At this time, all the admirals present were also staring at the man in the picture.

Most of them are generals who have been stationed in Malin Vando for a long time, and their strength is relatively strong, so they don't care about the wanted list issued in the dark world.

However, this does not mean that they are fearless, after all, they are about to face one of the most difficult guys in naval history.

And this guy had defeated two admirals personally earlier.

Everyone at the scene also knows the strength of the admiral, so they must concentrate on understanding every detail of Qin Chuan at the moment, so that they can gain the upper hand in this battle.

Immediately afterwards, Brannu changed the picture again.

This time it is about Qinchuan fighting scenes.

"According to our limited video records and intelligence collected from other places, Qin Chuan possesses very special combat moves.

He has turned into countless crows in the battle with the navy, so we infer that he may have acquired some kind of Eudemons Demon Fruit ability.

In addition, he can suddenly split countless branches from his body, and we also speculate that he may also have some natural devil fruit ability. "

"What? Does he have two Devil Fruit abilities? It's impossible, right? Isn't the Devil Fruit mutually exclusive?"

At this moment, after listening to Brannu's analysis, a brigadier admiral in the audience swallowed and asked in confusion.

"So this is where we are confused. At present, we are not sure whether he is a Demon Fruit capable person, but what is certain is that he has many powerful combat moves.

Not only that, according to the confession of the navy soldier who followed General Sakaski to the new world to intercept, he can also summon a monster like a monkey to help him fight.

And this is the picture of the monster he summoned at the time. "

Immediately afterwards, Brannu pointed at the projection curtain again.

This time, the projection curtain was swiped, and the figure of "Ape Demon" appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah? What is this guy? Why can he suddenly become a stick?"

When everyone saw the ape demon turned into a stick, everyone even exclaimed in exclamation.

"It's terrible, where did it come from? Why did it suddenly appear next to Qin Chuan?"

"Unexpectedly, he was able to repel General Sarkarski with a single blow. Fortunately, he is a natural demon fruit ability. Otherwise, this attack may cause severe damage to Sarkarski."

At this time, some people were talking in the audience.

But at this moment, suddenly the door to the meeting room opened, and Sakaski, wearing a conspicuous red suit, walked indifferently with a cigar in his mouth.

After seeing Sakaski personally come to the scene, Brannu and all the admirals present stood up.

"General Sakaski!"(Read more @

The people all saluted the visiting Sakaski.

"Huh, who said I was repelled?"

Sakarski quickly glanced at everyone on the scene and then spoke lightly.

As soon as these words were spoken, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense.

And the admiral who accidentally said that sentence just now started to sweat on his forehead.

"Sa, General Sakaski, just now they just said casually, don't take it seriously, and don't be angry.

After all, you, as one of the highest combat power of the navy headquarters, naturally cannot be defeated by others casually. "

At this time, Brannu hurriedly fought round the road.

"I came here this time, not trying to prove anything to you, I just want to tell you that everyone in the Qinchuan Pirate Group is nothing terrible.

And we are people who represent justice. If we were timid before the war, then you should stay in Marin Vando and don't shame me, understand? "

Sakaski scolded on the spot.


Where did everyone here dared to offend Sakaski, he was a guy who didn't even pay attention to the Marine Marshal, so everyone naturally responded in unison immediately.

"I can't hear clearly, speak up to Lao Tzu!"

At this time, Sakarski shouted again.

"Subordinates understand!"

This time, loud and loud shouts broke out on the scene.

Seeing the attitude of these people in front of him, Sakarski nodded in satisfaction, and then found a place to sit down.

"Brano, you can go on!"


After Brannu answered, he immediately began to introduce it to everyone.

"Everyone, although Qin Chuan is currently not sure whether he is a Devil Fruit capable person, there is one thing you can rest assured that he is definitely not an invincible person.

So General Sakaski is right, we don't need to be afraid of this group of guys.

Next, let me introduce the rest of the crew of the Qinchuan Pirate Group.

According to the current situation, the Qinchuan Pirate Group has the following members.

Among them, the deputy captain is the famous Douglas Barrett, but fortunately, he was poisoned on Daughters Island, so the information passed back from us shows that he has completely lost all combat capabilities.

So he can basically be excluded from this duel. "

After Brannu finished speaking, there was a burst of cheers on the scene.

After all, before the war, the opponent lost a main force, which is undoubtedly great news for the Navy.

"And the next ones who are more famous are Sha Klockdal, one of the members of the original King Xia Wuhai, and his current wife Boya Hancock.

But you don’t have to worry about it either, because our navy headquarters has already sent people to join the two top combat forces, Basolomi Xiong and Joracol Mihawk, who are also the king’s Qiwuhai, to the crusade against the Qinchuan Pirates During military operations.

So when the time comes, the four of them will have a contest. "

As soon as Brannu said this, there was another round of applause.

"Then next are the other less famous guys in the team. Among them is an old man who is blind, whose name seems to be a smile.

According to our intelligence, he was spotted by the Qinchuan Pirate Group on the Red Earth Continent before joining it. As for his identity, we still don't know.

All he knows is that he is holding a stick and knife, and at the same time has the ability to be related to the gravity field.

The other is a gangster from Rogge Town in the East China Sea. This guy is a barrier demon fruit capable person. He is not very strong, but his defensive ability is amazing. At that time he even took our admiral in Rogge Sa..."

Plano had forgotten that Sakarski was by his side at the moment, so he almost called out the name.

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