The year 1521 of the Haiyuan calendar is the second year of the great catastrophe.

Since Tezoro gained the ability of Smoker’s Smoke Fruit who died in the New World.

Relying on the advantages of the natural system, from the original slave trader, in just one year, it rapidly developed and occupied six surrounding islands.

He established a slave island and became known as the slave king.

This catastrophe has brought opportunities to countless careerists, but it is also their last hurray…

The first half of the Grand Line, Slave Island.

The originally prosperous island now looked a little dilapidated, but it was extremely lively.

Because everywhere you look, there are people…

The slave overseer, who is as fierce as a pirate, patrols with a whip.

The island is densely packed with slaves wearing collars and shackles.

Regardless of age, all were carrying stones and building materials from the dock to the center of the island. These were residents of the six surrounding islands.

Looking from a distance.

A huge female statue in the center of the island is slowly being built.

This is the birthplace of Tezzolo and the place where he and Stella first met…

After obtaining the fruit’s ability, he immediately spent a lot of money to recruit troops and occupied the island. However, the slave merchant who looked at the two of them with a playful attitude had already died at the hands of Tezzolo.

The original location of the slave shop became the center of this huge female statue, and construction began around it.

He finally had money, power, and rights, but he could never find her again…

This is the only way to express the anguish in my heart…

Opposite the huge statue, there is a castle.

On the terrace on the top floor of the castle, Tezzolo, wearing a suit and leather tie, holding red wine in his hand, looked at the huge female statue under construction:


He picked up the half bottle of red wine in his hand and drank it in one gulp.


The bottle hit the ground and his eyes turned red:

“Did you see it……”

“I have so much money that I will become the biggest slave owner in the world…”


Click! ! ! !

a bolt from the blue.

A rough thunder and lightning struck from the foggy sky.

The nearly 100-meter-high castle, which was as tall as the statue, was split in half.

In just a moment, the luxurious terrace was destroyed and turned black.

Tezzolo, who was wearing a suit and ties, also changed. He was also lying on the ground coughing up blood. He seemed to be breathing more than he was taking in.

This shocking turn of events shocked everyone on the island. Some of Tezzolo’s confidants did not care about anything else and gathered their men to rush towards the castle.

But lightning struck down in the sky, turning those people into black coal one by one. For a while, no one dared to move rashly.

The top of the castle.


Tezzolo, who was struggling on the ground, was kicked out and hit the original throne.

It was a throne made of pure gold. It was originally where Tezzolo sat and looked at Stella’s statue every day, but now another person was sitting on it.

Enel walked slowly and sat on the golden throne. Looking at Tezzolo under his feet, he raised his leather boots and stepped directly on his head.


The sound of cracking bones sounded, and he was crushed with his feet. The sound of broken bones was like a musical note, and Enilu’s cold voice sounded:

“Like a dog.”

“Dare to claim the title of king…”

At this time, Enelu was no longer as skinny as a stick, and gradually accepted Sakaski’s death, but the changes were huge.

In the body photos, he is thinner than before, and his expressionless face has a gloomy look. These changes bring about a sense of oppression.

As a result, now in the headquarters, the navy soldiers who were originally a little afraid of Barrett felt that Barrett had become amiable and amiable when they saw Eniro’s appearance.

With a cold and gloomy expression, Enel looked down at Tezzolo at his feet and crushed his head with his feet.

Tezzolo, who was stepped on, had a splitting headache.

Not only was the leather boot constantly crushing the bones of the head, but also the excitement of being struck by lightning. The brain felt like it was exploded, but it was still difficult to speak:


The struggling Tezzolo couldn’t figure out why the navy appeared here.

He recognized the person in front of him, it was the navy’s replacement for the admiral, ‘White Dragon’ Eniro.

The world’s communications are not working well now. He can be sure that there is no one who has slipped through the net to report the news. How could he provoke the navy?

He is even ready to take care of the World Government’s treasures…

But I didn’t expect that the navy would come directly…

Enelu didn’t say anything, just

She looked down at him indifferently.

The dark leather boots, with a little force, twisted his neck to almost 180 degrees, making him look at the huge female statue.

Boom! ! ! !

The huge female statue was also split by lightning and suddenly collapsed.

But Tezzolo was unable to struggle, his expression kept changing between fear, anger, and despair, and the pressure on his head became increasing.

He wanted to use his abilities, but his weak body prevented him from using any strength.

With fear, doubt, and infinite unwillingness and anger.


The hard skull was completely crushed, and red envelopes flowed all over the ground.

Insert into the Devil Fruit Recycler on its back, the fruit slowly takes shape.

Enelu stood up, and the golden throne he sat on flashed with lightning, turned into liquid, flowed into his hand, and turned into a golden scepter.

Lift it slightly, the light on the scepter flashes, and it hits the ground.

Countless lightnings fell from the sky, and all of Tezoro’s men, not one of them escaped under Enelu’s powerful sight, and were all struck into charcoal by lightning.

