Haiyuan calendar year 1523.

After three years of precipitation and cleanup, the impact of the volcanic ash covering the entire planet on the world has been minimized.

Countries and islands around the world are beginning to enjoy the warm sunshine one after another.

Those marked uneasy factors are also dying at an incredible speed and inexplicably.

Since the first half of the year, with the return of the Navy, the entire world has been like a highly efficient machine, with big changes every day.

Corresponding policies have also been implemented.

After gradually stationing on various islands and establishing base stations, communications around the world began to be restored one after another.

People who have been isolated from the news for a long time can’t wait to pick up the dusty phone bugs and call the people they meet but cannot see…


Sphinx Island, the home of Whitebeard.

Surrounding the island are all dilapidated houses, like an uninhabited desert island.

In fact, there is another story. In order to avoid the attacks of Sky Gold and pirates, the people here hid in the valley to isolate themselves from the world, and they were secretly protected by Marco.

As an island on the Grand Route, this place has long been marked on the navy’s positioning map.

They were also the first islands to restore communications and accept naval policies.

And with the arrival of the navy.

The residents of Sphinx Island also returned to life outside.

at this time.

Town office.

The dilapidated houses have long since disappeared, and they have all turned into flat ground. The original village chief has divided the areas of each family.

With the division completed.

A group of clerks in navy uniforms, holding numbered drawings, started taking action with the Jinbei Seraph, who was only one person tall.

Take out three cans of special green blood and inject it into Seraph’s body, directly activating the ability and starting from the divided place.

First, the ability to push the fruit is activated, and the land and rocks are continuously compressed where the divided houses are located.

In an instant, a solid foundation formed.

Then some special seeds developed are sown into the foundation to activate the ability of lush fruits.

A sturdy wooden house that can withstand tsunami and earthquakes appears, with all the large furniture inside, all grown naturally from special seeds developed by the Navy’s scientific research team.

Then he entered the house, activated the quick-cut fruit ability contained in the last jar of green blood, and cut off the bottom and joints of the furniture one by one, completely completing the task.

A house is completed in just a few minutes, and it only takes a few days to build all new houses on this small island with a small population.


Port office.

Also led by several naval clerks.

A three-meter-tall Jinbei Seraph activates the push-pushing fruit ability to push the earth to build a port. These were surveyed and designed by scholars, and the Seraph constructed them according to the drawings.

A group of children were following behind, playing and watching a novel scene.

Marco, in casual clothes, stood not far away, leaning against the wall, looking at the children with a smile.

The original dilapidated plank bridge in the port was replaced by a solid rock bridge.

High rock and soil walls have also been erected on dangerous cliffs everywhere.

After design and revision.

The only thing left on the island is a spacious and solid port.

In addition, there are naval garrison and guards at the port, military fortresses occupying commanding heights, and round-the-clock security call support and other measures.

The same thing happens one after another in countries and islands around the world, without exception.

All inhabited islands will be designed and transformed by dedicated personnel sent by the navy.


Lightning flashed.

Enelu, who exuded the aura of being forbidden to strangers, appeared.

Sitting on top of the parapet next to Marco, with his legs dangling in the air, he looked at the children playing.

Enel rested his elbows on his knees, crossed his fingers and said indifferently:

“The remnant of Whitebeard and the Roger Pirates, ‘Phoenix’ Marco.”

The smile on Marco’s face gradually disappeared.


Looking at the child in the distance with some reluctance, he said melancholy:

“I’ve known this day would come for a long time, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.”

After more than twenty years of peaceful life, I have already forgotten everything in the past, but I have to face it after all…

“How did you find out?”

“I feel like it’s pretty well hidden.”

He was answered with cold silence….

Marco sighed slightly, and green flames appeared on his body:

“How about you let me say goodbye.”

“Mr. Marine.”

Enelu glanced at him sideways, and then looked at the children playing in the distance.

Marco chuckled:


Then with a wave of his arms, he turned into a blue flame bird and flew towards the town.

The children playing in the distance occasionally turned around and looked back

He became excited, stopped chasing and looked at the big green flame bird:

“Wow! It’s here again! Brother Marco’s magic!!!”

“I also want to become a flying bird!”

“Let’s go find Brother Marco!”

“Okay, okay!~”

A group of carefree children ran towards the town, but never saw their big brother Marco again…

A few minutes later.

In the high-altitude clouds nearly a hundred nautical miles away from Sphinx Island.

The green flames that are constantly regenerating intersect with the thunder and lightning that are almost solidified, from afternoon to evening…

The battle didn’t end until a corpse fell into the sea under the setting sun.

‘Phoenix’ Marco dies and the Devil Fruit is recovered.


City of Seven Waters, Shipyard No. 3.

At the door.

A muscular man in monk’s uniform, more than three meters tall, with white wings and a fleshy but compassionate face walked out.

Behind him were a group of boys who were also wearing monk uniforms, but they looked more like gangsters.

