
“As long as I am still alive.”

“How can you conquer fear?”

Sakaski’s cold words stimulated Kaido’s nerves, and Kaido, with red eyes, struggled violently.

Flame clouds, flames, and storms are wildly aroused here, but they have no effect.

Two giants nearly 100 meters high suppressed the huge green dragon. The island trembled and the ground cracked. From a distance, this scene seemed like a fairy tale.

Sakaski looked at the struggling Kaido unmoved, casually took out a video phone bug and threw it to the ground.

The moment this specially made telephone bug was thrown to the ground, a projection measuring dozens of meters wide and high was projected into the air.

Multiple split screens were displayed on the screen, and Kaido recognized these split screens at a glance…

That is the country of Wano, but when did so many surveillance phone bugs be placed in Wano? !

Sakaski looked at Kaido’s dragon head pinned to the ground and said:

“I said it would make you lose everything.”

“Now it’s time to make good on that promise.”

He reached into his arms and took out an intercom device:

“let’s start.”

Carol’s voice came from over there:


Then the huge projection switched to Carol, and the picture was from a top-down perspective.

From a bird’s-eye view, Carol’s position at this time was just above the country of Wano. There was a huge iron can next to it, which looked like a missile, with the word ‘L.B’ printed on it.

There is also a Jinbei Seraph next to him, but it is several times larger than a normal Seraph. It looks like a huge fat man, but its movements are extremely flexible.

Following Carol’s order, Seraph Jinbei smoothly threw the missile-like iron can towards the island below.

At the same time, he stepped down, faster than the iron can, and smashed into the ground of Wano Island. It caused water splashes on the ground like water and disappeared.

And the iron-can missile with the word ‘L.B’ printed on it suddenly exploded more than 500 meters above Wano Country.

The violent air waves generated by the explosion carried the highly toxic spores produced through various poisonous fungus fruit carriers, and swept the entire Wano Country in an instant.

A slightly lavender poisonous mist enveloped the country of Wano, but the scene that followed was extremely terrifying.

In those multiple split-screen projection images.

The places eroded by the purple poisonous mist quickly dissipated, and all living things, whether people or plants, were invaded, melted, and disappeared.

Then each phone bug also lost its video picture, and it was obvious that it was also invaded by the poisonous fog and melted away.

But you can still see many images at this time.

The overseer pirates of the mine melted and dissipated quickly, followed by the prisoners one by one, and finally only a pair of shackles remained on the ground.

In this scene, the one who persisted the longest was a shriveled old man with a tuft of blue hair on his head, but he also turned into blood in the end.

There is a luxurious general’s mansion, a wretched old man with purple hair in the picture, and a scene where a stunning beauty with light green hair is laughing.

But as the poisonous mist poured in and invaded, the beauty with light green hair, wearing a peacock-embroidered dress, turned into a pool of blood with a frightened and painful expression, leaving only the blood-stained kimono.

As for the wretched old man with purple hair, his body twisted and turned into a huge snake-like monster with eight heads, but he was powerless and could only hold on for a few more seconds before disappearing and melting.

There are the people of Wano wearing rags, and there are the Nine Red Scabbards who are deeply hidden…

But all of this leads to one result, which is to turn into blood and dissipate…

Kaido also gave up struggling at this time. There was no expression on the dragon head. Looking at the projected picture, it was impossible to see his inner thoughts.

Until the last phone bug was invaded and melted, the screen was completely black, and it cut back to the sky above where Carol was, looking down at the Wano Country.

Sakaski looked at Kaido, who was expressionless and cold, and chuckled:

“This thing was originally prepared for Charlotte Lingling.”

“But who dared you to overturn my table?”

“As punishment, it created everything you are experiencing now.”

“Watching the only trusted subordinate turned into a headless corpse.”

“Looking at my only bloodline dying in front of my eyes.”

“Seeing that the foundation I have worked hard for for decades has been wiped out.”

“And the cause of these.”

“Just because you turned over my table, I conveniently transferred the pain that was originally intended to be inflicted on Charlotte Lingling onto you.”

“tell me.”

“Do you regret your ‘lawlessness’?”


Kaido’s suppressed dragon head moved slightly, and an emotionless voice sounded:

“I no longer care about these things.”


“If you want to do it, hurry up.”

