New World, Cake Island Defense Front.

early morning.

Sakaski stood on the top of the island, looking into the distance.

There was no light in the dark sky, only endless darkness shrouded the world. Many people had no intention of falling asleep last night.

The last darkness before dawn is extremely depressing and the most unbearable…


Carol appears:

“Marshal Sakaski.”

He held two transparent containers containing devil fruits in his hands and handed them over.

Sakaski took the two containers and put them in front of his eyes, turning his palms slightly, looking at the golden and green Devil Fruits, and chuckled:

“The last two uncontrolled guys disappeared too…”

This world does not need so many strong men. When the war is over, only two or three who are strong enough to suppress the world will be enough.

The remaining strong men, whether openly or secretly, will be completely eliminated. Only after the world is transformed into what Sakaski wants, will control be released.

“Get ready for the dawn…”


New World, Cake Island Defense Front.


In the large conference room where the meeting was held yesterday, Sakaski was the only one sitting in the front seat, with his arms folded across his chest, leaning on the chair and closing his eyes to meditate.

Time passed little by little, and footsteps arrived one after another outside, waiting outside.

As the pointer in the pocket watch reached eight o’clock.

Carol walked in from the outer door, walked to Sakaski and lowered his head to report:

“Marshal, everyone is here.”

Sakaski let out a soft ‘hmm’ and slowly opened his eyes.

He picked up the hat on the table and stood up, put it on his head and walked out, followed by Carol.

Walk out of the door opened by Carol.

After the endless light came into view, several people who had been waiting for a long time appeared, Barrett, Sengoku, Garp…

Sakaski’s indifferent voice sounded:

“Set off.”

Five cloaks of justice fluttered and disappeared here…


New World, Cake Island.

In the hall made of food, Charlotte Lingling was listening to Katakuri and Perospero’s reports:

“Owen and Dafu are already in place, ready to receive the remaining party members from Hale Nok’s side.”

“The rest of the ministers also dispersed to various islands, waiting for orders to launch a counterattack.”

Charlotte Lingling sat on the throne with her hands on the armrests:

“Pinch in as much as you can.”

“I don’t care about so much now. If this war fails, then…”

Katakuri raised his head suddenly and looked around again. The sense of crisis of death stimulated his nerves, but he couldn’t sense where it came from.

Katakuri’s anomaly also attracted the attention of Charlotte Lingling and Perospero, and they immediately became alert.

When Carol positioned herself at the top of the palace, Katakuri activated his ability, and his arms turned into glutinous rice with armed colors and stabbed there:


boom–! ! ! !

The spikes of glutinous rice with armed colors were crushed directly.

Four figures wearing cloaks of justice, with an aura even more powerful than Charlotte Lingling’s, smashed into the hall, and endless murderous intent struck.

Charlotte Lingling suddenly felt a chill rushing to her brain, and a sharp voice sounded:

“Stop them!!!”

Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon, the three special Hozmi rushed out directly, and Charlotte Lingling directly hit the sky through the hall with one step.

There is no such thing as the dignity of the Yonko, there is only one idea, escape…

She was 50-50 against Garp alone, and now there are three more. There is no way to fight. Whoever comes will die…

The shocked Katakuri and Perospero below also reacted:


“Wall of Candy!”

The huge palace made of food squirmed instantly, filling up the roof that was broken by Charlotte Lingling.

Candies and glutinous rice were like waves, with armed colors covering the hall layer by layer, trying to stop the four people.

Barrett grinned ferociously and entered ghost mode directly. With blue skin and scarlet eyes, he looked up at the thick barrier at the top of the hall. The next second…

boom! ! ! !

A huge roar sounded.

Barrett had disappeared where he was. The rich barrier of candy and glutinous rice was broken through, and a large hole of dozens of meters appeared. Then Garp also stepped out and rushed out.

If among these four people, who wants to end this battle most, it must be Garp…

Only by solving all four emperors can we go to Mariejoia…

Seeing this, Warring States didn’t stop and rushed out with the two of them.

Sakaski, who stayed in place, entered the elemental state, and the energy in his body accumulated infinitely.

The lava around him was billowing with black smoke, and his eyes were glowing with golden light. Looking at the two men dripping with cold sweat, an indifferent voice sounded:

“Don’t overestimate your own capabilities.”

The words finished.

boom–! ! !

A wave of air as hot as the sun swept out from the center of the hall and swept across the entire island in an instant.

All the food, buildings, and combustibles on the island burned violently, and the entire Cake Island fell directly into the sea of ​​​​fire.

Then the earth shook, and endless magma poured out from the main hall in the center of the island, destroying the entire island like a natural disaster and tsunami.

Everything you see is flowing lava, and the sweet island composed of food instantly turns into a lava hell.

