Sakaski looked at Enelu and said:

“As to whether it’s right or wrong to kill them.”

“This cannot be determined.”

“From a moral perspective.”

“We did it wrong.”

“But from a righteous perspective.”

“They are pirates.”

“They must die.”

“It is wrong for such people to exist.”

“They walk the line between good and evil.”

“They acted bravely by chance and were regarded as heroes.”

“While denying the evil represented by pirates, they also deny the justice represented by the navy.”

“But the truth is.”

Enelu’s eyes were firm at this time and he said:

“The truth is, there are only a few such pirates.”

“Although we have rescued the people, it is also the pirates who want to kill and plunder…”

Sakaski nodded and said:



“There are worms in the navy, and there are good ones among pirates.”

“But just because of this, we can deny the justice of the Navy.”

“Just because of this, we can deny the evil of pirates.”

“The number of civilians killed by pirates every year is several times the number of residents in this town.”

“The number of soldiers killed every year while protecting civilians is several times the number of residents in this town.”

“A man like Black, as a pirate, has done some good things.”

“It easily distorts justice and evil.”

“This pair of naval soldiers who died in battle and the people who were massacred by pirates.”

“It’s inexcusable.”

Enelu nodded.

Sakaski continued:

“I’ve shown you so much in the past two days.”

“To tell you that there is no absolute light and darkness.”

“If you want to achieve great things, don’t act on your whim.”

“There is darkness in the navy, and there is light in the pirates.”

“But sometimes, a choice has to be made.”

“Even if there is an island in the future, because there is no such thing as the Music Note Pirates.”

“The islands were massacred and plundered.”

“They must die too.”

“They are pirates but are regarded as heroes, and their will spreads on this island.”

“Influencing the next generation of kids.”

“If it’s just because they didn’t do anything bad, let them go.”

“Then the pirates in this sea will never be wiped out.”

Sakaski looked at the distant sky:

“The road to light is doomed to be full of thorns.”

“Don’t stop because of fear of sacrifice and mercy.”

“There are countless people who have fallen on the eve of the light.”

“In the Battle of the Valley of Gods, the soldiers of the Sihai branch were interrupted.”

“In the Battle of Sgrim, the G4 branch was massacred, and more than 20,000 soldiers from the headquarters fleet died in the battle.”

“On the heroic monument erected in the headquarters square, there are more than just names.”

“It’s a living life.”

“But these are just a small part of the sacrifice.”

“More dead soldiers and people, too many to count.”

“We are carrying the future of the world on our shoulders.”

“We have to make a choice and live with this.”

“Is it a slow death with a soft heart, or a desperate counterattack with a knife and a broken arm?”

“What will you choose?”

Enelu seemed to have grown a lot in an instant:

“The Jedi fights back.”

Sakaski nodded:

“Yes, Jedi counterattack.”

“There will be a lot of bloodshed and sacrifices on this road.”

“There are people, there are soldiers, there are relatives, there are friends.”

“But there’s no turning back.”

“When you look back and see those people lying in a pool of blood, you will become soft-hearted and unable to bear it.”

“But that will expose your weakness and you will fail.”

“Since ancient times, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable due to changes.”

“Something that can end this chaotic era.”

“The knife, not the mouth.”

“What we have to do now is to accumulate strength.”

“When the day comes that I can kill with one strike, I will reshape the world with thunder.”

“Sweep all that rubbish into the trash can.”

“The reshaped world will certainly not be perfect.”

“Because where there is light, there is also darkness.”

“But… at least it will be better than now.”

Enelu nodded heavily.

The two watched the sunset for a long time…

Sakaski suddenly chuckled:

“Let’s go.”

“The teaching is over.”

Under the setting sun, the two shadows are getting farther and farther away, infinitely longer…


A few days later, Palini Island.

A warship slowly sailed into the port.

A wave of excitement erupted on the ship and swept across the entire island in an instant.

Garp on the warship jumped out impatiently:

“Hahahahaha, found it.”

“Warring States!!!”

The sound resounded throughout the island, and Garp’s figure appeared

Moving quickly in the air.

At this time, Warring States seemed to sense something, and a familiar feeling was approaching quickly.

He frowned, and just to be on the safe side, he said to the child he had just picked up:

“Rosinandi, you go hide in the house first.”

Rosinandi, who was covered in dirty clothes, was stunned.

Nunuo said:


He turned around and ran into the house, not long after he entered the house.


A figure fell to the ground, Garp grinned and looked at Sengoku in front of him:

“Hahahahahahahaha, I finally found you, Warring States.”

Warring States frowned:

“Who are you? We have known each other before.”

Garp was stunned and opened his eyes wide:

“I’m Garp, have you lost your memory!!!”

Warring States couldn’t figure out the purpose of the man opposite him for a moment, but he instinctively felt that he had no ill intentions.

He even seemed to be a friend he had known for many years and nodded slowly.

Garp grinned widely and clenched his fists with a domineering air:

“Sgrihai must have hit his head during the battle.”

“Just one more bump and it’ll be fine.”

Warring States looked at the grinning Garp opposite and felt something bad in his heart.

He wanted to resist, but Seng Guo, who had lost his memory, could not avoid Garp’s fist by instinct.

“Meteor Bone!!!”

With Garp’s shout, the figure disappeared instantly.

In Sengoku’s horrified eyes, Garp smashed his glasses with a punch and hit him on the head.

The whole person flew out, smashing through the house and many trees.

He fell to the ground and did not get up for a long time.

Rosinandi looked at Sengoku who smashed through the house, and ran towards him crying in worry.

At this time, the Warring States Period was indeed beaten by this punch.

However, the dizziness caused by the concussion, coupled with the fusion and interweaving of amnesia and non-amnesia memories.

For a moment, my head was foggy and I couldn’t get up.

But you can sense everything in the outside world.

Rosinandi’s thin little hands wanted to shake Seng Guo’s body, but they didn’t move at all.

Garp came from a distance.

Picking his nose with one hand and looking at Rosinandi:

“Don’t shake it kid, it’s okay.”

“Where did you come from? Did you pick it up during the Warring States Period?”

“Get out of the way, Sengoku is definitely not healed yet, I’ll hit you with a few more punches.”

Rosinandi’s thin body opened his hands and stood in front of Warring States.

Garp widened his eyes and deliberately threatened:

“You want to taste the iron fist I love!!!”

Rosinandi swallowed, her eyes were a little frightened, but her body did not flinch.

Garp raised his fist and smiled:

“In this case…….”

At this time, a golden light flashed behind Rosinandi.


The roar of the Warring States Period rang out.

A hundred-meter-tall golden giant appeared, white light lit up in his hand, and pressed towards Garp without hesitation.


Garp looked at the shock wave and laughed loudly:

“Hahahahahahahahaha, it looks like you’re fine, Sengoku!”

The armed color attached to it surged, and he raised his fist to blast away.

Warring States raged and shouted:

“Go to hell! You nasty bastard!!!”

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