The streets at night were particularly lively, with many people walking in groups.

Women, holding men's hands, were talking and laughing on the side of the street. Almost every couple was in groups, and it was rare to see a single person in the kingdom.

Since Doflamingo left, things have naturally gotten better. Even pirates would abide by the rules of the kingdom, drinking in the tavern and gathering together.

Bai Jing, followed by Scarlett, walked towards the palace high ground step by step.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

Some people spent their lives in love, while others spent their lives in fear, and the worried person was naturally Cyrus.

Because Bai Jing asked him to wait for him in the palace, he rarely went to the palace tonight.

A head of long black curly hair and a goatee.

Wearing a sword fighter's helmet, cloak, metal wrist guard, and carrying a sword, as if it has become his standard, he stood alone in the palace hall.

His eyes flickered above the bright hall, looking expectantly outside the hall, wondering who was waiting.

King's Highland, Bai Jing looked at such a high hill, his eyes condensed, although there is a road to go, but he feels too slow, in this case, why not a faster way?

Bai Jing's finger pointed at Scarlett's body, this is the ability of the gravity fruit, which can make his body lighter by dozens of times, and it is also another way for Bai Jing to develop this gravity fruit.

Since it can lead meteorites from the sky, why can't it lead itself to the sky?

Similar to the ability of the floating fruit, one fruit has multiple uses, this is the wisdom of the Chinese traverser.

The bodies of the two slowly floated up, all the way to the King's Highland.

Bai Jing snapped his fingers, and the anti-gravity effect on their bodies was lifted, and they gently fell to the sunflower field above the King's Highland.

Bai Jing clearly remembered that it was here that Cyrus killed Mingge's cadres with one sword.

Scarlett saw this familiar place, her eyes were slightly complicated, and there was nostalgia on her face, as if she was recalling the time before.

That period of time was how happy Wuyouwu and Cyrus were. Now she is back to this familiar and strange land.

Looking up, it is the palace where she has lived for more than ten years, and in front of her is the sunflower field where she used to play.

Everything has changed, and it seems that nothing has changed. The only difference is that she has changed.

She is no longer the little girl, nor the carefree princess. Everything has changed.

If Bai Jing hadn't come to resurrect her, she might have died forever and been forgotten by everyone forever.

Bai Jing once again pointed out a black light and fell on her body. The two of them floated up again and arrived at the glorious palace directly above.

Right in front of the palace is the hall.

At this time, in the hall, King Liku seemed to feel that his old friend was a little abnormal and worried today, and walked out from one side of the hall with Rebecca.

"Why are you alone in the hall today? Are you worried?"

King Liku smiled and looked at Cyrus.

Rebecca was a little worried, her eyebrows slightly locked, and she said, "Father, what's wrong with you today?"

"I've been feeling weird since I came back from the bullfighting arena."

"Even if you lose a game, so what? You are still the legendary creator of the bullfighting arena."

Looking at the worried faces of the two, Cyrus forced a smile on his face and said softly, "It's not this matter."

He hesitated a little, looked at the two, and finally spoke.

"In the morning, the masked man told me everything about Scarlett and me. Even how Scarlett died, my reaction at that time was exactly the same as the truth."

"If it was just that, I wouldn't have come to this point, but he said he could revive him. I don't know whether it's true or not, so I'm waiting for him here today."

"I hope it's not a dream, not a bubble."



Rebecca and King Riku spoke at the same time with surprise in their eyes. At this moment, they put away their smiles just now, and they couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

In these years, King Riku has forgotten a little bit, and tried to hide the sadness in his heart and not vent it.

But now that it was mentioned, King Riku, who was over fifty years old, felt a little uncomfortable.

And Rebecca's memory of Castel was still in her childhood, but it was so profound.

Now hearing such news, her face was stiff.

Seeing the reactions of the two,Cyrus sighed softly, and he knew.

The three of them, at this moment, stared intently at the empty hall outside.

The hall fell into a strange silence.

Bai Jing brought Casslet from outside the hall to the door of the hall.

Casslet's face was full of expectation. He was almost unable to suppress his inner feelings at this time, and he and Bai Jing trotted into the middle of the hall.

The three of them had been staring at the outside of the hall. When they found two figures coming in, their eyes quietly gathered outside, staring carefully, not daring to move away any focus.

When Bai Jing and Casslet stepped into the center of the hall, when the two looked at the three people above the hall, the hall seemed to be lit up by something.

The scene fell into a dead silence.

Cyrus looked at the figure in the hall, the figure he had missed for more than ten years, the figure he had felt guilty about for more than ten years. At this moment, the tears soaked his eyes in an instant.

Men don't shed tears easily, but when they are sad and painful.

There was a trace of trance in his eyes. Did he really see the person he had been thinking about?

Similarly, King Liku and Rebecca also had such feelings.

One was his daughter who had died for more than ten years. No one felt the loss of his daughter more deeply than him.

The other was his mother who had lost her mother for more than ten years. Rebecca missed her for many cold winters, and now this person appeared in front of him.

Even this old man who was nearly fifty years old had tears in his eyes at this time.

Not to mention Rebecca's, tears poured out like a flood, her mouth wrinkled slightly, the corners of her mouth pressed down, and her teeth bit her upper lip.

That was a crying face that was forcibly suppressing the sadness in her heart.

At this moment, Casslet couldn't help herself either. She showed the most beautiful smile she had ever seen, and stepped forward to meet the three people, opening her arms.

Two lines of tears slowly flowed down.

Seeing this scene, Bai Jing felt that Crocodile had entered his eyes, and his nose was slightly red.

Bai Jing cursed inwardly, "Damn Crocodile, why did you run into my eyes for no reason!"

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