The golden light gathered, and Porusalino’s figure appeared in the center of the battlefield.


As soon as it condensed, a sharp whistle of steam was heard.

Porusalino raised his right hand and extended his index finger. The golden cross light rotated, and a laser shot out, colliding with the steam spear and exploding.

boom! ! !

The huge explosion was like a sun rising.

Porusalino’s body turned into a point of light, and was blown by the incoming air waves. He flew towards Kuzan, condensed his figure next to him, and let out a long sigh of relief:

“Within the mouth~”

“These Yonko are all as strong as monsters~”

Kuzan next to him also condensed into ice in the air, and slowly exhaled a cold breath:


“It’s quite troublesome…”

The two are facing each other in the distance.

Hale Nok was covered in steam and floating in the air:

“Here comes another…”

He looked confused, thinking about whether to continue.

Porusalino on the other side said quietly:

“Why don’t we just let it go~”

“It’s too early to fight now~”

Hale Nock sneered:

“That’s easy to say.”

“If the attack is on your navy’s island.”

“Can you be so relaxed?”

Porusalino was a little helpless:


“You have to ask our marshal about this~”

Suddenly the atmosphere became a little colder.

Thinking of Sakaski, Hale Nock narrowed his eyes slightly:

“Go back and tell that guy Sakaski…”

“Don’t go too far. It is in no one’s interest to lose everything.”

After saying that, he put away his murderous intent, the steam rising around him slowly subsided, and he flew away into the distance.

Compared with Smirport in the rear, the ‘cooperation’ with the Vinsmoke family is more important.

Kuzan over there breathed a sigh of relief:

“it is finally over.”

Porusalino was a little troubled:

“I was threatened~”

“What should I do~”

Kuzan rolled his eyes at Porusalino:

“Call Sakaski first.”

Porusalino nodded slightly, took out the phone bug, and joked at the same time:

“I want to call you Marshal~ Kuzan~”

Kuzan’s face was full of black lines and he waved his hand.

The phone bug over there was also connected, and Porusalino briefly described the threat of Hale Nok.

Just listen to Sakaski’s indifferent voice on the other side of the phone:

“The fish is dead and the net is broken?”

“Is he worthy?”

“You cooperate with Kuzan to wipe Port Smir off the sea map.”

“No one will be left alive.”

“Then continue to organize the fleet to attack the next island.”

Kuzan next to him suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief… He was about to speak, but Porusalino raised his hand to stop him, and at the same time said to the phone bug:


After hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief:


“Don’t be too impulsive~”

Kuzan frowned:

“Are you kidding me? There are not only pirates in Smir Port, civilians also make up the majority. Do we have to wipe them out together?”

Porusalino was a little helpless:

“You don’t understand Sakaski’s character yet?”

“This is a war that concerns the future of the world. The lives of some civilians will not hinder our Marshal for a moment~”

“If you just contradicted Sakaski, then they are really dead~”

“First control all the pirates on the island, and let your fleet come to transport the civilians~”

Kuzan’s expression softened a bit, but he was still struggling a little… Although what Porusalino said made sense…

Porusalino didn’t say anything. Sometimes you have to figure things out yourself.

If the lives of civilians or soldiers can be used to threaten Sakaski, then it would be too small to underestimate Sakaski’s determination…

When it comes to the future destiny of the world, there must be no soft-heartedness…

If it weren’t for the last war between Sakaski and Sengoku, Porusalino would have suspected that Sakaski was an emotionless robot…

But unfortunately, it was just that once.

Now Sakaski seems to have completely turned into an emotionless robot.

Even though Enel was seriously injured in Wano last time, when he sent him to Sakaski, Sakaski didn’t have any fluctuations…

So let alone some civilians and naval soldiers… none of them threaten Sakaski…

Kuzan struggled for a while and slowly exhaled:

“All right.”

He took out his phone and called the waiting fleet.

After a while.

When the navy’s fleet slowly appeared, the pirates also prepared to fight again, and at the same time wanted to attack

When reporting…

“Ice Age!”

Kuzan’s voice echoed over the island.

Under the Observation Color Scan, all the pirates were marked, and using the ability, one-third of the island was frozen in an instant, so that not a single pirate was left behind.