Kaido’s dragon eyes were closed tightly, as if he had given up on struggling, but that was actually the case. He couldn’t escape even if he struggled. Facing these four guys, everyone would have to suffer…

Sakaski looked at Kaido who seemed to be waiting for death, and said quietly:

“You are not bad at talent, have the best luck, and have huge power.”

“Among the four pirate emperors’ ridiculous dreams, you are the only one who is closest to realizing their dreams. Do you know why?”

After hearing this, Kaido’s eyes opened slightly, wanting to see what trick Sakaski was going to play.

Sakaski looked at the phone bug looking down at the Wano projection and said:

“Because it has been a weapon with the name of ‘god’ throughout the history of the world.”

“Countless pirates and overlords throughout history are looking for the ancient weapon Pluto.”

“It’s buried under the ground in Wano…”

Sakaski wandered up to Kaido’s dragon head, looked at Kaido’s disbelieving eyes, and laughed softly:

“In the magma…”

This news shocked Kaido, and also caused infinite waves in Kaido’s heart, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Also shocked were Sengoku and Garp. They never thought that something as dangerous as Pluto would be hidden under the eyes of the four emperors…

Sakaski looked at Kaido and said:

“That’s why I say you have the best luck.”

“How many pirates and strong men in history have things they long for but cannot have, buried under your feet, but you guard the treasure mountain without knowing it.”

“If you had known this news, your dream would have come true.”

“You can use it to flatten Mariejoia with one shot, you can use it to sink the Navy Headquarters with one shot, and you can use it to start a war called freedom in the shortest possible time.”

“You can easily realize your dream and plunge the whole world into war.”

“But you don’t know the news. For most of your life, you have been like a headless fly. In the eyes of those of us who know the news, it is so…”


“Actually, your life has been wasted…”

Sakaski’s demagogic words stimulated Kaido’s brain, and denial and self-denial constantly clashed in his mind.

Until the Wano country in the picture suddenly trembled, collapsed and disappeared into the sea.

It was the Seraph Jinbei who had previously sneaked into the ground and exploded himself, completely destroying the towering Wano Country.

In the picture at this time, there was only the turbulent sea and no trace of the island.

It is useless to know the news now. Even if you can escape, you can’t dig it out. Everything is buried in the sea…

hold head high–

The angry dragon roared and the island trembled.

Endless flame clouds poured out from Qinglong’s body, sweeping across the entire island in the shape of mosquito coils, pulling it up into the sky.

The roaring sound resounded throughout the world, and waves tens of meters high swayed layer by layer.

Kaido also took advantage of the moment of sudden lift-off, twisted his body and burst out with boundless power, leading the two giants to rush towards the figure he hated so much that he was crazy:


Endless heat accumulated in the mouth, hot energy pillars spurted out, and rolling flames seemed to burn everything in the world.

At the same time, flames ignited all over the body, twisting the air and converging on the head to hit Sakaski.

Garp in the distance stepped on his feet and instantly appeared above Kaido.

The right arm was swung with a strong flow of armed color attached to it. This unparalleled armed color flow broke through the attached flame and directly hit Kaido’s flaming dragon head.


There was a faint sound of bone cracking, and the dragon scales between the brows cracked.

Kaido’s mind went blank for a moment after suffering a heavy blow to his head, which also allowed Barrett and Sengoku’s bodies, driven by inertia, to occupy the top again.

Four big hands tightly grasped Kaido’s dragon body.

Sakaski looked at the absent-minded Kaido. The fiercely opened mouth of the dragon directly entered the red lotus mode, like a red stream of light rushing into his body…

“Lava blasting jade.”

boom! ! ! ! !

The abdomen of Kaido’s blue dragon body expanded rapidly. It was originally a slender dragon body, but it expanded like a huge balloon.

“Lava blasting jade.”

boom! ! ! ! !

The huge balloon inflated several times.

“Lava blasting jade.”


At this time, Barrett and Sengoku had already evacuated to a very far distance, and the huge balloon seemed to have reached its limit…

Bang! ! ! !

Compressed air waves and magma explosions,

The blood of the dragon’s body exploded and was instantly evaporated.

Only the body that slowly shrank, leaving only a few fragments, and was blown away, showed traces of Kaido’s existence.

Barrett’s figure flashed.

Appears in the direction in which its head flies.


He stretched out his hand to catch Kaido’s head with a spine and a trace of flesh hanging on it…

This is the largest battle for maritime supremacy in world history.


Out! ! !

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