Hot spring mountain, mountainside.

A cliff meadow, Riel and Renice sit side by side on the grass, here the view is wide, you can see the whole hot spring town up close, the endless sea in the distance, and the sun is gentle but not dazzling, the sky is high and the earth is wide, and the sea breeze is practiced.

Riel couldn't help but stand up, walked to the edge of the cliff, faced the sea breeze, golden hair flew, opened his arms, and let the breeze blow.

He looked radiant and spoke boldly.

"Watch the sea and the hundred rivers, enter the sea and enter my arms!"


Renice looked at Riel's back, smiling sweetly, although he didn't quite understand the meaning of Riel's words, but that kind of courage and domineering she could clearly feel, it would be better if there was no "Wuhu" behind.

She sat on a black velvet cushion and held a small baked cake in her hand, which was prepared by Riel, and Arrail's attention and care made her very happy and satisfied.

"How long will you be in the North Sea?"

Riel turned around, walked to Renice's side, took out another cushion from the bag he brought and sat down, although sitting on the grass with his own physique would not feel fart, he still chose to sit on the cushion, if possible, he can enjoy it, rebirth is not easy to treat himself badly.

He tilted his head, supported his chin with one hand, and looked at Renice with gentle eyes, sincere smile, and a gentle tone:

"I will stay in the North Sea for half a year, and then I will go back to the East China Sea to send my younger brother Ace to the sea."

"Then go to the great voyage and train hard to become stronger!"

He paused, gently pinned a strand of hair in front of Renise's forehead behind his ear, looked down at Renice's purple eyes and said affectionately:

"But now that I have you, can I accompany you?"

Renice glanced at Riel, slapped his paws away, and said with some disgust:

"Riel, are you tired and crooked?"

"Isn't it romantic? Isn't it impressed?

"Not romantic! Not impressed!

"Then dear Miss Renice, can you put the smile away from your face."

Riel said in his heart that he didn't want to, his body was very honest, and he was duplicitous.

Renice immediately couldn't hold back, laughed out loud, clenched her little white fist, and swung it at Riel, with a strange tone:

"Riel to die, you."



The two fought for a while, Renice covered her chest, her hand pressed the corner of her skirt, her eyes were resentful, her cheeks were bulging, and she was panting, she found herself deceived, playing with Riel, and was always taken advantage of by him....

Renise's appearance is a bit different from her mature and seductive temperament, but Rhanice's 25 years old is just the age when maturity and purity coexist, which is particularly moving.

Riel swallowed, feeling a little hungry, and wondered if he should "eat" a meal now.

Noticing Riel's gaze, Renice glared at Riel, who was about to move.

He smiled awkwardly and muttered,

"Who called you so tempting!"

Although it was muttering, but Renice was not far from him, and after hearing what Riel said, she rolled her eyes at Riel, and pinched Riel who was sitting next to her, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked.

Although it didn't hurt, he still covered his arm, looking very painful, a burst of teeth grinning, don't ask why, ask is human love.

Rhanice snorted and pouted, not wanting to talk to this guy with pompous acting.

The two sat side by side, Riel didn't bother anymore, just reached out and took Renis's hand, and Renice struggled at first, but gave up the struggle when he didn't give up.

"I heard that you were pursued by the Great Prince of Gobutia? You rejected him many times, why? Riel looked at Renice and asked curiously.

"You want me to be with a 40-year-old uncle? He didn't really like me, I didn't like him, he just wanted my property and connections, wanted me involved in their battle for the throne, and his eyes and attitude towards women made me sick and disgusted.

Renice smiled slyly,

"My suitor is a prince, and possibly a future king, are you afraid?"

Riel pouted disdainfully:

"Afraid? Isn't it the future king of a country, even if he calls himself 'the world aristocratic Draco of the descendants of God', as long as he dares to bully you, I dare to put a sack knock on the door and teach them to be human!"

After a pause, Riel added:

"The world is chaotic, my family has the final say!"

Riel has a background to compete with the Gobhutianian Kingdom, and Renice believes that in her eyes, Riel should be a high-ranking descendant of some naval headquarters who came to the North Sea to experience gold plating.