Enelu stood there and closed his eyes, took a deep breath, opened his eyes and exhaled slowly, but the violent murderous intention in his heart did not diminish at all.


It turned into lightning and disappeared here, flying towards the West Sea.

On the island, countless slaves stood there in fear, not knowing what happened in this short moment. In an instant, all the slave overseers on the entire island were dead.


Buzz – um – buzz – um –

The piercing alarm sounded suddenly, from far to near.

The slaves on the island were so shocked that they were at a loss.

But they soon calmed down, because this voice was extremely familiar to them. Countless slaves rushed to the shore, fell to their knees with tears in their eyes, and cried…

On the foggy sea.

The red and blue lights flashed brightly, and huge warships, flying white seagull flags and blaring sirens, sailed towards Slave Island.

The navy is coming…! ! !


The original ruins of Marie Gioia.

Headquarters of the world federal government.

Inside the temporary office of the ‘General Speaker’.

‘Sakaski’ sat on his seat, flipping through the information that Carol handed over. Nearly half of the pile of information belonged to Enero.

Among them, Slave Island has been completely recovered, and the Devil Fruit Recycler has been recovered by the fleet that arrived.

There is also news that Eniru went to the West Sea, and the Royal Family of the Flower Kingdom and the Eight Treasure Navy were all destroyed.

Those secretly unstable factors and careerists that were monitored were wiped out one by one by Enel…

‘Sakaski’ put aside the news about Enel:

“Let him vent and vent.”

Carol below frowned slightly:

“But if we continue to kill like this, I’m afraid we will be exposed.”

The main reason is that Enel’s ability is too obvious. He can control thunder, and Enel doesn’t hide it at all. Maybe it’s okay to cut off communication.

But if communications are restored, what happened on multiple islands can definitely be found out if someone is willing to investigate…

This is inconsistent with the intention of secretly cleaning up the world.

‘Sakaski’ shook his head:

“Secretly erasing these guys is just for the sake of stability. It doesn’t matter even if it is announced.”

“Why explain and conceal it.”


All the strong pirates were killed, all the rebels in the navy were killed, all the masterminds behind the world government and the Celestial Dragon clan were killed.

Even if today’s ‘World Government’ is more domineering than the original ‘World Government’, the world has no way of resisting.

What’s more, they are not that domineering.

The methods are much cleaner and more upright than those of the original world government, and they are also cleaning up the secret rats and careerists exposed through the cataclysm.

‘Sakaski’ looked at the information in his hand:

“Those guys from Elbaf still refuse to leave.”

Carol was a little helpless:

“That’s right….”

After all, it is their ancestral land, so it would be a bit troublesome to persuade them to leave.

Now that the navy has completely taken over the new world, the mysterious Elbaf has no secrets anymore, but there are some unrest among those giants.

And they are also the royal family of the giants.

Seeing that there were still some giant vice-admirals serving in the navy, and the giant vice-admirals who had died on the New World battlefield, they did not directly order the obliteration.

He just ordered the giants to move away from Elbaf, giving up their thoughts.

But apparently it doesn’t work that well…

‘Sakaski’ casually put this page of information aside:

“Let Barrett and Sauter help them move out. Don’t be dignified if you don’t want to be dignified.”

Carol nodded below and said:


Sakaski’ continues to scroll down, most of which are developments around the world. Now the world is in chaos.

Before the Cataclysm, the whole world was occupied by the revolutionary army and reformed. However, now that there is no top-level leadership and communication is cut off, the remnants of the nobles have begun to fight back.

In addition to the revolutionary army bases that have been operating in the rear area for many years, nearly half of the islands in the four seas have been caught in the flames of war.

Especially those islands in the West Sea where gangs are prevalent. After being suppressed by the revolutionary army, the counterattack of careerists is now far more fierce than in the other three seas.

‘Sakaski’ continued to scroll down, and what came into view was the island where the revolutionary army declared independence and established a nation. The top personnel had been secretly wiped out.

The several islands established by the revolutionary army are temporarily managed by Li Daitao, a special personnel trained by the navy.

After nodding slightly, the information in ‘Sakaski’’s hand also turned to the last page:

“The New World has settled down. Let’s organize manpower to start marching to the Grand Line to receive it.”

“Go ahead.”

The Grand Line and the New World are like a thin line that surrounds the entire planet. It was originally isolated by the Red Earth Continent and is now completely connected.

After regaining and accepting the Grand Route, you can directly cross the windless zone from both sides and start to recover the islands in all four seas at the same time.

Suddenly thinking of something, ‘Sakaski’ chuckled and said:

“By the way, try setting up the improved Pluto main gun. How is the effect?”

Carol nodded again:


Turn around and leave, giving the order.


A few days later.

New World, Elbaf.

Next to the originally huge island, an island of the same size appeared at some point. It was moved by the current general of the world federal government, ‘Purple Lion’ Sauter.