The general-level combat power was absolutely crushing all the pirates below.

Then the warship arrived, and countless confused people took all their belongings and boarded the warship, not knowing where they were going…

When the warship filled with people slowly sailed away from the island and retreated to the rear, a dazzling light lit up over the island.

Countless light bombs fell on the island. Each light bomb was like a high-explosive bomb. Under the continuous explosion, the island slowly sank to the bottom of the sea in a short while…


Not to mention Hale Nok’s fury and actions after hearing the news after discussing ‘cooperation’ with the Vinsmoke family over there.

The fleet under Enelu here is invincible.

In a few days, they captured seven islands in one go before stopping…

Further ahead is Sbooby Island. Red-haired Shanks’ men have been gathering there one after another these days, forcing the navy to stop its attack.

Karenni Island.

The island closest to Spooby Island is also the island where Anilu’s fleet is currently stationed.

The people on the island gradually evacuated to Sauter’s floating fleet, and the navy who did not want to leave did not force them to stay, leaving them to their own choice.

Eneru and Sauter stood on the highest cliff on the shore, overlooking the sea.

Sauter sat directly on the edge of the cliff:

“The attack should stop here.”

Enelu nodded:


“The captain on the red-haired side has gathered on the next island to set up defenses.”

“It will be difficult to achieve results if we continue to attack.”

“And red-haired Shanks suddenly disappeared not long ago.”

“Probably they are coming to find us.”

“Brother Barrett is coming this way.”

Sauter was a little melancholy:

“The Four Emperors…”

When I was about to say that I really wanted to see it.

Electricity suddenly erupted from Enelu next to him.


With a flick of his hand, a golden trident appeared in his hand and was held to the left!


The dark golden trident collided with Griffin, causing sparks to fly.

The explosive air wave swept out.

Sauter suddenly stood up and was on guard. When… he couldn’t even feel it…

Aini was expressionless, holding Griffin with his left hand, turning his head slightly and looking to the left:

“Red-haired Shanks.”

On the edge of the sea on the left, a tiny black spot appeared… It was the ship of the Red-haired Pirates.

There was a hint of surprise in Shanks’ eyes:

“As expected of a candidate for admiral of the Navy…”

Even Kaido didn’t dare to look down on his knowledge of killing. Sauter didn’t notice it when he didn’t see Enel, but Enel had time to condense his weapons to block the attack.

This guy of the same age is a bit interesting…

The Griffin in his hand collided with the jet-black golden trident, causing traces of overlord-colored thunder and lightning.

Although Enelu’s face was expressionless, he was also slightly shocked in his heart.

Shanks cannot be felt by his cognition color, but the range of his cognition color is huge.

This is also the closest island to Spooky Island, so the range of perception of sight, hearing and color is increased.

The first thing I sensed was those guys with powerful auras on the red-haired pirate group’s ship, but then I realized something was wrong.

There was a guy who could only sense the magnetic field but not the color, rushing towards me at a speed far exceeding that of an ordinary person.

Although this feeling was very strange, Enelu responded immediately and condensed the weapon rack to the left…

Enilu’s eyes narrowed slightly and he chuckled:

“What a terrifying ability…”

The corners of Shanks’ mouth also raised slightly:

“But it didn’t do you any harm, did it?”

Enilu said quietly:

“It’s just a coincidence.”

Shanks chuckled:



Where the two weapons collided, the lightning suddenly increased its output.

boom! ! !

A violent explosion swept through, and the entire cliff collapsed directly.

Two figures, one red and one blue, rushed into the sky entangled, and lightning and sword energy exploded in the sky.

Sauter floated in the air, looked at the sky, took out the phone bug and immediately issued a full alert order, and at the same time everyone retreated to the warship.

The red-haired ship was also rushing towards the island quickly.

Lucky Lu jumped directly onto the railing, holding his big meaty leg, and took a big bite:

“I’m going to take revenge this time

. ”

The punch from Barrett still hurts just thinking about it. Now that I have the opportunity, how can I let it go?

He ate up the meaty leg in three strokes, threw the bones into the sea, and bent his body slightly.

He rushed out as soon as he stepped on his feet, and his whole body was like a round cannonball, hitting the retreating navy.