But hearing the second half of Riel's words "Draco", her pupils shrank and there was a little fear in her eyes, which reminded her of some bad memories, that accident she was almost robbed by Draco Rozwald Charros Saint and became his 13th wife.

Fortunately, the naval hero Vice Admiral Karp was also there at the time, helping her resolve the crisis.

On this continent, the Draco are at the top of power, and the world government was formed by 20 kings of 20 countries 800 years ago, and the kings who acted as "creators" brought their families to live in the Holy Land of Marie Joa.

However, the royal family of Neferutari, who lived in the kingdom of Alabastan, refused to move to the Holy Land of Marijaua.

The descendants of the remaining 19 kings are the Draco who dominate the world government, have all the privileges, and consider themselves "descendants of the Creator".

Draco considers himself a "descendant of the Creator" and considers himself a "god", everyone else is a "mortal", and male Draco will add "holy" after his name; Female Draco will add "palace", they can ignore the law, any behavior they do is reasonable, and their behavior will not be subject to any restrictions.

Draco considers himself superior and treats anyone other than Draco with a serious discriminatory attitude, not treating others as human beings.

You can take anyone else as your own slave, the slave is at their disposal, some Draco will print the "Dragon's Hoof" mark representing the Draco badge on the slave, which can be sold or killed, and the status of the slave is not as good as the dog raised by the Draco.

To prevent slaves from escaping, they injected them with tranquilizers and put explosive collars on them.

Draco can take anyone they fancy as their spouse and throw it away as long as they get tired of playing. If Draco passes through the crowd, all civilians must get out of the way and give Draco a wide path.

At the same time, all civilians must kneel and bow their heads, waiting for the Draco to pass, even if they kill the civilians in front of everyone, the others can only be regarded as not seeing.

Most Draco have personal bodyguards with them, they have the power to recruit the navy, if offended by civilians, they will even send admirals to protect themselves, and CP0 will be dispatched as a guard to protect themselves during special periods, but if there is a conflict within the Draco, the navy and CP0 have no right to interfere.

The countries that are members of the world government need to pay "heavenly gold" to the Draco, and failure to do so will lead to serious consequences, and many countries will lead to famine and even destruction in the country in order to pay their share.


Although the fear in Renis's eyes only existed for a moment, it was still keenly detected by Riel.

"Have you been harassed by Draco?"

Instead of answering Riel's question, Renice asked,

"Do you know Lieutenant General Karp?"

Riel's expression suddenly became a little strange, which reminded him of the tragic experience of being taught by Karp and his other three brothers as a child.

Beaten from childhood to adulthood by armed color domineering, all kinds of drills, thrown into the abyss, thrown into the jungle at night, tied to balloons and released into the air, madly tempted on the edge of death.

Recalling the years when I went to the headquarters of the Navy, I doubled my training every time, and each time I fought with Karp and was beaten, and the next day I struggled to get out of bed and continue training.

In the words of his good grandfather Karp, he is still panting, as long as he is not dead, he will practice in death!

He immediately covered his face, wanted to wipe his bitter tears, and said sullenly:

"Why did you suddenly ask about that unreliable old man?"

Renice was a little confused (*•.•*) and said:

"Naval hero Karp, shouldn't you be very respected by your navy?" How do you call him an unreliable old man?

"You know Lieutenant General Karp?" Very familiar? Or was it taught? This was her guess when she noticed Riel's strangeness.

Riel let go of the hand covering his face, and his originally handsome, unruly face that always smiled was full of depression.

His eyes were a little weak, and he pouted childishly, and said:

"Karp, my grandfather!"

Renice was stunned and did not expect that Karp, the naval hero who helped her, was the grandfather of someone she liked, maybe this is fate!

Renice was no longer so puzzled and afraid of liking Riel, looking at Riel who was pouting and looking childish, her smile was gentle and quiet, and she couldn't help but stretch out two fingers to pinch, and one of his cheeks tugged.

Rielson rolled his eyes at Renice incomprehensibly, but did not pat Renice's slender and crystal white fingers.

Fiercely, her face turned red, like a peach blossom, and she looked at Riel with shame.

