With Sakaski’s understatement, it ended…

The era of great pirates, which caused heinous crimes and brought chaos to the entire world, ended just like that…

When this moment really came, everyone stood blankly and their minds went blank.

No one could doubt the truth of what Sakaski said.

Everything so far has been open and transparent, completely cutting off the foundation of the Great Pirate Age, and completely blocking the path to becoming the Pirate King.

They could no longer express their emotions and could only watch the live broadcast and shed tears…

However, Sakaski in the live broadcast did not seem to be satisfied, and he slowly spoke:

“But is that enough?”

“Of course not enough.”

“There is no shortage of people who are lucky in this world.”


The images in the video can be switched directly.

What comes into view is a green island. Tall trees are like giant umbrellas, shading the island from the sun. Countless small bubbles are flying into the sky below.

Such a prominent sign has already made many people recognize this place.

The reporters in the headquarters swallowed their saliva:

“No…it can’t be…”

The picture shows the Chambord Islands. Except for government ships, which can take the Red Continent route, everyone else wants to enter the New World.

You can only go to Shampoo Islands for coating and take the route to Fishman Island.

However, half a year ago the navy forcibly expelled the people and evacuated the Shampoo area, which gradually turned into a lawless zone. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be preparations for today…

Through Sakaski’s style, it was not difficult for them to imagine what the outcome of this island would be.

The cameras in the hands of the reporters were pointed at Sakaski, and they did not dare to relax for a moment, and they wanted to record everything completely.


On the execution platform.

Sakaski spoke indifferently:

“As the only entrance to the New World other than the government’s route to the Red Earth Continent, the Chambord Islands are the only one that can reach the New World.”

The live broadcast screen expanded and seemed to move upwards, able to illuminate the sea around the island.

The most obvious thing is the countless warships on the sea…! ! ! !

“Today I will be ‘ordered to kill demons’.”

“Total erasure.”

As Sakaski’s voice finished, a soldier ran over respectfully, holding a golden telephone bug representing the ‘Devil-Slaying Order’ in his hand, and sent it to Sakaski.

I saw Sakaski gently press the button on the golden phone bug, and two seconds later.

In the live broadcast, the warships surrounding the Shampoo Islands began to fire artillery shells towards the Shampoo Islands.

They are not ordinary artillery shells, they are specially made incendiary bombs mixed with fuel.

Almost as soon as the first round was fired, the entire island was engulfed in flames, and this was only the first round.

Such an attack will last for half a day until all the special incendiary bombs on the ship are consumed.

Some of the ships in the picture that wanted to break out were ruthlessly destroyed by the navy, whether they were from the government, pirates, or some merchant ships, there were no exceptions…

Sakaski’s iron-bloodedness and ruthlessness once again shocked the world, and the horror of the Demon-Slaying Order also reminded people of what it represented after a long absence.

It represents an indiscriminate and devastating bombardment of an area with the purpose of erasing the island. Clearing all the people and things in the area, and the destroyed ships, are the best proof.

No one’s ship can escape, not even the government’s…

There is only fire left in the picture, countless fires, fires with black smoke breaking through the sky…

Sakaski explained in an indifferent voice:

“This Demon Slaying Order operation will be broadcast live to the whole world.”

“It will not end until this island is completely reduced to ashes and disappears from this world.”

The purpose of this is not only to completely cut off the hope of pirates, but also to let people in this world feel the power of the Demon-Slaying Order and shock the world…

Then the screen briefly cut back to Sakaski.

Sakaski said quietly on the execution platform:

“And the last item for today.”

“Let the so-called Four Pirate Emperors leave the last traces in this world.”

In the upper middle of the live broadcast screen, the linked frequency band is opened.

Sakaski is not worried that these guys won’t come. If they don’t come, they will become the laughing stock of the world.

When people talked about them, they would only laugh mockingly. Those guys didn’t dare to show up in front of Marshal Sakaski, even through phone bugs.

The Four Emperors will become a joke forever, and all the prestige they had during their lives will be lost because of this.

and completely dissipated.

They traveled across the sea for decades, and everything was taken away by Sakaski.

After losing their dreams, partners, family ties, and power, even the last trace of fame was being taken away from them by Sakaski’s vicious methods…

This is public knowledge all over the world. If it doesn’t show up, then there really is nothing.

Even if Sakaski had no bad intentions, they couldn’t refuse.

In the picture, Hale Nok’s figure appeared first, his scarlet eyes flashing with a hint of madness.