Katakuri and Perospero, who were wrapped in an armed-colored cover formed by glutinous rice and candy, suddenly noticed that the middle of the armed-colored barrier in front of them turned red.

Then it expanded rapidly, directly melting the armed barrier composed of candy and glutinous rice.

“The dog of Hades.”

Sakaski’s emotionless voice came, and Katakuri’s emotions moved rapidly, as if time slowed down when the voice sounded.

He pushed his hand towards Perospero, trying to push him aside, and at the same time he also moved aside.

Two beams of magma pierced the barrier and hit their heads.

Katakuri narrowly avoided it, but even if Perospero was pushed away by Katakuri in advance, half of his head was still scratched, and he died instantly…

Katakuri’s pupils shrank sharply, and when he activated his ability, glutinous rice poured out like a sea and rushed towards Sakaski, while he retreated far away.

Sakaski looked at the huge waves of glutinous rice and spat out a few words indifferently:

“Lava blasting jade.”

Endless red light lit up again, and extreme heat and shock swept across the entire island again.

The huge waves of glutinous rice melted and disintegrated. Katakuri, who had not yet retreated far, was affected by the shock wave. He could not control his body shape and rolled into the magma.

Before he could stand up, Sakaski’s big black hands pinched his neck…

His right hand moved upward slightly, clasping his chin, and his left hand pressed on the top of Katakuri’s head.

With a strong movement of his right hand to the left, Katakuri’s entire body was thrown horizontally in the air. Sakaski’s hands were in the form of claws, with an almost substantial armament flow. The muscles in both arms swelled in a circle, and he clasped his hands toward the center…


The crisp sound of bone cracking sounded.

The head, wrapped in the color of external weapons, was squeezed and shrunk in a circle under the huge force, and the inside of the brain was completely crushed.


Exploded into blood mist.

Headless corpses fell to the ground.

Ignoring the useless bodies of death.

Sakaski turned his head slightly and looked sideways.

Something like a shooting star fell from the sky and crashed towards the island.

Boom! ! !

The ground was shaken.

Charlotte Lingling, covered in flames, crawled out of the pit with a ferocious face.

boom! boom! boom!

Three loud noises.

Barrett, Garp, and Sengoku fell one after another, surrounding him in a triangle formation.

Sakaski stretched out his foot and kicked Katakuri’s headless body directly towards Charlotte Lingling, and walked slowly away.


The ferocious-looking Charlotte Lingling stretched out her hand to catch Katakuri’s body, threw it to the ground, and stared at the guy approaching:


Sakaski walked over and looked at her calmly:

“Have you finished your last words?”

“Then you can die.”

Barrett gave a ferocious laugh, and his awakening instantly doubled.

A nearly 100-meter-tall blue devil giant raised its giant hand dozens of meters long and struck Charlotte Lingling.

The flames on Charlotte Lingling’s body exploded, and a flash of electricity shot into the sky:

“Tianman is the God of freedom!!!”

The dark clouds over the island were like official websites, and dense thunder and lightning moved around, as if countless chains were striking at Barrett, but they did not block his movements for a moment.

Charlotte Lingling held Napoleon tightly with her hands and put them behind her back, and her violent breath surged:

“Emperor’s Sword!!!”

Still waiting to be cut out.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded.

The Warring States on the other side turned into a small golden Buddha body, and the shock wave in the palm of his hand covered Charlotte Lingling, directly suppressing the Napoleon in Charlotte Lingling’s hand, making it impossible to swing it.

The huge fist came like a mountain and hit Charlotte Lingling’s head, making her eyes turn white instantly and she was dizzy.

The outward display of armament was like air pressure, pressing within a few hundred meters around Charlotte Lingling.

The ground instantly caved in first, in this lava hell

In the center, a compressed basin was formed, and Charlotte Lingling was hit half-kneeling on the ground.

Garp ducked over and kicked the leg that Charlotte Lingling was supporting.


Charlotte Lingling knelt directly on the ground, completely suppressed.

There was a giant fist like a mountain pressing down on his head, Napoleon was held in his arms by Warring States, and his knees were kicked to the ground by Garp.

He raised his eyes with difficulty and looked at the figure in a red suit walking towards him. Endless hatred surged out and he opened his mouth to say something.

I saw Sakaski’s right arm turned into lava as he walked over, and he raised it with billowing black smoke:

“The dog of Hades.”

The red magma turned into a pillar of lava, pouring into Charlotte Lingling’s body continuously along the huge mouth opened on her ferocious face.

The suppressed Charlotte Lingling swelled visibly to the naked eye…

boom–! ! ! !

Charlotte Lingling, who was like a mountain of flesh, was exploded from the inside by the magma detonated in her body, and was shattered into pieces…

Only the head was pulled off by Sakaski’s big hand, which was still intact, and was thrown to Carol who appeared:


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