The unloveable expression on Riel's face disappeared, with a bad smile, he took Renis's finger, licked it, and sucked a few times, and found that it was quite sweet, it was the finger that Renis had taken to bake the cake.

Renice withdrew her finger and said in a shameful tone:

"Disgusting, pervert!"

Riel was not moved to shame, but lay on the grass and laughed heartily.


Rhaenys couldn't get angry, and sat on his lower abdomen and scratched...

"Okay, okay, Renice, I was wrong, you let me go." He begged for mercy.

"So you're still laughing?" Renice kept moving her hands, grabbing Riel's ears and pulling his cheeks and huffing.

Looking at Renise, who had begun to gasp for air, Riel knew that he could no longer tease her.

Although he was a little confused when he went to the hotel to find Renice at the beginning, he took the initiative to recall the various ways he saw in his previous life to get closer...

When you do not solve problems subconsciously, but actively think, you can often achieve the desired goal, of course, this is in the case of knowledge reserves.

Along the way, Riel was full of thoughts about how to get closer to Renis, and equipped himself with 800 heart eyes to achieve the immediate effect.

Riel retracted his smile, grabbed Renice's hand, pulled her into his arms, his eyes as clear as the sea were rippling with smiles, and his voice was low and magnetic:

"Then let me tell you about my childhood, okay?"

Renice was held by Riel, feeling Riel's body temperature and his fiery breath, her body began to feel a little hot, and her heart beat faster.

Only then did the embarrassed Renice come back to her senses, she pursed her red lips, her eyes were moist, shining with water, delicate, and her whole body was soft in Riel's arms.

Renice breathed a sigh of relief, there was no feeling of hard objects touching under her lower abdomen, she was afraid that Riel would not be able to control it, afraid that she would be embarrassed.

Although they are only one step away from doing everything, as long as they have not made the last step, there is always a chance to regret it, and of course it is best not to regret it!

"Then you let me go first!" Renice's voice was hoarse with an indescribable charm and laziness, which she didn't mean to do, and she herself was startled by her own voice!

Renice bit her lip and looked at Riel resentfully, as if to say that she blamed you!

To say that holding a stunner in his arms without feeling it is impossible, but his control over himself far exceeds that of ordinary people, so he restrains himself.

But hearing Renice's lazy and seductive voice, the watery and resentful eyes as if speaking, all made Riel's spirit beat, and he had the urge to turn into a beast in place.

This made him have a toothache, feeling that he was lifting a rock to shoot himself in the foot, and originally wanted to tease Renice, but he made himself uncomfortable and had nowhere to vent (ᇂ_ᇂ|||).

Looking at Renise, who unintentionally showed her amorous feelings, he remembered a sentence in his previous life, when a woman is the most moving, when her amorous feelings are inadvertently revealed, she is really a fairy!


Riel breathed a long sigh of relief, closed his eyes, and felt everything around him, the lazy rustle of the waves crashing on the beach in the distance, and the refreshing mountain breeze whistling in the near distance.

Seeing Riel close her eyes, Renice ignored herself and struggled to get up from Riel's arms.

He sat up with his eyes closed, but did not let go of his embrace, and a soft, soothing song reached Renice's ears.

"Gentle and lazy sea breeze

" blows to high peaks, "warm wind, mountain peaks" blows into

mountain winds

, "why are you not"Ask the mountain

wind, you will come back", "Summer wind, I will always remember

", "clearly say you love me

", I see your cool smile

, "There are also shy times..."

Riel opened his eyes, looked down at Renice who was squinting and smiling quietly, the singing stopped, Renice opened her eyes, purple eyes were as bright as stars, looking at Riel waiting for him to speak.

Because of the singing and the surrounding environment, the two calmed down a lot, without the heat and discomfort before.

He lowered his head and kissed affectionately, kissing Renise's smooth and white forehead, his eyes were longing, and his voice was gentle and reluctant:

"But I want to hold you, let me hold you, okay?"

Listening to Riel's crispy tone, looking at his handsome facial features, heartwarming handsome face, especially the longing blue eyes, plus his gentle kiss.

Renice tilted her head and did not answer, she gave her choice with practical actions, she found a comfortable position, her head rested on Riel's shoulder and the corner of her mouth hooked, and her smile was beautiful!

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