mind.”

“Actually, it’s nothing, I just lack a breakthrough.”

“A breakthrough that can break through government repression.”

Daxiong was a little silent, a breakthrough…

Long’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking into the distance and thinking about a way to break the situation.

Ever since the call from Marine Fando, that dense series of bases…

He was so shocked that he broke into a cold sweat.

The government’s intelligence capabilities are actually so powerful.

My mind has been in a state of confusion these past few days, thinking about a breakthrough.

No one is a god and can predict everything.

Even though he is omnipotent in the eyes of everyone, their belief is that the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army, Long.

There will also be times of helplessness.

Now the development of the revolutionary army has reached a bottleneck, although it can still barely maintain it.

But the volume is too large. If it is not vented and the internal pressure is not transferred, the inside will directly explode and self-destruct and disintegrate.

Therefore, the plan to start a world revolution cannot be stopped at the next world conference.

But just a hint of the World Government’s background was revealed, and it was already able to destroy less than half of the revolutionary army’s bases around the world.

Although those bases were uneven, and some of them he had never heard of and could only find out through inquiries.

But this also illustrates a big problem, and Long is also reflecting on this problem.

After all, after there are so many people, it is no longer possible to get an overview…

Because the current revolutionary army is too powerful and has too many people.

It has arrived, even if the dragon does not move, the revolutionary armies from all over the world will push him forward.

The so-called general trend…that’s it.

Today’s dragon can only stand at the front and try his best to adjust the direction…

Before the world revolution begins, try to find a breakthrough, a breakthrough that breaks through the government’s strong foundation…


A few days later.

The Grand Line, on the warship.

Sakaski looked at the recent information on the revolutionary army transferred from the headquarters in his hand and frowned:

“Why are you so honest all of a sudden…”

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