One person from each of the four sides rushed out of the four sides to form the first killing circle, and a moment later two more people from each of the four sides rushed out to form the second killing circle, and the remaining 30 people wandered around him, seeking a flaw or waiting for an opportunity to fill the vacant spot.

The first four people rushed to Riel at the same speed, he did not move, the four people approached, in front of him a 2-meter-tall, burly man, picked up a sandbag-sized fist and smashed it into his face, the left and right two people held the wooden sword horizontally, and the one behind him held the wooden sword high and slashed straight down.

He was surrounded by attacks, seemingly unavoidable, and disappeared when he was about to hit him in the head as a fist.

The short body moved sideways, got up and held the wrist of the big han, and brought it forward with force, the big man's eyes were confused, and he was driven forward by an irresistible huge force, stumbling forward, in his eyes a wooden sword, getting closer and closer quickly became larger, bang, the person wielding the sword did not have time to collect the force, the wooden sword hit his head solidly, and puffed out a red envelope.

Without waiting for him to cry out in pain, there was a huge pain in his left and right waist, so that he could not make a sound directly in pain.

Riel kicked the poor man's butt, he stumbled forward and threw one person directly to the ground, and the two on the left and right reacted quickly with a big stride and slashed at him again.

He did not retreat, once again relied on the speed advantage, avoided the slash, faced the two people with dilated pupils, showed a bright smile, one person rewarded a brain melon, the two heads of this bounce were thrown back, their eyes instantly rolled white, and they fell to the ground and covered their foreheads and rolled up.

The onlookers who watched this had a toothache and a tingling scalp.

The 8 people in the second wave of encirclement all froze and lost their concentration for a moment, and a figure did not hesitate, quietly went up, a few big strides ran wildly, and came behind Riel and jumped up, kicking his head with a sharp whip.

Riel had already noticed it, turned around and grabbed Cissai's foot, turned 360 degrees in place to unload, forced back the approaching Gard and Klin, and threw him fiercely.

Sisai flew straight out like an arrow, with the sound of howling wind.

An Tai appeared in front of Xisai with a fast run, and as soon as he grabbed Xisai's foot, he turned around in place for several times before unloading his strength.

He did not put Cisse down, but with Riel's strength, he threw Cisse back again.

This dramatic scene made the sailors a little frozen, and then couldn't help laughing, "Lieutenant Cissai is also too miserable. Flying

at low altitude, Cissai had a black face and decided to finish training and find trouble with that group of bastards.

Riel took two steps forward in a few dodges, dodged two slashes, and then rushed up, only a punch away from the tall and muscular Klin.

Klin was a little startled at first, then a smile appeared on his rough face, he abandoned the wooden sword, his muscles tensed and his arms opened and closed quickly, he wanted to control Riel.

Riel grinned, trying to control me? Do you think you can take me a punch?

One hand into a fist, an inch of fist smashed into Klin's lower abdomen, his muscles all over his body trembled, his back bent, bitter water spit out and flew upside down.

Riel took a few steps to avoid saliva, his hands interlaced

in muscles, and he used a six-style iron block.

With the impact force, Sai raised his right arm and slammed into Riel, his fist made contact with Riel's body, and there was no feeling of touching flesh, his fist seemed to hit a hard steel plate.

With a click, the strong countershock force directly shattered his hand bones, and a huge pain came from his fist, spreading throughout his body, he gritted his teeth, did not scream, his expression was distorted, just snorted.

Without giving Cissai a chance to land on the ground and open his position, Riel threw him away with force, smashed a punch in his face, spit out a mouthful of blood, and he was directly knocked to the ground....

In less than 10 minutes 42 fell to the ground, groaning in pain and rolling around, this is good to sound is actual combat training, not good is to take the initiative to be beaten, of course, Riel also released water, otherwise there would be no training effect at all, he can kill 42 people instantly.

Watching them fall to the ground, the look of pain, he seemed to see himself in the main department, not at that time he was worse than them, he now thinks back to those years, there is still an inexplicable palpitation and shadow.