From the background, the whole person is floating in the air, surrounded by the endless sea, as well as dark clouds and drifting volcanic ash.

Just over a day has passed since the new world was detonated. After losing all the coordinates and islands, it is impossible to discern the direction.

The wandering Hale Nok even broke into the Windless Zone twice, and is still suppressing his anger. He just wants to find the Navy’s islands, and then… destroy them one by one! ! ! !

Then came Charlotte Lingling, who had the same scarlet eyes, her hopes had just been destroyed, and she had lost face in front of the whole world.

What appeared after a few seconds was the red hair appearing on the Red Force. In the background, like Hale Nok, the sky was full of dark clouds and drifting volcanic ash, making it impossible to distinguish the direction.

The last one is Kaido who appears in the dim hall. Kaido in the picture is expressionless, staring at Sakaski with an indifferent expression.

Looking at the Yonko who appeared on the video screen just as planned.

Sakaski chuckled and said faintly:

“Have you thought about your last words, idiots…”

It looks very sarcastic…


New world, Egg Head Island.

In the cloud research institute.

Vegapunk and several clones gathered together and watched the live broadcast.

On the operating table.

Lilith smiled evilly.

The crackling sound of knocking sounded, but it lasted only two seconds:

“Positioning successful.”

The screen was divided into half, and the location of the Yonko phone bug linked to the headquarters’ phone bug appeared.

This technology is actually quite devoid of technical content, but it is something that many people in the world cannot imagine.

Enelu stood aside and yawned:

“What a fool…”

In fact, Sakaski was indeed mocking…


In the new world, on a warship sailing back.


Carol appears above.

On the deck, listening to the live broadcast, he smiled and turned his head slightly:


“Mr. Carroll.”

Carol said softly:

“Mr. Yixiao.”

He didn’t call him “General” as usual, and he didn’t look unusual when he smiled.

Carol came over and put her hand on Yixiao:

“Please do not resist.”

Yixiao was a little confused, but didn’t say anything.

Then he turned to the ship’s adjutant and said:

“The rest of you, return.”


The two disappeared.

Everyone on the warship looked at each other, then turned the ship around after a moment and returned to the battlefield of Wano.


Under the sea, Fishman Island.

As one of the King’s Shichibukai, Jinbei carried many delicacies to the naval base on Fishman Island.

Fishman Island Naval Branch Base.

Sengoku was eating snacks while watching the live broadcast of the Navy Headquarters.

It has to be said that Sakaski has now done something that previous naval institutions have never done and never thought of…

Dong dong dong——

Warring States was eating snacks and said:


Jinbei walked in carrying the delicious food:

“Mr. Warring States.”

Warring States laughed and said:


“Is there a problem.”

Jinbei shook his head and said:

“No, there isn’t.”

“I just heard that you are going to be transferred, so I came to visit.”

The soldiers of the Marine Branch of Fishman Island have already begun to pack their things. This abnormal situation has obviously alarmed the people of the Fishman Kingdom.

After asking around, I found out that Sengoku seemed to be moving to the front, so Jinbei quickly came to take a look with his things.

Warring States nodded and said with a smile:

“That’s right.”

“That guy at Yixiao had a little conflict with Sakaski.”

“Being transferred back.”

“Next, he will temporarily guard Fish-Man Island until the war is over.”

“But it should take some time to return here from Wano Country.”

Jinbei was slightly shocked:


He remembered how much Mr. Yixiao had admired the naval marshal before, and he couldn’t wait to meet him.

Warring States sighed slightly:

“You think it would cost hundreds of thousands of lives.”

“In exchange for Hale Nok and Red

The power of the two Four Emperors of Shanks was destroyed, and the pirates of the New World were defeated. ”

“Is it worth it?”

Jinbei opened his mouth, unable to answer.

The detonated new world, Fishman Island, was also affected, and he also learned some inside information from Warring States.

Intellectually speaking, the destruction of the Four Emperors and the defeat of the New World Pirates are far more valuable to the world than the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

But emotionally and from his own perspective, he couldn’t issue such an order for such a thing.

He also understood what Warring States said about the conflict between the two. It was the ideological conflict between the naval marshal and Mr. Yixiao…

Jinbe could only say in the end:

“I can’t answer…”

“What if it’s you, Mr. Sengoku?”

Warring States was stunned for a moment, as if he had never thought about this problem:


A few seconds later, Warring States sighed:

“I’m not as good as him.”

He also cannot make the kind of decision that Sakaski did. Perhaps the only person in this world who can execute justice so thoroughly is Sakaski…


Two figures suddenly appeared in the office.