They caught up with the decisive battle between the pirate navy and had no choice but to hide here, hoping to wait until the decisive battle was over.

But before the outcome of the decisive battle came, the world entered a period of great catastrophe. They were trapped here for several months. They just regained peace and were about to go to sea, but they waited until the navy returned.

The boys behind Urki were a little aggrieved and couldn’t help but whisper about the black shop. They wanted to rob the shipyard just now, but they didn’t dare to do anything. After all, since the navy came back.

Security on various islands has become increasingly strict.

All ports entering and leaving the sea are garrisoned by the navy. If there is trouble, whether they can get out is a question.

Under this pressure, their pirate flags were put away.

boom! ! ! !

He is more solid than a giant monk.

Barrett, who felt even more oppressive, fell from a high altitude, causing the ground to tremble.

Barrett’s cloak of justice fluttered behind his back, he lowered his head slightly and looked down at the person in front of him, and an indifferent voice sounded:

“Monk Urki.”

Ulki’s pupils shrank sharply, and cold sweat continued to flow from his head.

But Barrett didn’t give him any more time to think. He clenched his right hand and raised it, as if he was looking at a dead man.

Can’t escape! ! !

The sense of crisis of death stimulated his nerves, and with only this thought flashing through his mind, Urki’s muscles tensed up, his fruit power activated, and he shouted angrily:



It was like the sound of bells and drums rang out and spread, and the loud noise could be heard throughout the island.

Urqui’s chest was punched through by Barrett’s fist.

The invincible fruit did not work, perhaps because it exceeded its own limit of absorbing attacks, like a balloon that was burst.

The absorbed attack power not only exploded within the body, but also exploded with flesh and blood under that huge force.

With the double power, the shattered bones and flesh and viscera fragments exploded backwards in a fan shape. Just the bone fragments wiped out the younger brother behind Urki.

Either his head was blown open, or he struggled to death while holding his punctured throat.

Ulki felt no pain, only dizziness, and his mind went blank.

Watching Barrett slowly take out his big blood-stained hand, take out a jar with a needle tip, and utter the last word in a contemplative manner:


The brain is losing balance, the world is turning dark, and there is a sense of powerlessness.


He fell to the ground dead.

Barrett took two steps forward, pulled out the Devil Fruit Recycler, and hung it on his waist.

He raised the special device on his wrist and drew a cross on Urqui’s avatar. Then the device on his wrist displayed the real-time location of the next Devil Fruit user.

It’s also on this island, not far away.

Barrett stepped down and disappeared.


Donghai, Rogge Town.

late at night.

The people in the square slowly dispersed, leaving only garbage on the ground.

The three figures were paralyzed from exhaustion, panting heavily on the ground and unwilling to move. A purple-haired lion next to them even fell asleep on the spot.

On the tent behind him, there were the words “Treasure Circus” written on it.

A thin, long-haired man, with his feet on a unicycle, complained feebly:

“Brother Bucky, when can we go to sea?”

“I really can’t live a day like this anymore.”

“It’s so exciting to perform for these idiots every day…”

Originally, due to the catastrophe, the navy lost news. They wiped out a navy branch and reigned supreme on the island. They were very happy.

But less than two years after being free, the navy actually came back, and with the restoration of communications, it learned more and more things.

Fortunately, they run fast, no

Then he would be surrounded and killed on that island just like those idiot men.

Bucky, whose face was covered in greasepaint, lay on the ground, grabbed the things around him and threw them away:


“Do you think I don’t want to go to sea?!”

“But now that the Navy is back, it’s better to keep a low profile.”

After all, the navy won, which means…

That idiot Shanks is dead, Bucky’s expression is gloomy again, damn…

I should have killed him with my own hands. Isn’t that a terrible bastard? Why was he killed by those stupid navy men?

Next to him, the animal trainer with white hair and a whip said feebly:

“Boss, I can’t avoid the information entry tomorrow, what should I do?”

After the navy returns, the first thing they do when stationed on the island is to establish a base station, restore communications, and then have a dedicated person design and plan the island.

It is said that the Alabasta side is directly connected, and passing there in the future will save a lot of time.

Another thing the Navy does is to distribute something called an ‘identification card’, which will enter personal information and then bind the identity with the first blood.

Its main function is to identify information and access each island port. It also has an emergency call function. It can be said that no one can refuse this kind of thing.

For those who have inner ghosts and conflicts, the Navy will also send people to lobby them. If that doesn’t work, they will enforce it.

They have refused several times, and they can vaguely feel that they are being followed these days.

Bucky’s eyes moved slightly and he gritted his teeth:

“I have been thinking about a fake name and identity today. It is said that it is bound once and for all, and I will use that identity in the future.”

He was naturally resistant to things from the Navy, but he had no choice but to enforce them if he refused.

A bunch of fools…

Just think of a fake identity.

There is no rule that you must use the real one, so why worry about checking it? In the worst case, you will have to change your name for the rest of your life.

The feeble voices of the other two people sounded:

“Okay boss.”

