Grand Line, Tartar Island.

One of the countries that joins the World Government and is the seat of the Kingdom of Tolbot.

Due to the island’s extremely special climate, trees grow extremely fast and it is a major timber exporter.

The Kingdom of Tolbot, despite its wealthy population, is dominated by slaves who make up nearly half of the population…

Outer city, logging forest.

Countless people wearing slave collars quickly gathered together.

The intervals between shifts for the several groups of guards outside were only five minutes, and they had already practiced this countless times.

The collars around their necks were constantly being untied and taken off, otherwise they would not have dared to resist.

And the man who brought all this was the man who commanded his revolutionary army to distribute weapons and let people use keys to unlock the collars.

Commander-in-Chief of the 77th District of the Revolutionary Army, Norsk.

“Quick, quick, take action, we only have five minutes.”

“Don’t hesitate for a moment, just run away!!!”

“We will stop the guards and run as far as we can!!!”

There was a hint of anxiety in his expression, he had received news that Sakaski was about to catch up.

During the time when Dragon set off the world revolution, the revolution in the four seas went extremely smoothly, even overthrowing several participating countries, but it also touched the bottom line of the world government.

The price was that all the strongholds in the first half of the Grand Line, more than a dozen areas, suffered devastating blows.

The government ordered the navy to dispatch all generals to eliminate the place suspected to be the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

Although I don’t know why the news leaked, the personnel of the Revolutionary Army began to evacuate the Grand Line in an orderly manner, and at the same time, the attacks from all over the world also stopped.

However, all the islands suspected by the government, including Kamabaka, the human monster kingdom, and Barudigo, the headquarters of the revolutionary army, have been destroyed.

Like sifting through a sieve, the water is washed from the Navy Headquarters toward the Upside Down Mountain.

The Kingdom of Tolbot is the last stronghold.

This place has been developing for several years, and if there were no accidents, it would definitely be taken down, but no one expected that the government’s reaction would be so strong.

At the same time, he is also so heartbroken…

Although I received the news early, the revolutionary army’s stall is really too big…

Evacuation is indispensable, taking away people from one base after another.

In comparison, the navy is many times faster than they know.

According to the principle of proximity, it is enough to send warships to the G branch that is blocking the shipping route to encircle and suppress them at the nearest location.

As for the place suspected to be the headquarters, it can be solved by sending a warship and a general to chase it.

If Porusalino’s attack allowed some fish to slip through the net, and if Kuzan’s attack allowed him to melt the ice, he could be saved, then Sakaski’s attack… not a single one survived.

The human-monster kingdom of Kamakaba was destroyed under the magma of Sakaski.

The entire island is still flowing with hot lava and emitting thick black smoke. It is no longer suitable for all living creatures to approach…

The Kingdom of Tolbot is the last suspected stronghold.

But due to its special nature, they were all slaves and had no property or ships.

And an army capable of suppressing nearly half of the population’s slaves, so they could only evacuate in the end.

After arranging the evacuation of personnel from other areas, ships were sent to come, but I didn’t expect that Sakaski moved too fast.

None of the bases encountered along the way were left behind, all were destroyed, and there was no pause at all…

The man who was undoing the collars of each slave looked at his pocket watch and gritted his teeth.

He directly handed over the key in his hand, turned around and ran towards the commander-in-chief Norrisk. The slaves behind him were frantically grabbing the keys to open the lock…

The soldier ran to Norrisk:

“No, withdraw, Commander-in-Chief.”

“It’s too late, the government’s lackeys are already chasing us.”

“That guy’s men never left alive!”

“Even if we delay for one more second, we don’t know what will happen!!!”

Norrisk clenched his fists and looked at the slaves that kept coming…

He wanted to rescue them all, but as the soldier said…if we delay any longer, we don’t know what will happen…

He took a deep breath, made up his mind, and was about to speak.

Suddenly he was interrupted by a strange voice:

“No need to worry.”

Norrisk was startled and turned around to look:


The pupils shrank sharply, and the person was stunned. His whole body was cold and he didn’t know how to react…

Sakaski said indifferently:

“Lava blasting jade.”

The red light erupting from his body lit up the night, attracting everyone’s attention.

boom–! ! ! ! !

Like the sun rising over the island…


Everyone was engulfed by the magma, and even the ships on the shore were not spared. They were covered by the incoming magma and burned to ashes.


The lava squirms on the shore.

Sakaski’s figure condensed.

Carol suddenly appeared, with a domineering force at his feet, standing on a boulder that was slowly melted by magma.

“General Sakaski, Marshal of the Warring States Period has summoned him to return to his headquarters for a war preparation meeting.”

“It’s about the new emperor born in the new world, Red-haired Shanks.”

Sakaski narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Let him find a good opportunity.”

The base of the Revolutionary Army on the Grand Line has almost been cleaned.

The revolutionary army’s offensive in all four seas also stopped, avoiding the joining countries.

The Warring States Period took advantage of the opportunity of the new world, where a new Pirate King was just born, to recall all the fighting forces of the revolutionary army, and the government could not say anything.

Normally, there is nothing wrong with what the Warring States Period did.

The encirclement and suppression is almost over, a new enemy has appeared, and everyone is on alert.

But when the revolutionary army first started to retreat, Sakaski realized that the old guy from the Warring States Period had already communicated with the dragon.

It even started several years ago. The Revolutionary Army’s reduction in strength before the World Conference was probably the result of the two old guys Sengoku and Garp.

The government is still investigating the traitor who leaked information about the encirclement and suppression campaign, but they don’t know that the biggest leader of the navy… is a traitor.

Afterwards, Sakaski also reflected on it. In the final analysis, he relied on his understanding of the Warring States Period and ignored other uncontrollable factors.

When he was young in the Warring States Period, he was an absolute loyalist to the government and had no objection to any of the government’s orders.

Even though he knew O’Hara’s inside story, he showed no mercy when he launched the demon-slaying order, and even scolded Sauro who didn’t want to carry out the order.

In the original work, the Warring States Period was because after becoming a marshal, he helped the government do too many dark things, and he felt a little chilled.

The most important thing is that after the war, the government was afraid that the prisoners who escaped from the underwater prison would cause panic among the people and had to hide it.

The Warring States Period was completely disappointed with the government’s actions and resigned angrily.

Sakaski believed that there would be a buffer period, so he was relieved to let Sengoku take the lead.

But in this world now, because of Sakaski’s intervention, the revolutionary army has become too powerful.

The government asked Sengoku to order the pursuit and extermination of those revolutionary troops who were not pirates. As a result, Sengoku, who had only been marshal for two years, was directly disappointed with the government.

But after decades of loyalty and half a lifetime of struggle, the Warring States Period is now in a very tangled state.

While executing the government’s orders, he also informed the revolutionary army.

Unless one of the parties is completely disappointed, the direction will be decided.

But it is already an indirect surrender to the enemy…

Although there are no problems in the Warring States period now, Sakaski has already started planning… People who indirectly surrender to the enemy are too uncontrollable.

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