In this practical combat class, he was beaten by Karp to death, Kendo class was cut by the preparatory general Peach Rabbit is not an adult, physical training was chased by Karp with a mountain, and if it stops, it will be smashed to death, and every training is a challenge to the limit of will and life....

Turning back to his senses, thinking that now he is the one who disciplined others, not that he was trained, he was in a much better mood, the hard life finally came out, the dragon-slaying boy eventually became a dragon, he said with a little pleasure:

"Are you in pain now?" Feeling like you're about to faint, but can you persevere on your own will, barely endure the pain without fainting?

"No need to doubt, because I did it deliberately, every attack I make is at the limit of your endurance, only in this way can I exercise your will!"

"Of course, you can also choose to pass out, and then be carried away by the soldiers and go to the medicine pool to take a bath comfortably."

"But do you know what it means to faint in front of the enemy and not be able to stand up again?"

"It means that you have given your life to the enemy, and as long as you are not dead, breathing, and conscious, you should struggle to get up and continue to fight."

"Give me all stand up and garbage, don't dump on the ground like a waste, waste can only be waste, but garbage at least has the value of recycling."

A figure rolled over, An Tai burst out with all his strength, flashed to the back of Riel's head, raised his right arm, quickly swung out, and smashed into the back of his head.

"Boy, who do you look down on!"

He did not turn around, easily held the swinging fist with his backhand, slightly forced, An Tai's hand bone shattered, his expression twisted and he snorted, and did not hesitate to swing his left fist.

Riel turned around and kicked him sideways, kicking him out for several meters, smoke billowing and fists falling, "I didn't look down on you, I was just talking about a fact, trash."

One by one, the sailors who fell to the ground struggled to get up angrily and rushed towards Riel shouting, "Bastard, eat me with a punch." After

20 minutes, only 8 people remained conscious, and 34 fell to the ground and fainted.

Riel nodded, quite satisfied with this result, the will of the 444 branch is still very firm, the first wave all stood up, and finally there were 8 people left, very good, after all, not everyone can endure the pain of their own limits....

At night, Ryel stood by the waterfall pool, with some toothache, thinking back to the pain of being hit by the current this morning, he felt the urge to turn around and leave.

Phew~, he let out a soft breath, took out the phone worm, and dialed Renice.

A moment after a moment the phone answered, "What's wrong?" "

I missed you!"

Just out of the bathroom, Renice, wrapped in a bath towel, rolled her eyes, but there was a little more smile on her face, and the phone worm synchronized her movements and expressions.

Seeing that Renice didn't want to take care of herself, Riel took the initiative to ease the atmosphere and said

, "Haha, you shouldn't say a word back, did I miss you too?"

She first hardened, "Boring."

Then he said softly, "Well, I missed you too, can I wait for me?"

"Of course, the knight will always wait for his princess."

"Why knights? Not a prince?

"Because I think knights are more romantic!"

"Honey, what are you going to do?"

"I just finished my shower and I'm going to dry my hair."


His tone was long, and his tone was somewhat meaningful.

The corners of Renise's mouth smiled, she had already guessed what the guy would say later, and it must be something that made people blush.

She held the phone worm in her hand and made a gesture of wiping the corners of her mouth, and then a voice came out, confirming her conjecture.

"I'm already imagining your seductive appearance in the bath, fair skin, graceful figure, black hair and shawl, straight and slender legs..." Sure

enough, Renice pulled the corners of her mouth and turned on the hair dryer to shield his language pollution.

Listening to the buzzing wind in the phone worm, Riel smiled, pushed the gold wire monocle, and stopped talking.

He put down the phone worm and looked at the waterfall and suddenly felt less depressed and resistant.

For no reason, a very middle sentence surfaced in his heart, which made him can't help but grin.

Love gives me strength!

PS: I changed Riel's cultivation under the waterfall from focusing on feeling nature to hollowing out the mind and understanding nature. Please give this book a review, add a bookshelf, click to urge the change, and give a free gift "Power for Love" Thank you!

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