The next day, in the afternoon.

Port, outskirts of naval base.

Identification card registration office.

“Hello, name.”

“B… Bacchus.”


“No, it’s Bacchus.”




“Head of the Treasure Circus…”

As each item of information is recorded, the entry is completed.

The navy clerk picked up the ‘identification card’ placed on the machine and placed it on the table, then took out a disposable blood dropper:

“Put a drop of blood in and it will be fine.”

Bucky hesitated for a second, then pricked his finger with a needle and landed on the groove on the ‘identification card’.


The machine beeped, and the navy clerk nodded and handed the ‘identification card’ to Bucky.

“Okay, next one.”

Bucky and his two younger brothers, through this process, everyone gained a new identity.

After I came out, I was still in a daze, and that was it? ? ?

It doesn’t seem that scary…

Inside the huge naval base island next to Rogge Town.

In a separate room on the top floor of the base, there was the sound of rushing water.

A tall figure could be vaguely seen through the blurred glass, taking a bath.

Didi didi——

The bracelet placed on the table outside sounded, and it looked the same as the bracelet device Barrett wore to track Devil Fruit power users.

After a while.

The bathroom door opened, and Gion walked out with long legs wrapped in a white bath towel.

Come to the desktop, pick up the bracelet and browse the real-time information and positioning:

“Split the fruit.”

He put down the bracelet and went to dry himself off.

early morning.

Entry into cloud database far away in Red Earth Continent.

The fruit is split into pieces and recovered successfully.


Red continent.

World Federation Provisional Government.

The warm sunshine in the morning shines on the earth, shines through the glass, and shines into the palace with a hint of sacred flavor.

In the spacious hall.

‘Sakaski’ and Carol stood by the window. The bright sunlight reflected the white navy suits, and the cloak of justice fell naturally from behind.

The flowing clouds are floating outside the window, as if they are within reach, so beautiful.

“How’s the devil fruit recovery plan going?”

“The results are good. All the people who entered the ‘identification card’, through the analysis of blood factors, no one with devil fruit ability can escape the screening.”

“And it needs to be updated every five years to eliminate any missed problems.”

‘Sakaski’ nodded slightly, turned and walked towards the desk:

“How much has been recycled so far?”

Carol followed closely and said:

Sixty percent of the fruits in the devil fruit illustrated book have been recovered. ”

“Half of the lieutenant general-level combat power has been sent to the four seas for recovery. Through the tracking device, the ability users closest to you can be displayed.”

“With the promotion of ‘identification cards’, within a few years, the devil fruits in this sea will be completely recycled.”

After all, it is possible that after registering their identity, some people will eat wild fruits on some cliffs and the like.

That’s why the rule was made that ‘identification cards’ need to be updated every five years.

“However, it seems that we have encountered some difficulties in stripping away the Devil Fruit’s abilities.”

“There has been no progress for three months.”

‘Sakaski’, who frowned slightly, thought for a moment and said:

“Then stop it first, the devil fruit peeling technique is not in a hurry.”

“Our strength is enough to deal with this sea now. We are currently studying things that are useful to people’s livelihood.”

“Let’s get this world back on track.”

Carol nodded and said:


After a pause, he said:

“The islands of the Grand Line have been transformed and have begun to travel to the four seas. It is expected that all islands will be transformed in four years.”

Four years are expected to be the slowest.

The main reason is that Seraph works too fast. There is no fatigue, only energy.

Some small islands, such as the Sphinx Island, are completely renovated, and the port garrison only takes a few days.

And it’s not just one team, but twenty teams. Starting from the Grand Route, there are countless islands in the world, and they are undergoing transformation along the way.

According to the different conditions of the island, the best plan for transformation is designed.

In the future, all ports will be managed uniformly, and you will be able to enter the island with an ‘identification card’. If you risk your life by becoming a pirate, you will be locked up immediately after being recorded on the ‘identification card’.

All islands are inaccessible, even if they are attacked by force, it will be useless. If you are lucky enough to capture it, you will be hunted to death soon. No one can escape…

“Currently, all base stations on inhabited islands around the world have been completed and can start global live broadcasts at any time.”

“You need to set the time for the formation of the new government.”

‘Sakaski’ paused while flipping through the documents and continued reading:

“How long will it take to complete the entry of all identification cards?”

Carol recalled the data in her mind:

“According to the current progress, it will take about twenty days to complete the entry of information on all people in the world.”

The basic entry work has been completed and the settlement stage has entered. The only ones left are some people on the island who are unwilling to enter.

For this kind of thing, the navy will wait for three days without anyone entering the island.

Report this island for settlement.

Those who have not entered will first receive several notifications until the upper limit is exceeded, and then intensive investigation will begin. Either they will be forced to enter, or they will resist and die because of ghosts in their hearts…

“Then in a month.”


(It’s Friday, I’ll have a day off tomorrow and see if I can finish it in these two days. Don’t worry, no pirate will survive to the end.)

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