"Go to the top level of Gro, you were right before, the pirates blocked the movement of the passenger ship with artillery, you can't drive the passenger ship away, you can't delay time, you may be hit by artillery fire on the way to drive, leaving is the most correct choice."

The first mate, who is about 1.8 meters tall, has brown hair and brown eyes, and a short black beard, has an open mouth and wants to say something.

"Time is precious, don't waste any more time, you go and lead the rest of the crew to pacify the passengers, this is the order."

Damiko's words made him, who still wanted to say something, close his mouth and look at Damiko's not tall, but unusually handsome back.

His vision was blurry, and everything in front of him seemed to have changed in his eyes, as he did when he was young, standing on the branch school field and looking at this back.

He stood there and gave a solemn military salute, "Yes, Lieutenant Damico!" Gro

ran to the cabin, Damico used the address system to pacify all the passengers, and the rest of the crew arrived in the cabin, and the chaos gradually improved.

Watching the situation gradually stabilize, Damico breathed a sigh of relief, when the phone bug rang, he connected the phone bug, and Rissi's slightly hurried voice came out.

"Captain, I have asked for help from the nearby navy, and it will take 20 minutes for the nearest navy to arrive."

Is it about 20 minutes? Looking at the pirate ship that was only a kilometer away, Damiko sighed in his heart, everything that should be done has been done, and now he can only wait for rescue.

"I see."

"Okay Captain, can we return to the kingdom safely?"

"I don't know, but there is hope."

Hanging up the phone, Damiko said into the radio system again:

"Everyone please note that the pirate ship is about to connect with the passenger ship..." His words caused a certain commotion, but it was quickly calmed down by the crew, and the passengers had fled to the upper deck, and only a few 10 people remained on the lower three floors.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you are unfortunately caught by pirates, please do not resist, yes, you heard correctly, I said do not resist!"

"Please try your best to cooperate with the pirates and follow their arrangements, only in this way will you be more likely to survive and wait for rescue."

"In the case of disparity in strength, senseless resistance will only make us die faster, what we have to do is delay the pirates as much as possible and wait for the naval rescue."

"Of course, don't resist, it doesn't mean that you give up resistance, but every choice you make means that you have to bear the corresponding risks."

"To live is to have a future, and when you are dead there is nothing."

After repeating this passage several times, Damiko ran to the cabin and headed for the upper deck.

On his way back to the cabin, the passenger ship did not shake again, and the pirates stopped shelling when they found that the passenger ship stopped, and for them, since the target chose to give up resistance and the goal was achieved, there was no need to attack again.

The crew who were waiting on the first floor were a little anxious, and they were relieved to see the captain running in and coming in, and at this time, the aisle on the first floor had been blocked, leaving only enough for one person to pass.

When Damiko walked up to the second floor, the remaining crew members blocked the opening....

The pirates put the wooden ladder on the passenger ship, and Arno boarded the passenger ship deck and walked into the cabin to look at the sealed aisle, he brought a gloomy face with a little icy smile.

"Huh, a little game of cat and mouse?"

He ordered some of the men to carry the supplies on the lower deck of the passenger ship, and the rest to clear the passage.

He walked to the bar, took out a bottle of red wine and a goblet from the wine cabinet, and sat on the tall pedal, holding Erlang's legs.

Picking up the red wine, he flexed his middle finger and flicked it at the mouth of the bottle, "bang~" The mouth of the bottle shattered, and the glass bottle flew around and embedded in the wooden cylinder.

Arno cocked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, the dark red liquid was slowly poured into the goblet, making a clear sound of running water, his wrist shook, the wine floated in the glass, the dark pupils, cold and abnormal, the smile narrowed into slits, and an unspeakable depression and fear lingered around him.

It seems that there is a monster living in his body, a monster called Fear!

"Oh, I almost forgot, the helmsman went and drove the ship."

"Yes, Captain Arno."

On the fifth floor of the passenger ship, listening to the dull sound of heavy objects being moved out of the lower level, and the shouts and scolding of pirates, the passengers became riotous again, and uneasy emotions quickly spread and boiled in the crowd.

