The blue stream of light pierced the sky and flew no matter how far…

But in fact it was only for a moment.

After reacting, Bin Black raised his fist. The rich armed color exuded a dangerous aura, and he punched out.

But it was empty, and Barrett had disappeared.

Bin Black’s body was carried upside down by the inertia, and he turned around and looked forward.

I was a little surprised to find a deserted island.

Although this place is not far from Vosk Island where we were just now, it still takes a while to sail here from Vosk Island.

Was he brought here in just a moment of reaction…

Adjust your body and plan to fall down first.


In the dense forest below, Luo slightly raised his left hand:


There was a loud shout, and then several hidden auras erupted.

A translucent light shield directly covers the island.

Bin Black, who had just entered the sky above the island, was also covered in it:


My heart was startled, and the sight and color swept across me instantly.

He directly discovered the weaker auras below the island and snorted coldly:

“Just you?”

The sight and color confirmed it again and again.

On the island below, there are indeed only a few people hiding in ambush:

“court death.”

Bing Black, whose whole body was shining with the light of diamonds, stepped forward and hit the people below.

Looking at Ben Black who looked like a violent behemoth, Luo looked solemn and tried to mobilize his abilities…

But it had no effect, and he sighed slightly:

“As expected.”

Looking up again:


The fruit ability is activated.


Including Luo himself, Drake, Dauberman, and Flying Squirrel, a total of four people, disappeared from the place in an instant and appeared in other directions.

boom! ! !

The huge impact of Bin Black hitting the ground made the island tremble.

Still waiting for him to get out of the pit.


The smoke screen was cut vertically.

The mountain peaks behind, including the ground beneath his feet, were split into two by Luo’s ability…

But Ben Blake in the center was unscathed, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was looking for prey…


Thousands of meters above the sky.

Barrett, Carol, Enel, and Sauter are all on a floating warship, sensing the battle below.

The ferocious Ben Black runs rampant and has no scruples.

Compared to a big pirate like Bing Black with a bounty of 1,450,000,000, the four attackers couldn’t break through the defense at all.

Moreover, Bing Black was very fast, and they couldn’t dodge at all.

You can only rely on Luo to coordinate the overall situation, use the fruit’s ability to teleport several people to avoid.

If it weren’t for the speed that he couldn’t catch up with teleportation, Ben Black would have ended the battle long ago…

Enel sat on the guardrail of the warship, dangling his legs:

“It’s useless to give him a chance to exercise.”

“This makes people chase you and beat you.”

“Tsk…it’s too miserable.”

Carol smiled angrily and said:

“You’re still laughing…it’s hard for you to do it.”

“The opponent chose too strong.”

“The ability of the shining fruit, coupled with the rich domineering energy.”

“With their strength, there is almost no solution.”


Barrett also nodded slightly and continued to stare at the people below, ready to rescue at any time.

Looking at it… several people looked solemn.

Enelu also sat up…feeling a bit of toothache…

He looked at Sauter and asked:

“I said…has that boy always been so brave?”


On the deserted island below.

Drake’s eyes in human-animal form are reddish…

Beast transformation affected some thoughts, and anger continued to gather.

This guy is a test for them, but…what kind of test is this? He didn’t make a single move.

With people chasing him all over the island, he had to rely on Luo’s ability to escape.

The whole person kept teleporting, teleporting, and teleporting again.

Before the picture in his eyes stopped, the whole person was teleported out again.


Violent murderous intent erupted from Drake, directly transforming into the form of an Allosaurus several stories high.

His head was filled with domineering energy and he hit Bing Black.

Bin Black looked at the charging giant beast and gave up chasing Luo, the most important one among them.

He laughed ferociously and stood there without evading.

Luo, who had just teleported aside, had a trace of cold sweat on his head:

“That fool…”

Reach out, mobilize your abilities, and prepare to rescue.

Dauberman and Flying Squirrel in the distance also raised their swords and fired several sword energy, but Ben Black only glanced sideways.

He just let the sword energy hit his body without causing any damage.


He aimed his fist at the head of the charging Drake.

Luo mobilized his ability, and Drake’s figure disappeared instantly.

at this time.

Luo’s eyes were suddenly stimulated by an explosion of bright light, causing him to shed tears and become temporarily blind.

Bing Black, who raised his fist, appeared in front of him at some point, locked onto Luo with a domineering force, and smashed down with a grin.

His target has always been this guy. He just put on a show and obviously… he was all fooled.

boom! ! !

The island’s ground cracked.

But Bing Black’s expression turned cold:


“Everyone come out.”


Carol grabbed Luo’s shoulders and appeared on the ground in the distance:

“A genius idea.”

“By changing the angle of the diamond’s mirror surface, it reflects the strong light of the sun that is almost directly looking at it.”

“A sudden burst blinds a man.”

“It’s hard to guard against it, and you’ll die if you get hit. It’s really scary.”

Bin Black looked solemn:

“Has this been analyzed…?”

Not many people have seen this trick, because everyone who has seen it is already dead…

But this group of marines knew the principle after just meeting them once. It was really…


Enelu’s figure appeared and touched his chin:

“Why don’t you be bold.”

“For example, by mobilizing the diamond mirrors all over the body, calculating and combining them, it might be possible to refract laser light.”

“Well…another Porusalino…”

Ben Black was stunned. Enel said he was a little confused… What is a laser…

But when he heard Porusalino, he instantly realized, yes… Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters’ ability is light.

That ray is not called flash…it’s called laser…

An idea came to him instantly, and he slowly raised his arm with a ferocious smile, aiming at Enelu:

“Thanks a lot, kid.”

After the blazing sunlight shines into Bing Black’s diamond body, it continues to refract into his arms, making the entire arm like a laser beam.

Aim at Enelu and shoot out a golden light.


The laser, which was as thick as an arm, penetrated Enilu’s body and countless mountains, rocks and trees behind it, leaving traces of melting and slowly dissipating.

The refracted laser has strong penetrating power, but it cannot explode.

Enel’s chest that was penetrated slowly recovered.

But the corner of his mouth still twitched uncontrollably…

This is considered as subsidizing the enemy…

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