The rest of the people on the boat also looked helpless and jumped out one after another and rushed to the island.

on the island.

Luo, who was commanding the retreat, sensed the charging guy, and his expression suddenly changed:


Without enough time to distinguish, the corpses of nearby soldiers and pirates were all teleported to the warship.

Then he pulled out the long knife from his waist, slashed it out, and slashed towards Lachi Lu.

Lackey Lu grinned ferociously, with a dark domineering energy all over his body. He unscrupulously smashed through the slashes with additional abilities and rushed towards Luo:

“Your haki is too weak, navy brat!”

Luo’s pupils shrank sharply, and at this moment…

An invisible blue stream of light rushed into Luo’s circle of ability.

Lucky Lu rushed towards Luo. Before the ferocious smile on his face could disappear, his stomach suddenly sank in. Then Lucky Lu’s face turned red and his eyes seemed to bulge out.

Barrett’s figure appeared in front of Lucky Lu, and his arms dug deeply into Lucky Lu’s belly…

“Your domineering power is too weak, fat pig…”

boom! ! !

There was a loud bang.

Lucky Lu’s figure was like a deformed baseball that had been violently knocked away, flying upside down and hitting the people rushing behind him.

The face of Jesus Bu in the back also changed…not good!

Barrett’s figure in ghost mode turned into a stream of blue light and rushed over several times faster than Lucky Lu, who was violently knocked away.

Those threatening arms, one on the left and the other on the right, hugged Jesus Bu and the ship’s doctor Dege, like brothers holding hands…

The two were carried by Barrett’s irreversible force and landed on the red-haired pirate group’s ship again.


A few footsteps fell.

With the thick arms around his neck, Jesus Bu and De Ge didn’t dare to move rashly.

After catching Lucky Lu, the people who rushed forward returned to the ship one after another. The weapons in their hands were pointed at Barrett. Beckman’s eyes narrowed slightly:

“It’s really troublesome…”

This guy’s ability… is simply incomprehensible… what kind of speed…

I can perceive the powerful sight and color, but the speed cannot keep up at all…

Barrett looked at these weapons without caring. He held the two of them at the elbows of his arms and slowly walked towards the red-haired seat.

The people around looked slightly angry and wanted to take action, but were stopped by Beckman…

Barrett directly sandwiched the two of them and sat leisurely on the red-haired seat:

“Although it’s a little late.”


A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, staring at Beckman:


The surrounding members were a little confused. Beckman’s expression remained unchanged, but he did not dare to act rashly…

It’s not the time for a decisive battle yet, so Beckman is not worried, but the situation was deadlocked for a while…


In the sky.

The golden trident in Enelu’s hand was smelted into a long knife at some point.

Still attached to the dark armament color, it collides with Shanks’ Griffin.


The two knives collided.

Enelu’s eyes moved slightly and he chuckled:

“It seems like your ‘partner’ is in trouble.”

Shanks’ expression slightly condensed, but he didn’t care:


“But I just need to catch you.”

Enilu said quietly:

“I’m really underestimated…”

boom! ! ! !

The colliding long knives exploded violently, and violent air waves swept across, forming a white ring of explosion that spread outward.

Shanks and Enelu each flew backwards, adjusted their bodies in mid-air, stepped on their feet, and suddenly wanted to rush towards the opposite side.


The body shapes are instantly intertwined.

Enelu’s figure suddenly shattered, cut in half like a bubble and disappeared.

Shanks, on the other hand, raised his sword and slashed upwards without looking.

The roar of thunder resounded across the sky and sea.

A thunder giant hundreds of meters high, holding a demon-subduing pestle made of thunder and lightning, stood on the clouds and pointed at Shanks, and jumped down suddenly, reaching the extreme speed.

The sword energy from Shanks’ swing below also rushed towards the Thunder Giant.

The slash, entwined with overlord color and flashing thunder and lightning, collided with the tip of the thunder giant holding the demon-conquering pestle and stabbing it.

The impact of the explosion and thunder and lightning washed away the dark clouds in the sky, and countless clouds were directly scattered, revealing what was behind the clouds.


Holding the thunder hand crossbow, he aimed it at Shanks’ incarnation of the God of Thunder…

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