"Hurry up the people in front! The pirates have already boarded the ship, and if we don't hurry up, we will be caught up by the pirates, and then not only our money will be robbed, but our lives will also be threatened.

"Yes, yes!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing that the crowd was tending to be chaotic again, Damiko calmly spoke, "Give me quiet, maintain order, and whoever is disturbing the crowd will give me the last face."

"Why are you..."

Damiko did not speak, raised the flintlock gun in his hand, and silently told the person who opened his mouth an answer, why, by the gun in my hand.

The person who opened his mouth saw Damiko's actions and silently swallowed the unfinished words back into his stomach, and the people around him who were about to move were deterred when they saw this situation.

At the same time, the top floor of the passenger ship was full of people, although there were many but not cluttered, distributed in a certain arrangement.

In the outermost layer are middle-aged and younger men except children, the middle layer are older men, followed by older women, and middle-aged and younger except for women with children, children are protected in the innermost layer.

Women have more or less dirt on their faces and bodies, and a small number of people do not give themselves such protection for various psychological reasons.


In a room on the 8th floor of the cabin, Naxi holds her daughter and shrinks in her arms, her eyes full of fear and anxiety.

Not long ago, the pirates cleared the obstacles in the aisle, the pirates caught up with the people, and Funa Dako let everyone scatter before the pirates caught up.

Although everyone was notified in advance, there were too many people, and some people still failed to hide in the room in time and were caught by pirates.

In order not to let the crowd scatter and flee again, the pirates shot and killed several fleeing guys, and some of the people close to the pirates gave up resistance and squatted in place with their heads in their hands, while the people who were far away chose to continue to escape.

The Spencers were lucky that when the pirates rushed to the 8th floor, they were in the middle and upper part of the crowd, and found the opportunity to hide in a room at the end of the 8th floor.

Bang! A dull knocking sound sounded.

Startling the couple, their bodies stiffened, their breathing stagnated, staring at the door blocked by various objects.

The knocking did not stop, one louder than the next, one more dull than the next, the husband and wife had the illusion that it was not the door that was knocked, but their hearts, and in the indescribable oppressive environment, the door did not move at all.

It was not the door of their room that had been smashed, but the door of the room next to them was being slammed violently.

They breathed a slight sigh of relief, and then a little despair, the good news was that it was not they who were smashed, and the bad news was that they were the next to be smashed.

Naxi looked at Spencer in horror, "What to do?"

Spencer looked at his panicked wife, and his heart was also desperate, but he covered his despair well, even if he was afraid at this time, he could not show it, he hugged his wife tighter, comforted:

"Don't be afraid, I am here, I will protect you!"

Feeling her husband's strong hug, firm tone, Naxi felt a little relieved, she looked down at her sweetly sleeping daughter in her swaddling, a gentle smile on her face, no matter how she had to live.

Bang! With a sound louder than any previous knock, the door of the next room cracked.

The pirate who broke open the door rushed into the room and kicked the young man who fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

The man screamed and spat out a mouthful of blood, which frightened a girl hiding in the room and couldn't help but scream.

The pirate turned to look at the girl, grinning, eyes filled with the flame of desire, even though the girl's face was dirty.

"Hehe, hey, you can finally vent."

Listening to the pirate's obscene words, the girl's eyes were full of fear, she knew that she shouldn't scream, but the scene just now was still too scary and shocking for a girl like her.

Sometimes, it's not that you don't know what to do, but you forget, habits and subconscious, often much faster than your brain, which is hindsight.

The girl turned her body and wanted to escape, but the room was so big, she ran to the wall in a few steps, she looked at the wall in despair, her eyes dull.

Obscene laughter sounded behind her....

Listening to the screams of the men in the next room, the desperate resistance of the woman for help, Naxi and Pencer's hearts were cold, fear and uneasiness filled the room, the air seemed to freeze, only the clinging body and the infant sleeping daughter could give them a trace of warmth and comfort.

Bang! A dull knock on the door sounded again.

PS: I didn't expect it, I returned from the gray charcoal dead!

Stable update, haha ٩( 'ω' )و !

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