The giants walked towards the island with their families and their belongings in tow.

Several meters-tall children holding their own toys walked around and chatted:

“Why are we moving?”

“I don’t know. My father said it was an order from the navy, saying it was unsafe here.”


“Isn’t that where Uncle John (John Giando, one of the Giant Lieutenant Generals) is?”

“Yes, but I heard that Uncle John seemed to have died fighting in the New World.”


“how so!!!”

On the top of the new island, the royal family of the giants looked at the relocated giants with dark expressions.

When the Navy’s ultimatum came down, it meant they had no choice.

All thoughts are extinguished, without him…

The two strongest giant leaders of the Giant Pirates that emerged from Elbaf hundreds of years ago, Tori and Broki, were only 21 or 22 meters tall.

The blue devil in the navy transformed into a hundred meters tall in the blink of an eye. They, who were obviously giants, seemed to turn into babies in front of that guy.

That fierce aura, ferocious malice…

Not to mention their little prince Loki of the Giants, who claims to have the power to rival the Four Emperors. Even if the real Four Emperors come, they can’t beat that guy…

Not to mention they were forced to go to a show.

They were the loyal lackeys and affiliated countries of the former World Government. They had assembled tens of thousands of troops on the Grand Line and were preparing to march to Mariejoia to find out the news.

They were thousands of meters above the ground, watching the fleet of nearly a hundred ships, which had just sailed out of the port.

A laser that penetrated the entire world was shot from the direction of the Red Earth Continent.

The huge fleet was destroyed in an instant, leaving a deep crater dozens of times larger than the island on the sea, which was poured into it by the turbulent water.

And that huge deep hole in the sea was several times larger than the Elbafu where they were.

According to the navy who forced them to watch the show…

The thing that emits this energy laser cannon is mounted on the top of the Red Earth Continent and can fire infinitely…

Even if you are unwilling…

These royal families, who have seen what ‘power’ is, do not dare to continue to resist, and can only obey orders…

Ordered to move out of Elbaf…


Time passes slowly.

At the beginning of the year 1522 of the Hainan calendar, the great catastrophe is about to enter its third year.

After two years of chaos in the troubled world, the forces of all parties have gradually taken shape. The revolutionary army entrenched all over the world has lost nearly half of its territory to the counterattacks of the nobles and gangs.

They are all unaware of each other’s news from the outside world, developing locally on the island and digesting the results of victory.

The Grand Line has been completely taken over. Although the source has been wiped out, pirates will appear from time to time, but under the surveillance of the navy, there are no guys who can make waves…

New World, Punk Hassard.

The original naval research base

After the land was moved to Dantou, it gradually became deserted.

But because some things were troublesome or useless to take away, a lot of troops and a few Seraphs were left here.

Two figures appeared in the sky above the island.

There were one big and one small, the older one was wearing a samurai uniform, the younger one was a bit wretched and had just woken up, screaming as if he had a nightmare:

“Ah ah ah ah ah—”

There were some traces of being blackened by the flames on his body and face, and his face was covered with snot and tears.

Hearing His Highness’s exclamation, Kinemon, a retainer, quickly hugged Momonosuke tightly:

“Your Highness!”

The two of them were Kin’emon and Momonosuke who escaped from Wano Country 20 years later.

The long time travel of Kinemon and Kozuki Momonosuke, who were sent away by Hiyori Kozuki, finally came to an end…

Where Wano Country originally stood, there was only a sea.

Not knowing where they were, Kinemon and the others could only lead Momonosuke to search for the island day and night.

What they don’t know is that that is the sea and the original site of Wano Country.

Kaido is dead, the country of Wano is destroyed, and there is no need to found a country at all…

Encountering a naval fleet on the way, a war broke out due to a misunderstanding.

The two of them were forced to separate from Raizo, Kanjuro, and Kikunochei.

Then I escaped all the way here…

Momonosuke’s screams spread over the island.

The navy soldiers guarding the island were alerted, and everyone picked up their weapons and ran towards the place where the screams came.

Swish swish swish——

Lasers all over the sky were shot from all over the island.

Before Kinemon could react, his pupils shrank sharply, with a look of horror.

The long knife in his hand just touched the handle.

Several laser beams penetrated the shocked Kinemon’s body, and the screams stopped abruptly.

The rough laser ablated flesh and blood. In Kinemon’s eyes, the small Momonosuke’s arms were penetrated and melted by the golden light, and his abdomen, left leg, waist, and… head! ! !


The sound of oil and the wafting smell stimulated Kinemon’s brain.

But he couldn’t think anymore.

Because of the fear, Kinemon, who was unable to think, was also penetrated by the laser and melted…

Falling in mid-air, Kinemon, who was dying, struggled to grab the piece of meat:



The two people, who had been ablated by the laser to only a few pieces of flesh, fell to the ground.

far away.

The alert soldiers slowly came running…

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