Sengoku and Jinbei looked at each other for a moment, but then they discovered that they were two acquaintances:



“This is?”

Warring States’ expression condensed, this ability…

Carol smiled and said:

“I am the user with the teleportation fruit ability, Sengoku Daimatsuke.”

The corners of Sengoku’s mouth twitched slightly:

“So the devil fruit recovery has actually been successful a long time ago.”

He also knew the teleportation fruit capable person in the government. It was that guy who sent him and Sakaski to the navy branch in Sgri.

A few years ago, because his life came to an end, he was sent to Vegapunk in an attempt to recover the fruit’s power, but failed.

After that the fruit disappeared.

But I didn’t expect…

Carol nodded and smiled:

“That’s right.”

“It’s all about today.”

“The location coordinates of the Four Emperors have been obtained.”

“The end of the pirates has come.”

Warring States nodded slightly and looked at the screen linking the conversation:


After all, he is not one of those ignorant pirates. As a naval marshal, he understands many technologies, and tracking communications is relatively simple.

But in terms of positioning, it seems that with the support of Vegapunk, it will not be difficult…

So when detonating the new world, this conversation should also be included in the calculation, Sakaski…

“I’m not as good as him…”

Warring States sighed inexplicably, repeated what he just said, and then gestured to Carol:

“Let’s go.”

Carol nodded and put her hand on Sengoku.


Disappeared on Fishman Island.


Inside the fish-man island base office.

After the two disappeared, Yixiao took off the cloak of justice and took off his military rank.

Jinbei was a little confused:

“Mr. Yixiao, you are…”

Yixiao shook his head and said:

“I have decided not to join the navy.”

“After this war is over, I will leave.”

“Before this…”

“Sorry for bothering you, Mr. Jinbei…”

The palms of his hands brushed his cloak and military ranks. Although he agreed with the current navy, he could not stay any longer. There were hundreds of thousands of people…

Jinbei didn’t speak next to him.

He, Sengoku, Yixiao, relatively has some similarities in personality. He cannot agree with Sakaski’s approach, but…

There is no way…


New world, new Malinvando.

The four great pirates with the names of the Four Emperors and Sakaski just stared at each other.

No one spoke first, and there was silence for a while.

Seeing that no one spoke, Sakaski said quietly:


“Have you not thought of your last words?”

Hale Nok’s gloomy voice sounded:

“Last words?”

“It’s better to prepare it for yourself.”

“Sooner or later, everyone will know what you did, Sakaski…”

“Your fate will not be better than ours…”

Detonating the new world, destroying dozens of islands, and killing countless people, more people were killed than the four of them combined.

Even if no one dares to speak out about this inhumane method when he is alive, his fate after death will definitely be worse than theirs…

Sakaski didn’t care, and the corners of his mouth turned up inexplicably:


“what did I do

thing? ”

Hale Nok’s eyes were scarlet and he sneered and said:


He was suddenly startled, looked at Sakaski with a ferocious expression, and opened his mouth angrily:


The expressions of the other four emperors also changed slightly, and no sound came out at all.




Sakaski, who was on the execution platform, clapped his hands gently and said with a chuckle:

“Is this a pantomime?”

“very nice.”

“If you are not a pirate, you will definitely be an outstanding one…”


As he finished speaking, the pictures of the four emperors were thrown away like garbage, as if Sakaski just wanted to tease them and did not give them any extra opportunities.

Then the screen switched directly to Sakaski.

Sakaski put away the smile on his lips and took a deep breath:

“Brave Marines!”

“Do you want a total war!!!”

A fanatical shout shook the world:


Sakaski’s voice echoed throughout the world:

“Do you want a comprehensive and fierce war that will completely cleanse the world!!!”

Ignoring the soldiers’ fanatical shouting, it was even more violent than before:


Sakaski’s voice can be heard in every corner of the world:

“Then let’s get started!”

“let us be together!!!”

“Carrying the expectations of the world! Carrying the wishes of the people! Carrying all the suffering that has happened in the world in the past eight hundred years!!!”

“Start this full-scale war! Leave no one behind!!”


“In the name of justice!”

“Destroy the world’s greatest source of suffering! Completely defeat it in the new world!!!”


“Don’t be afraid of getting hurt! Don’t be afraid of death! Even if your body is broken into pieces, you won’t hesitate!”

“Those who come after us will remember what we did today!!!”

“Cut off our future and let this world have a bright future!!!”


“Must win!!!!”

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