The two of them, Gimlet, and Bai Jing and the others stayed on the pirate ship for two days before returning to the Kingdom of Lexus to live an ordinary life as ordinary people...

Before leaving, he made an agreement with Onesel.

That is, after his name spread throughout the sea, he would bring Franky back to drink with him.

Bai Jing and the others were still on the pirate ship, waiting for the arrival of the invincible super-luxury pirate ship ordered by the Golden Emperor.

During this time, everyone did not play around, but began to improve their strength.

Those who should improve physical skills improved physical skills, and those who should develop fruits developed fruits.

As the pace gets faster and faster, the enemies encountered in the future will become stronger, and the crew members on board will only become stronger, not weaker.

The next person Bai Jing asked to resurrect was the former admiral of the navy, Black Arm Zefa.

Using the power of the lucky fruit, condense into a line to find people, to find Zefa's two disciples, of course, mainly the woman among them who can make people age backwards.

After Black Arm Zephyr is resurrected, Whitebeard will be next, and there is still a lot of time to fulfill the agreement with Whitebeard.

Defeat Whitebeard and trick Whitebeard into boarding the ship, but Bai Jing needs to make a lot of preparations.

Because Whitebeard is set as the strongest man in the world in Pirates, not to mention Whitebeard who has experienced age regression and restored to his peak.

It's terrifying to think about it. Whether it is physical skills, swordsmanship, or the perverted fruit ability, it is not what Bai Jing can encounter now.

So Bai Jing first develops the fruit ability, and after resurrecting Admiral Zephyr, let Admiral Zephyr teach him physical skills. Isn't it beautiful?

Bai Jing came to the uninhabited place on the shore alone and began to study the ability of the Phoenix Fruit alone.

His whole body began to change, and his clothes turned into ashes under the burning of the Phoenix Fire.

His hands and feet changed.

His hands turned into huge phoenix wings, pieces of flames condensed by the Phoenix Fire.

The Phoenix Fire is different from the flame of the Flame-Flame Fruit. It is golden in color, has a higher temperature and a higher upper limit, and its wings become more than ten meters wide after spreading.

His feet turned into sharp claws, but he was still agile. His whole face changed completely and turned into a phoenix head.

He was extremely handsome, and the blazing flames continued to burn on his body.

The three slender phoenix feathers behind him often swayed behind him, which was extremely elegant.

The huge phoenix cried out and spread its body. The space in the sky was all reduced to a golden phoenix sea of ​​fire.


This Phoenix Fire is similar to Marco's Phoenix Fruit, and has a perverted recovery power.

Bai Jing carefully felt himself, and this recovery power might be even more perverted.

As long as it is not fatal, the damage will be ineffective to him, and he can recover in the first time.

Even if Garp's abnormal iron fist hit him, as long as he was not killed in one second, he would treat it as uninjured.

Bai Jing was also secretly shocked when he saw it. Could this be the mysterious oriental power?

The phoenix is ​​so strong.

He lowered the head of the phoenix, looked at his body, and directly flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

It was extremely majestic and powerful.

The whole body was golden, flying freely above the kingdom.

"Damn, look at how there is such a big golden bird above."

"What, what golden beak did you say?"

"Look up."

"My brother, where did this big golden bird come from? There is even a golden flame on its body!"

"Is this a legendary animal? Why have I never heard of it?"

On this day, many people below the kingdom raised their heads and looked at Bai Jing who was flying above.

That handsome phoenix body, and those huge phoenix wings.

I don’t know if they can recognize that this is a phoenix.

Bai Jing was very satisfied. He originally thought that he could only have the phoenix’s fruit ability when he met the phoenix Marco.

Unexpectedly, he met it in advance in the underworld world.

And this fruit ability is more perverted than he imagined.

The specific ability is still to be developed by himself.

After that, he slowly integrated and integrated all these fruit abilities one by one.

Too many fruit abilities are also a kind of trouble.

Compared with the phoenix Marco, the phoenix body transformed by his fruit ability is even larger, several times larger than Marco.

And he can also do partial fantasy beast transformation, that is, his hands become wings, the body remains unchanged, or a specific part changes.It looks roughly like this

After flying a circle, many people rushed to the direction where Bai Jing flew, wanting to see where Bai Jing was going and catch up with Bai Jing's footsteps.

Even the pirates with bad intentions have already had evil thoughts and want to capture this golden bird. If they sell it, they will definitely sell it at a very expensive price to those nobles.

But how fast is Bai Jing flying?

He roughly estimated that his speed was almost catching up with the speed of the navy warships sailing on the sea, and even faster if he was at full strength.

He flapped his wings and turned his head to the coast.

When he flew halfway, he had already thrown away nearly 90% of the people, and there was still 10% following behind him.

"What an annoying fly."

Bai Jing was impatient and swooped down. The huge phoenix power on his body emanated, similar to the effect of the domineering color domineering, which could intimidate other people.

If a weak and weak-willed person encountered this kind of pressure, he would definitely be frightened and faint.

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