Merlot, who had some gray hair, answered the phone worm, and Riel's voice came from inside, "Uncle Merlotte, it's me Riel."

Merlot swallowed back the person who was about to speak, hey, who was going to speak, and instead said "um" in a nasal voice, indicating his doubts.

"Riel, have you arrived in Hot Springs?"

Riel: "No, I haven't, I'm still in the Gobhutianan Kingdom, Colonel Merlot, do you know the Poussen Pirates?" Hearing

Riel's name change, the smile on Merlot's face converged and became serious, "Understand, what's the matter?" "

Merlot, as the head of the 444 branch of the North Sea, of course, he knows the strongest pirate group active in the North Sea.

The phone worm in Merlot's hand made a gesture of pushing glasses, and then a voice came out.

He said the typed manuscript....

Merlot nodded, and the phone worm in Riel's hand synchronized Merlot's movements and said: "Indeed, the Pousen Pirate Group has been very active recently, what do you think about Riel?" "

I have been in the North Sea for a while, and I have noticed that the strongest pirate group in the North Sea in recent times, the 'Pusen Pirates' group is very active, and in the past month they have been constantly targeting the 'Dirk family' fleet and attacking other merchant ships, I want to use this to teach the Pusen Pirate Group a lesson."

Merlot nodded and agreed with Riel's statement, "Tell me about it.

Riel breathed a sigh of relief and briefly described his plan.

"I want to unite with Count Dirk Voorhees of the Dirk family and let him go to the spa town on the grounds of requesting naval assistance, and bring enough money and valuables on board, which is to buy us, which is very reasonable."

"Then hold a banquet on the ship, invite the nobles and rich or their heirs, and go to the hot spring town together, so that there will be many more hostages who can be taken hostage for money, and secretly reveal this news to the peripheral eyeliner of the Poussen Pirates, and under the temptation of enough wealth, even if the pirates suspect that there is a problem, they are likely to take risks and attack Waris's cruise ship."

"In the end, I took down all the pirates on the ship, and the branch was responsible for receiving the pirate prisoners and facing the harassment of several other teams of the Pusen Pirates."

Merlot praised:

"It's a good idea, I have a few questions, first, how do you keep everyone safe, second, how do you get Count Dirk Warries to cooperate with you, and third, do you know who the peripheral members of the Poussen Pirates are?" The fourth Pouson Pirates are not hooked, how are you going to compensate Dirk Vooris. Riel


"Worthy of your Uncle Merlot, you can point out a few key problems with the plan at once."

Merlot nodded in satisfaction and smiled smugly.

Riel immediately responded seriously:

"First, I will be domineering, second, as long as I show enough strength, I think Count Dirk Warrees will not refuse, third, I don't know now, Count Warrees may know, fourth, within my bottom line, help Count Wares once, I believe he will not refuse this compensation."

Merlot was a little stunned, he was not puzzled by the fact that Riel would use domineering, and the domineering Tricolor Riel would be confused.

Domineering, domineering is divided into three types, they are also known as three-color domineering, respectively, can improve defense and attack power, make people's bodies as hard as iron, the body part will turn black when used, and can attack the elemental form of the natural Devil Fruit ability.

It can make people's five senses keen, can detect the breath and emotional changes of surrounding creatures, and can also be used to predict and avoid danger, and even predict the future "seeing and hearing domineering".

And the most special and least common, can only be acquired congenitally, can not be cultivated the day after tomorrow, has the posture of a king, without a shot, you can rely on your own "courage" to intimidate, deter and stun the enemy, can make the opponent much weaker than themselves faint, but if the control is not good, it will implicate the people around you; On the contrary, if you are proficient in domineering cultivation, you can achieve the coercive effect and even cause damage to the object of the "overlord color domineering".

Merlot replied

, "Then you can now carry out the mission according to the plan, Ensign Riel."

"Good." Rare replied.

Merlot added: "If you don't find the peripheral eyeliner of the Poussen Pirates, you can tell other pirate forces or gangsters about it.

Riel blurted out, "Why."

Merlot nodded with a slight smile, "The Poussen Pirates are targeting the Dirk family." Riel

understood what Merlot meant, the Dirk family is a big family, there are many fleets that go to sea to trade every day, want to know the route they sail, find a fleet suitable for attack, need a lot of people to stare to get the news and intelligence they want, which is likely to be more than the Poussen Pirates, the eyes of a force are staring....

"I see, Uncle Merlot, thanks for the reminder."

"If Uncle Merlot plans well, I will step down as an ensign of the 444th Branch of the Navy, and I will take the initiative to contact the headquarters to explain the reason."

Merlot nodded with a smile on his face,

"Are you afraid of implicating the branch?"

Riel nodded silently.

Merlot looked at the phone worm in his hand and nodded his head without speaking, he thought for a while and said:

"Riel, this plan, it is impossible for the branch not to participate, because escorting the pirates requires the branch to do it, you leave the branch and do not serve in the branch, although you can transfer most of the hatred of the Pousen Pirates, but the Pousen Pirates will not retaliate against the branch?"

Riel said, "I can protect secretly.

Merlot nodded and asked rhetorically,

"You secretly protect it so that it won't be discovered?" They can send someone to inquire secretly, or will they discover your existence, directly use this, attack the branch to force you to appear, it is better to point directly, just stay in the branch to deter the enemy.

Riel was dumbfounded.

Melo paused and said:

"We are the navy, fighting pirates, protecting civilians is our responsibility, sacrifice is inevitable, since you choose to join the navy, you should be ready to sacrifice, no one knows who will leave, or you, or me!"

Riel let out a breath, stood still, and gave a military salute, "I see, Uncle Merlot." Merlot

hung up, smiled gratifyingly, was a nice little ghost, and then he dialed the number of the headquarters, although the sacrifice was inevitable, but it could be minimized!

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